Posting Process – Once basics have been Established.
Once the initial round of 6 postings have been made (2 per day per city for 3 days), then you will begin to “cycle” them. What we mean by cycle is this:
You will go to the oldest post, pull it up, click Delete Post
Return to the main page, go back to the one you just deleted, click on it, then click
“Re-Post”. The process will repeat for each posting you are doing for that day.
Here’s the quick version:
For this particular account for Josh, there are 9 cities we are doing postings for under this one account:
Listed as City we’re posting for – Location to post – abbreviation for searching
1-Chicago– City of Chicago(chi)
2-San Antonio (sat)
3-Phoenix (PHX)
4-Oklahoma City (OKC)
7-San Diego
9-Fort Worth
You will go to the oldest post for each one of these (making sure they are at least over 48 hours old) and use that post for the new post. – I will go into greater detail in just a bit.
So 2 times per day per city, you will be making 9 posts (for a total of 18 per day).
The first 11 posts are to be done between 2 and 3pm Eastern time (please adjust according to your time zone)
The 2nd set of 9 posts are to be done between 9:30 and 10pm Eastern time (again please adjust accordingly).
The idea is by posting at the designated times, we will be at the top of the search list during the most searched time on Craigslist.
Now, for detailed instructions:
Log into Craigslist (you will need to get the log in and password from the Team Leader)
Enter the user id and password, and then click Log In.
This will bring you to your main page in Craigslist, where you track your listings. This is the list I will later refer to as the “main page”
The first step is to go to the oldest post for the listing you are going to re-post. In this instance, we will start with the oldest post for Chicago (chi). Look through the list until you find the oldest post for Chicago, it will be highlighted in green and towards the bottom – Notice the date and time (to verify it is over 48 hours old – the reason this is important, is because you cannot delete and repost anything that is UNDER 48 hours old – REMEMBER, the main page shows the time in Pacific standard time, so it is IMPERITIVE that you post between the times given at the beginning of this section and again at the end, which is EASTERN STANDARD TIME) This one was posted on Feb 2nd at 8:15:52 Pacific Standard Time which means it is over 48 hours old when posting on today Feb 6th (as an example).
Go ahead and click on that listing (note the listings number)
Once the new screen pops up a box will ask if you want to display, click yes, This will bring you to the ad, you will click on DELETE POST
Once you delete, you will get this screen:
Click yes, you want to display the nonsecure Items, then you will click “Return to my account page”
This will take you back to the “main page”.
Once back to the main page, look for the one you just deleted: (it will now be highlighted in blue).
Click on the property you just deleted, it will bring you to the following screen.
(you will click yes, display the nonsecure items)
You will click “Repost this Postings”
You will click on “I am offering housing”
Click on “Real Estate By Broker”
You will then Choose “City of Chicago” (for Chicago, make sure you choose the right location for the others – they are noted at the beginning of this document)
Leave everything on this screen as is, and click “continue”
Click, yes display the nonsecure items, scroll to the bottom and click “continue”
You will then fill in the captcha and click continue:
You will be brought to this screen:
You will need to click in the upper right corner on the email address, and this will get you back to the “main Screen”.
Once back at the “main screen”, you will choose the next listing you are going to post, which will be for the next city (either San Antonio –sat or Los Angeles Long Beach – lax) and follow the steps again, by choosing the oldest listing for those.
These must be done at the specified times. Everyday, Monday thru Friday once at 2-3pm Eastern Time (for each listing) and then again at 9:30 – 10pm for each listing.
This will make that we are posting 2 listings per city per day for 5 days.
You will also need to do one posting each on Saturday and Sunday for each one of the cities.
Start the process all over on Monday
Once your postings are done for your day/time, please email Josh at , cc and use the following format:
Subject: Craigslist Josh – Best Agent Business – {date}
Dear Josh,
The listings for Craigslist have been posted for {put your time of posting and date}, and there were {# posted} Posted.
Here are the links to view the Active Postings:
(insert the link once found – logged out of Josh’s CL, and searched for under the city you posted)
San Antonio
San Diego
Fort Worth
{# here} have been flagged/ghosted. (this would be anything that shows up in pink after you post)
Thank you,
Regular BAB signature
*To get the link, you will need to log out of Craigslist, and go to the city where you posted, and do a search under Housing – Real estate for Sale – and look of it. Once found click on the ad, and copy the web address from the address bar and paste into the email.
So the actual email might look something like this:
Dear Josh,
The listings for Craigslist have been posted for February 9, 2010 at 1pm EST, and there were 10 listings posted.
Here are the links to view the Active Postings
(Put link here and for each city)
San Antonio
San Diego
Fort Worth
1 was flagged/ghosted.
Thank you,
Jennifer A Hartline
Craigslist Team
Best Agent Business