RIDE 2018-2019 Title I Application Guide
Table of Contents
Annual Ranking
School Level Allocations
Title I Program Matrix
Program Description
- Schoolwide Programs
- Targeted Assistance Programs
- Parent and Family Engagement
- Parent Notifications
- New Title I Funded Staff Job Descriptions
Private School Services Table
Reserve Descriptions
- Homeless
- Parent and Family Engagement
- Private Schools
- Neglected and Delinquent
- Remaining Reserves
Related Documents
For additional information, please contact your LEA liaison:
Eileen 222-8466
Stephanie 222-8340
Joe 222-8414
Annual Ranking Tables
The response should address the following elements:The appropriate grouping or set of groupings has been selected.
Schools are correctly coded for eligibility.
- Title I Participating must be coded “A”.
- Eligible but Not Participating Schools must be coded “B”.
- Eligible and Participating under the 35% rule must be coded “C”.
- Grandfathered schools must be coded “D” and cannot have been grandfathered last year.
- Skipped schools must be coded “F”. Skipped schools must be treated as project schools for comparability, and private school children must be served.
- Not Applicable schools must be coded “G”.
Schools to be served are at or above the grade span or LEA poverty rate, or the served school must have a poverty rate of at least 35%.
Notation that a program note has been added to Related Documents to explain Ranking changes or exceptions, if necessary.
ESSA, Title I, Sec. 1113 Eligible School Attendance Areas
The response should address the following elements:The reserves are correctly calculated in the Title I Allocation.
The reserve amounts are consistent with amounts in the program narrative.
The reserve amounts are consistent with amounts in the budget section.
Required Reserves
- The reserve for Homeless is sufficient to meet the anticipated needs of students who are experiencing homelessness throughout the LEA.
- A LEA with an allocation of more than $500,000 must reserve at least 1% for Parent and Family Engagement. The total amount of funds reserved even if over 1%, is listed under Parent and Family Engagement.
- A LEA with an allocation less than or equal to $500,000 may take an optional reserve for Parent and Family Engagement. The total amount of funds taken as an optional reserve is listed under Parent and Family Engagement.
- The total amount of funds reserved to provide equitable services for eligible private school students, if applicable, is listed under Private Schools, and must reconcile with the Title I Private School Proportionate Share Worksheet.
- The reserve for Neglected, if applicable, is adequate to provide services of sufficient size, scope, and quality to positively impact student achievement.
Any optional reserves must be reasonable, necessary and allocable to the Title I program, and align to the description in the Optional Reserves narrative and the budget section. Categories include:
- School Improvement
- Preschool
- Evaluation & Assessment
- Coordinated Services
- Administration
- Summer Programs
- Differential Salary and Fringe Benefits
- Professional Development
- Foster Care
ESSA, Title I, Sec. 1113(c) Allocations
School Level Allocations
The response should address the following elements:Identifies the method (125% rule or poverty bands).
125% Rule:
- Must use if any school is less than 35% poverty.
- If the district increased the 125% Per Pupil Amount (PPA), the PPA for a high poverty school is not less than the PPA for a lower poverty school within grade spans.
- All participating school attendance areas are at or above 35% poverty.
- The PPA for each band is reasonable to ensure a program of sufficient size, scope, and quality to positively impact student achievement.
- The PPA for a higher poverty band is not less than the PPA for a lower poverty band within grade spans.
- Schools that are below 75% poverty may not have a higher PPA than any schools that are in the"75% andabove” poverty grouping.
The amount remaining at the bottom of the page is as close to zero as possible.
An LEA with total enrollment of less than 1,000 students is not required to allocate funds to attendance areas or serve schools in rank order of poverty. The LEA has checked off the appropriate box indicating that this is not applicable.
ESSA, Title I, Sec. 1113(c) Allocations
Title I Program Matrix
The response should address the following elements:Identifies each school as Schoolwide or Targeted Assistance
Identifies the following information for each Title I Targeted Assistance School:
- Grade levels to be served
- Program Type (Targeted Assistance School or Schoolwide Program)
- Number of students to be served
- Service delivery model
New Schoolwide Programs meet the 40% poverty threshold or have received a waiver from RIDE and are coded in matrix.
