A.All Insurance Policies:Placed with California admitted insurers listed by A. M. Best with a rating of A or better (except Workers’ Compensation), and a financial classification of VII or better (or an equivalent rating by Standard & Poor or Moody’s) unless otherwise approved.
Deductibles and Self Insured Retentions must be declared and either approved or reduced or eliminated as respects the University
B.Required Coverage and Limits:The Service Provider shall obtain insurance in the following coverage and limits for this agreement.
Comprehensive or Commercial Form General Liability
Covering work done or to be done by or on behalf of the Service Provider and providing coverage for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage and contractual liability for ongoing, completed operations and products.
Limits of Liability: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence; $2,000,000 General Aggregate
Business Automobile Liability
Covering owned, scheduled, hired, and non owned automobiles used by or on behalf of the Service Provider and providing coverage for bodily injury, property damage and contractual liability, including coverage for uninsured and under insured motorists.
Limits of Liability: $1,000,000 Each Accident, CSL - bodily injury & property damage, including uninsured and underinsured motorists.
Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability
Statutory Limits as required by law including Employer’s Liability Limits: $1,000,000 each accident, disease each employee, disease policy limit.
Service Providers who are sole proprietors or are excluded from coverage shall provide proof of health and disability insurance.
Errors and Omissions or Professional Liability
Occurrence or claims made basis (pre-project Retro Date); three-year Continued Coverage or Extended Reporting Period.
Limits of Liability: $1,000,000 each claim, $1,000,000 aggregate
Excess or Umbrella Liability Policies
Incorporate and adopt all conditions, endorsements and provisions of underlying policy
Provide mono line or separate underlying policy limits
C.Documentation:The Service Provider shall provide the following insurance documentation (Certificates, Endorsements, Policies) as required.
1)Certificate of Insurance for each insurance policy including:
Project identified in the Description of Operations/Location.
Provide for thirty (30) day prior written notification to Trustees of cancellation of coverage. Ten (10) days for non payment.
2)Endorsements or Policy Documentation: Policies shall contain language to the effect or be endorsed to effect as follows:
2.1Commercial General Liability and Business Auto Liability Policies shall contain or be endorsed to contain
This policy shall be primary for claims related to the work – as respects State of California, Trustees of the California State University, California Polytechnic State University, their officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents.
Insurance or Self-Insurance maintained by State of California, Trustees of the California State University, California Polytechnic State University, their officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents shall be excess of the Service Provider’s insurance and shall not contribute with Service Provider’s insurance.
2.2Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Policy
Additional insured– State of California, Trustees of the California State University, California Polytechnic State University, their officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents for ongoing and completed operations by or on behalf of the Service Provider and providing coverage for bodily injury, personal injury, property damage and contractual liability. [without limitation – such as the end of the ongoing operations or being put to use by the additional insured]
2.3Business Automobile Liability Policy
Additional insured– State of California, Trustees of the California State University, California Polytechnic State University, their officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents.
2.4Workers’ Compensation including Employer’s Liability Policies
Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery* in favor of State of California, Trustees of the California State University, California Polytechnic State University, their officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and agents.
3)Insurance Policy Documentation to be Submitted:
Claims Made Policies: Policy Declaration sheet (retro date and reporting period) as well as claims procedures.
Excess or Umbrella Liability Policies: Policy Declaration sheet.
Policies that contain required endorsement language may be submitted to satisfy endorsement requirement(s).
. University may require certified copies of insurance policies including all endorsements.
*Waiver of subrogation by the insurer requires Service Provider to waive their right to subrogation against the University in the contract. CGL & Auto?
Project specific limits for CGL, Auto, Excess and E&O liability coverage?