ARMReN workshop 3: Access and Impact
13 September 2007
Notes from plenary session.
Risk and accountability (Duncan Simpson, Vicki Lemieux)
· theory and practice of FOI
archivists know the theory but what is public perception of our role in FOI?
Do we have a clear role?
public good; social capital
· relationship of user and catalogue
users may not be aware of unpublished records
what happens to catalogues which are not online? no visibility and no use
· looking into impact of digitisation on archive/archivist
· future of archives in the digital age
addressing the need to educate creators
role of archivist in digital arena, new skills needed
early intervention for acquisitive archives
· local government and FOI
how has FOI changed the way requests are dealt with?
· questions on acquiring records remain the same
however, have access and public ability to access them changed?
· need for information about SME and local interpretation of FOI practice: need for tools to implement locally
policy and structure
audit and risk management: prevalent in central government, not in local government?
· Is there a lack of knowledge or of resource?
Archives and identity (Andy Flinn, Louise Craven, Laura Millar)
Theoretical questions
· how should the ARM research community learn from and contribute to transdisciplinarity?
· what are the nature of and barriers (positive and negative) to access and use of archives?
· what are the similarities and differences between (and relationships between) the archivist’s concept of and approach to context/contextualisation and the historian’s and other users?
Practical questions
· what is the role of and the consequences/implications of the collaborative, iterative, wiki model of description and research in the ARM environment?
· what is the nature and scope of secondary use made of archival materials and what are the implications for archival practice (and priorities for action)?
Other issues raised in general discussion
‘relating into relevance’
social capital
content becoming context
measures of impact of secondary use
what to keep? hidden histories- appraisal
virtual access choices, use,
divinity – study of text
what do other systems have to offer us?
post-modernism – relativism
authentic voice of archives, what is its role?
role of stories and myth in an archive?
wisdom of crowds – wikis
what can ARM contribute to other disciplines?
in whose ‘public interest’?
identity in the document content
diversity – divisiveness
neutral or political
moral v legal ownership
risk management, FOI, the audit society
identity of profession
responsibility = accountability?
social networking
different concepts of identity
‘in the public interest’
identity of the record
Some possible actions
blog and iteration to raise visibility and enable issues to be developed
agenda for research conference for PhDs and others
use existing media for discussion
regional consultation?
how best to develop a research agenda?
who to involve?
Research Council IRO status for TNA, role of research in service organisations, iteration between practitioner and research