Programs are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to positively impact student achievement.
Program Description
Please describe the Title I program for participating Title I schools. LEAs should complete the following sections, if applicable:
- Schoolwide Programs
- Targeted Assistance Programs
- Parent and Family Engagement (required for all)
- Parent Notifications (required for all)
- New Title I Funded Staff Job Descriptions
Schoolwide Programs
- If there are new Schoolwide Program (SWP) schools to be served in the 2018-2019 school year, list the school(s), describe the activities undertaken in the 2017-2018 planning year, and describe the support that the LEA will provide.
The response should address the following elements:
Lists all new SWPs.
Describes the composition of the SWP planning team and how it is representative of the school community.
Describes the major activities conducted during the one year planning process.
Describes the multiple data sets utilized in the comprehensive needs assessment.
Describes the major activities to be addressed in each new SWP.
Explains how the school will implement the components of the SWP plan.
Describes how the school will coordinate state, local, and federal resources in implementing the SWP.
Describes the SWP plan approval process.
Explains how the LEA supports planning and implementation for new SWPs.
- Please describe how the Title I funds requested in this application support the needs and goals as identified in the Schoolwide Plan(s), as well as the process for conducting an annual review of the effectiveness of the schoolwide program(s).
The response should address the following elements:
Describes the process for conducting an annual review of the effectiveness of the schoolwide program(s).
Describes the needs and goals in the schoolwide plan(s) that were developed as a result of that annual review.
Explains how the requested items in the budget for the schoolwide program(s) align with the needs and goals in the Schoolwide plan(s).
Describes how the coordination of Federal, State, and local services and programs will support the schoolwide plan(s).
ESSA, Title I, Sec. 1114 Schoolwide Programs
Targeted Assistance Programs- Please list any new Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS), and describe the support that the LEA will provide to participating schools in the design and implementation of their TAS program(s).
The response should address the following elements:
Lists all new TAS.
Describes how the LEA will support new TAS in program design and implementation, including:
- student selection,
- annual meeting requirements,
- program design,
- progress monitoring,
- parent and family engagement policy, and
- program development and evaluation.
- Please provide a complete description of the LEA’s TAS programs on a school-by-school basis. If the TAS program is the same across all schools, please provide one program description. This description should include student selection procedures, services provided, and monitoring of student progress. The response to this question, the program matrix, and the budget detail should all be consistent.
STUDENT SELECTION– This section should address the following elements:
Identifies multiple, educationally related, objective criteria established by the LEA and supplemented by the school.
For preschool-Grade 2, identifies criteria, including objective criteria, established by the LEA and supplemented by the school.
Describes how equal opportunity is provided to students with disabilities, English learners, or migrant students.
Describes how “automatically eligible” groups [neglected or delinquent; students experiencing homelessness; students served in the past 2 years by a Head Start program; preschool funded by Title I; literacy program under subpart 2 of Title II-B; or Part C Migrant Education Program (MEP)] are included.
Identifies entry and exit criteria for Title I services.
PROGRAM(S) OF SERVICES – This section should address the following elements:
Identifies the Title I services.
Identifies the frequency and duration of services (# times per week and approximate amount of time).
Describes when services are provided and by whom, for each service provided (e.g. in-school, afterschool, summer, support services, etc.).
Explains how the LEA ensures that pull out time is minimized.
Identifies the instructional methods and strategies used to strengthen the academic program.
Explains how the LEA ensures that paraprofessionals meet qualification requirements and are under direct supervision of qualified teachers.
Explains how requested budget items support the proposed program(s).
Describes services that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to positively impact student achievement.
Describes program services that are consistent with services on the program matrix.
EVALUATION – This section should address the following elements:
Describes the process for ongoing review of student progress and program implementation.
Describes the process for revising the targeted assistance program, as needed.
ESSA, Title I, Sec. 1115 Targeted Assistance Schools
Parent and Family EngagementThe LEA may receive Title I, Part A funds only if it conducts outreach to all parents and family members and implements programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members in programs assisted under Title I, Part A programs as outlined in ESSA, Title I, Section 1116. Programs, activities, and procedures must be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children.
