Q. 11. Read the following and answer the question that follows: 5 marks
The last lesson
i) “Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their places and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. I had to open the door and go in before every body. You can imagine how I blushed and how frightened I was.’’
‘‘I owe all my success in life to having been always a quarter of an hour before my time.’’
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Lord Nelson you begin to reflect on the importance of punctuality in a students’ life for his bright future and career.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need of punctuality in a student’s life.
ii)‘’My last French lesson! Why, I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn any- more! I must stop there, then! Oh how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds’ eggs, or going sliding on saar!’’
Alice Bloch quotes;
‘‘We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves.’’
After reading the lesson and the above quote of the anonymous writer you begin to reflect on how the temptations of the modern world like mobile phones, televisions, internet, video games etc. lure studenttowards themselves due to which they waste their precious time.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need of self discipline in a student’s life for a bright future.
iii)‘‘Every day we have said to ourselves, ‘ Bah! I’ve plenty of time. I’ll learn it tomorrow. Now you see where we have come out. Ah, that’s the trouble with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow.’’
Joshua Loth Liebmanquotes;
“Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Joshua Loth Liebman you begin to reflect onthe problem how many students postpone their important work and indulge in short term pleasure like chatting on internet, roaming playing, video games etc. due to which their future becomes bleak.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the importance of punctuality in a student’s life for his bright future and career.
iv) ‘’Now these fellows out there will have the right to say to you, ‘How is it; you pretend to be Frenchmen, and yet you can neither speak nor write your own language?’ But you are not the worst, poor little Franz. We’ve all a great deal to reproach ourselves with.’’
Rick Renzi writes;
“I have a high regard for Native languages and the pivotal role they have played in our nation's history.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote ofRick Renzi you begin to reflect on the lost spirit of native language amongst the youth in India. Indian youth today is moving away from the native language and is trying to incorporate foreign language and culture due to which respect for the native culture and nation is fast degrading.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need for revival of respect for the native culture and language amongst the youth in India.
v)” Your parents were not anxious enough to have you to learn. They preferred you to work on a farm or at the mills, so as to have a little more money.”
Grace Abbott says;
“Child labour and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Grace Abbott you begin to reflect on the problem of child labour in India due to which children are not able to study and when they grow up they lead the same miserable life like that of their father.This hinders the progress of the entire nation.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the role of youth in eradicating the social evil of child labour.
Lost Spring
i)‘‘ A few days later I see him running up to me. “ Is your school ready?”
“It takes longer to build a school.” I say, embarrassed at having made a promise that was not meant. But promises like mine abound in every corner of his bleak world.’’
Denis Waitley (American motivational Speaker and Author)quotes :
‘’Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote ofDenis Waitley you begin to reflect that youth today is lacking will power and commitment. They promise a lot of things to their parents, teachers and elders. When it is the time to fulfil their commitments they make excuses for not keeping their promises. This habit of making excuses or shifting blame on others makes their future life miserable.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the importance ofkeeping promises and commitments as they are the only means of achieving success today.
ii) ‘’It seems that for children, garbage has a meaning different from what it means to their parents. For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for the elders it is a means of survival.’’
Carolyn Peterson quotes;
“I think grandmothers are more open, even more than mothers sometimes, to the goodness in children. We aren't always trying to push the children to do 'what's best' for them. They aren't being allowed to be children. What I think we should change is our perception of children.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Carolyn Peterson you begin to reflect that today parents have become over protective and competitive by nature. Parents keep on putting pressure on their children to achieve what they want and care less about what the child wants. This develops a sense of frustration in the child. He/She takes to the bad habits like smoking, drinking and drugs to relieve himself/herself from frustrations and pressures. Some even go to the extent of committing suicide.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the importance of counseling for the parents and their children for the betterment of the both.
iii) ‘’The steel canister seems heavier than the plastic bag he would carry so lightly over his shoulders. The bag was his. The canister belongs to the man who owns the tea shop. Sahib is no longer his own master!’
Grace Abbott writes
“Child labour and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labor to the end of time.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Grace Abbott you begin to reflect on the problem of child labour in India due to which children are not able to study and when they grow up they lead the same miserable and pathetic life like that of their father.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the problem of child labour and the means to eradicate this social evil.
iv) ‘‘Mukesh’s family is among them. None of them know that it is illegal for children like him to work in the glass furnaces with high temperatures, in dingy cells without air and light; that the law enforced, could get him and all those 20,000 children out of the furnaces where they slog their daylight hours, often losing the brightness of their eyes.’’
Alexis Herman writes;
“If we can't begin to agree on fundamentals, such as the elimination of the most abusive forms of child labor, then we really are not ready to march forward into the future.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Alexis Herman you begin to reflect on the problem of child labour in India due to which children are not able to study and when they grow up they remain illiterate and they lead the same miserable and pathetic life like that of their father. This hampers the overall growthof the entire nation.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the importance of abolishing child labour for developing nation.
v) “It is his Karma, his destiny,”says Mukesh’s grandmother, who has watched her own husband go blind with the dust from polishing the glass bangles. ‘Can a god-given lineage be broken?’ she implies.’’
Sargent Shriver quotes;
‘’If education does not create a need for the best in life, then we are stuck in an undemocratic, rigid caste society.’’
