Risk and challenge in outdoor provision

Dancing Barefoot in the Puddles!”

Kathryn Solly

Kathryn was previously Headteacher of the historic and diverse Chelsea Open Air Nursery School and Children’s Centre for nearly 17 years, and is in demand around the world as a keynote speaker and trainer, and author of pedagogical articles and textbooks.

Kathryn has an M.A. in Early Education and Care and is a Froebel Travelling Tutor. She has travelled widely and studied education and care in Italy, Germany, Albania, Iceland, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Australia.

Kathryn was awarded the Unilever Fellowship researching aspects of Early Years Leadership and Management in 2006. She has contributed articles to several journals and books on a variety of aspects of young children’s play, teaching and learning. Her first book ‘Adventure, Risk and Challenge in the Early Years’ was published in December 2014.

Kathryn contributed chapters on promoting positive relationships and behaviour and learning through risk and challenge to Early Education’s publication for head teachers and senior leaders: Achieving Excellence in the Early Years.

This presentation will cover an exploration of risk, challenge and adventure in the early years. It will include research, the important foundation of the pioneers, examples of sound pedagogical practice across a range of settings and schools covering the birth to 6 age range illustrated with photographs and DVD clips.

Saturday June24th 9.30 am – 12.30pm

registration from 9am

At the Britannia Hotel Beaumont Road Bolton BL3 4TA

Booking form on next page

This Bolton Early Education Branch event

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106 Seaford Road Harwood Bolton BL2 4BU or by email to

£20 for members, £30 for non members and £15 for students, mid morning refreshments included. Please note: payments should be paid to the Bolton branch (not national) before the event

Cheques made payable to BAECE (Bolton Branch) sent to above address

BACS payments to BAECE Bolton Branch Account no. 01797898 Sort Code 30 91 01

Bolton Council Supplier Number 926225

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