The requirements include written LEA and school policies that are developed and evaluated with parents and family members, school-parent compacts to address shared responsibilities for high student achievement, and annual evaluations of the content and effectiveness of the LEA policy in improving the academic quality of its Title I schools.
- Please describe the findings and recommendations of the LEA’s 2017-2018 parent and family engagement policy evaluation, including any policy changes that were made as a result of the evaluation.
The response should address the following elements:
Describes the findings and recommendations that resulted from a LEA’s annual comprehensive evaluation of the program.
Describes the policy changes that were necessary as a result of the evaluation.
- Please describe the LEA level strategy(s) that will be implemented to build capacity for effective parent and family engagement.
The response should address the following elements:
Describe how the LEA will involve parents and family members in jointly developing the LEA plan under section 1112, and the development of support and improvement plans under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1111(d).
Describe how the LEA will provide coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of its participating Title I schools in planning and implementing effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. (This prompt may not apply to single school LEAs.)
Describe how the LEA will coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies under Title I, to the extent feasible, with other relevant Federal, State and local laws and programs;
Describe how the LEA will conduct, with meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality if all schools served under this part, including all of the required elements in section 1116(a)(1)(D);
Describe how the LEA will use the evaluation findings to design evidence-based practices for more effective parent and family engagement.
Describe how participating parents are involved in the annual review and, when applicable, revision of the parent and family engagement policy.
- Please describe the school level strategy(s) that will be implemented to build capacity for effective parent and family engagement.
The response should address the following elements:
Describes when the annual meeting will be held.
Describe the LEA’s plan for additional parent meetings and flexible meeting times.
Describes how parents are involved in an organized, ongoing and timely way in the planning, review and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy. Note: if a school has in place a process for involving parents in the joint planning and design of the school’s programs, the school may use that process, if such process includes an adequate representation of parents of participating children;
Describes strategies that build schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parent and family engagement.
Describes strategies that are linked to student learning and help parents play an integral role in assisting students’ learning.
ESSA, Title I, Sec. 1116 Parent and Family Engagement
Parent NotificationsAt the beginning of each school year, an LEA must notify the parents of each student in its Title I school(s) that the parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of both the classroom teachers and paraprofessionals who work with their children [ESSA, Title I, Section 1112(e)(1)(a)].
- How will the LEA address this requirement?
The response should address the following elements:
Explain how the LEA will notify parents of all students attending Title I schools of their right to know their student’s teacher qualifications.
Explain how the LEA will notify parents of all students attending Title I schools of their right to know the qualifications of any paraprofessional working with their student.
Describe the LEA’s process to ensure that notifications are in a uniform and understandable format.
Describe the LEA’s process to ensure that notifications, to the extent practicable, are provided in a language parents can understand.
- In the event that a child in a Title I school is being taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher is assigned, how will the LEA notify the parents of each child who is being taught by those individuals [ESSA, Sec. 1112(e)(1)(B)(ii)]?
The response should address the following elements:
Identify when and explain how the LEA will provide timely notification to parents in the event their child is being taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements for the grade level and subject area in which the teacher is assigned.
Describe the LEA’s process to ensure that notifications are in a uniform and understandable format.
Describe the LEA’s process to ensure that notifications, to the extent practicable,are provided in a language parents can understand.
ESSA, Title I, Sec. 1112(e) Parents Right-to-Know
New Title I Funded Staff Job DescriptionsIf the LEA is hiring new Title I-funded staff, please upload the job description(s) in the Related Documents section of the application. The job description(s) must identify duties and responsibilities that are allowable and allocable within Title I program provisions. The position(s) does not have to be a new type of position for the LEA, but new to Title I.
A job description must be included if this position is NEW TO TITLE I, even though it may not be a new type of position for the district.The Job Description(s):
Includes qualifications that meet applicable State Certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject areas in which the teacher has been assigned.
Identifies duties and responsibilities that are allowable and allocable within Title I program provisions for targeted assistance and/or schoolwide programs.
Private School Services Table