After reading the lesson and the above quote ofSargent Shriveryou begin to reflect that, today’s society is divided on the name of caste, creed, region and religion. This is having an adverse effect on the progress of our youth and nation. The youth is fast loosing the values of tolerance towards other caste, creed, region, religion and social harmony.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need to develop values of tolerance towards other caste, creed, region, religion and social harmony in today’s youth.
vi)‘’The young men echo the lament of their elders. Little has moved with time, it seems, in Firozabad. Years of mind- numbing toil have killed all initiative and the ability to dream.”
‘’Accept fate, and move on. Don't yield to the seductive pull of self-pity. Acting like a victim threatens your future.”
“Accept fate, and move on. Don't yield to the seductive pull of self-pity. Acting like a victim threatens your future.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote ofanonymous you begin to reflect on the problem of ragging and bullying in schools and colleges in the name of introduction. They leave a scar on the personality of the child. Some bear it quiet and some fail to accept the insult and humiliation and take the drastic measure of killing themselves.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need to raise voice against ragging and not to accept it at any cost.
i)’’ I had not been there long when in came a big bruiser of a boy, probably eighteen years old. He had thick hairs on his chest. He was a beautiful physical specimen; with legs and arms that showed rippling muscles. He yelled, “Hi,Skinny! How’d you like to be ducked”
Harvey S. Firestone (American industrialist founder of the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.,) quotes;
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Harvey S. Firestone you begin to reflect on the problem of ragging and bullying in schools and colleges in the name of introduction. They leave a scar on the personality of the child. Some bear it quiet and some fail to accept the insult and humiliation and take the drastic measure of killing themselves.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the youth needs to raise voice against ragging.
ii) ‘‘I was frightened, but not yet frightened out of my wits. On the way down I planned: When my feet hit the bottom, I would make a jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool.’’
Dale Carnegie quotes (American lecturer, author) quotes;
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Dale Carnegie you begin to reflect that today’s youth lacks courage to face defeats or failure due to which the cases of suicide are on rise among the youth.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine onthe need of counseling for school children in coping with stress and failure.
iii)’’ Then all the efforts ceased. I relaxed. Even my legs felt limp;and a blackness swept over mybrain. It wiped out fear; it wiped out terror. There was no more panic. It was quiet and peaceful. Nothing to be afraid of. This is nice…to be drowsy… to go to sleep… no need to jump…”
Pope Paul VIquotes;
‘’All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.’’
After reading the lesson and the above quote ofPope Paul VIyou begin to reflect on the problem that today students instead of relying on self study are getting more and more dependent on tuition and coaching classes for notes and securing good marks which harms them in long run as they are not able to develop the ability of building ideas and concepts.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need of self study for the students.
iv) ‘’At first my legs refused to work. But they gradually relaxed; and finally I could command them.
Thus piece by piece, he built a swimmer. And when he had perfected each piece, he put them together into an integrated whole.”
Colin Powell quotes;
“A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote ofColin Powell you begin to reflect that youth today instead of relying on hard work tries to make their life comfortable through shortcuts. For earning quick money they get involved in the field of crime or fraud, as a result they not only make their life miserable but at the same time destroy their families and others as well.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need of hard work for achieving higher goals of life.
v) ‘‘The next morning stripped, dived into the lake, and swam across to the other shore and back- just as Doung Corpon used to do. I shouted with joy, and Gilbert Peak returned the echo. I had conquered my fear of water.’’
Robert Kiyosaki quotes (American motivational Speaker and Author.)
‘’Face your fears and doubts, and new worlds will open to you.”
After reading the lesson and the above quotes Robert Kiyosaki you begin to reflect that today’s youth lacks courage to face defeats or failure in different walks of life. This is resulting in frustration in the youth. Due to this the cases of suicide and crime are on the rise among the youth.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine onthe need of counseling for school children in coping with stress of success and failure.
The Rattrap
i)’’But even so , the business was not especially profitable, so he had to resort to both begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together.”
Marcus Aurelius says;
“Poverty is the mother of crime.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote ofMarcus Aureliusyou begin to reflect that today world is full of commodities and articles like fancy motorbikes, watches, mobile phones, shopping malls etc. attract youth towards them. Since most of the youth lack the money to buy the things of their choice they enter in the field of crime to earn money and fulfil their wishes and dreams.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the importance of developing the ability of self control in youth.
ii) ‘’Instead of the sour faces which ordinarily met him, the owner, who was an old man without wife of child, was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness.’’
Mother Teresa says;
“Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Mother Teresa you begin to reflect that due to nuclear family and working spouses, youth today is slowly getting insensitive towards their old parents. Instead of taking care of them they consider them as burden and they send them to old age homes.
Write an article in about 100 words for a national magazine on the need of revival of respect for elders in today’s youth.
iii) ‘’The rattrap offered cheese and pork, and as soon as anyone let himself be tempted to touch the bait, it closed on in on to him, and then everything came to an end.’’
Swami Nirmalanandquotes;
“Our modern society is engaged in polishing and decorating the cage in which man is kept imprisoned.”
After reading the lesson and the above quote of Swami Nirmalanand you begin to reflect on how the temptations of the modern world like mobile phones, televisions, internet, video games, fashion etc. lure student towards themselves due to which they waste their precious time and money running behind such things and ignore important works necessary for their physical, cultural, moral and career development.