Ridgeview High School Wolverines January 2017 Newsletter

NO SCHOOL FRIDAY and MONDAY, February 17 and 20

We Do have school on Tuesday, February 21

End coming quick

We are past the halfway mark of the school year. Things will happen quickly this last semester. Between testing and students graduating it will go quickly.

We are working with students to promote a positive school culture. Our beginning message to students was about using appropriate language and conversations in classes and around school. Students and staff have more of a right not to hear these words and conversations than students have of saying them. So we will continue to reinforce appropriate language for school/work place.

College/Career Prep

Ridgeview now has a Career/College Prep class as a graduation requirement. Students must complete this course to receive a diploma. After completion of this course, students will exit with a career portfolio including resume, cover letters, and job application samples. Research into job markets and career interests will be done as well.

Making up homework

Just a friendly reminder for parents/guardians to contact the school when your student is ill or you know that he/she will be out.

Also, if you are requesting homework for your student for missing 3 or more days, teachers need a 24 hour notice. A homework slip will be routed to all your student’s teachers for work for the duration of his/her leave. Students missing 1-2 days may get assignments when they return. 872-6478


Graduation will be on Wednesday, June 7 at 3:00 in the CMA Church. Students should meet at 2:15 in the band room there.

Caps and Gowns will be available beginning May 1.

School Site Council

Ridgeview is looking for parents interested in representing on the school site council. This group meets monthly to discuss school issues. If interested, please contact Mr. Lerch.

Teachers are being continually interrupted with cell phone and electronic device usage during class time. If you need to get a hold of your student during school hours, please call the school office at 872-6478. The following is being used to address this abuse:

  1. Teacher gives warning, asks student to put device away
  2. Teacher confiscates phone for period
  3. If student does not comply or continues use

student will be :

  1. Sent to office, phone confiscated in the office for the remainder of the day
  2. If student does not hand over phone, parent will be called to come pick up student on suspension
  1. Student will be progressively suspended for defiance if there is continuous noncompliance with this issue.

These electronic devices have caused major distraction and disruption in the classroom during instructional time. Please help us lessen these distractions for ALL students.

Calendar of Events/Dates

January 16MLK Day

February17-20President’s Day- No school

March 17Possible Snow Day

March 8-9Tentative Senior Pictures

March 17Quarter 3 Ends

March 20Butte College Assessments

***April 7-17 Spring Break- No school

April 24Butte College On Campus Orientation

April 25-28SBAC testing (11th grade)

April ?STAR testing (10th grade)

June 7Graduation

June 8Last day- Minimum Day (12:00)