Dear ALAG Member,

Since becoming independent in August 2014, ALAG has continued to grow in numbers and has attracted funding from the DH Innovations Fund, Islington Council and the Arsenal Foundation.

Thanks to your continued support, ALAG has been able to provide a consistent service giving information, advice and support to many individuals with Asperger’s syndrome and high functioning autism living and working in the London area.

I want to stress, though, that it is every one of our members who keeps our organisation going - whether you attend meetings, volunteer your time, or simply pay your subscriptions. Not everyone is available to donate time or money or to attend meetings regularly but the more members we have, the more likely we will be considered favourably by external funders.

Here is a reminder of the benefits of ALAG Membership:

•Discounted entrance fee to monthly ALAG meetings

•Concessions and discounts for events organised by ALAG

•Members receive priority when applying to attend ALAG events or projects

•Members can suggest topics or speakers for the ALAG meetings

Your current membership expires on 31st March this year.

To renew your membership, simply:

•Complete the attached form and hand it in with your membership fee at the next meeting.

•Alternatively please visit and download a membership renewal form, complete the form and bring to the next ALAG meeting with your membership fee.

Once again, we at ALAG thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions relating to your membership, forthcoming events, or wish to make a donation to ALAG, please do not hesitate to contact us at: .

Kind regards,

Ethney Anderson

ALAG Coordinator/Facilitator

ALAG Membership Form for Individuals, Carers and Organisatons

Applicant’s contact details: Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

Title...... Surname...... First name......



Post Code......


Email...... DOB……………………………………………………………

Signature...... Date ......


Individuals: £12.00 (waged), £6.00 (unwaged) Organisatons: £18.00

I/We enclose: Membership fee (please circle) £12.00 / £6.00 / £18.00

Donation: £______
TOTAL: £______

*Please notify ALAG by email if you change your name, address or phone number by emailing:

Thank youfor your membership and continued support