Sandstone City Council
May 21, 2014
Regular Meeting
CALL TO ORDER:7:00 p.m.
Members present: Bonander, Kester, Stadin, Atterbury, Devlin
Members absent: none
Staff present: Administrator Griffith, Beauregard, CATV Hormillosa
Others present: Greg Anderson of SEH, Jill Warner, Jeffery Blanks, John Benjaminson, Charles Slama, Kathy Gustafson, Matt Anderson, Jennifer Anderson
Members and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance
Motion Bonander, second Devlin to accept the agenda with the addition of 12H. Motion carried 5-0.
Jill Warner with LMCIT presented information regarding the City’s insurance renewal and reviewed the changes and additions to the policy.
Motion Bonander, second Devlin approving North Pine Insurance as the City’s agent, approving the renewal of workers compensation coverage, renewal of LMCIT insurance policy, approving liability coverage and not waiving limits, and approving no fault sewer back-up coverage. Motion carried 5-0.
BethKalbow presented information regarding the organization Treehouse. Treehouse offers guidance and assistance to troubled and at risk teens. This is a new organization to the county and plans to fully launch program in the fall of this year.
Council member Devlin said that he has heard complaints regarding pothole repairs. He asked that an attempt to better stamp down the cold mix asphalt could be made.
Council member Bonander added that Paddle Fest is this weekend.
Motion Bonander, second Stadinto approve minutes from May 7, 2014. Motion carried 5-0
Motion Bonander, second Stadin to approve the consent agenda: Administrator attendance at Government Personnel Data workshop and Resolution 2014-12 Support County Road project in Sandstone. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion Bonander, second Devlin to approve and pay claims. Motions carried 5-0.
Junk Dealer License
The Council directed the city attorney to develop an ordinance establishing a license for junk dealers within City limits. The license would create an additional incentive for junk dealer to comply with municipal and state requirements. A letter with a copy of the proposed ordinance was sent out to all businesses that might be impacted to invite them to attend this meeting to discuss.
Administrator Griffith reviewed the license, terms, requirements and also what defines a junk dealer. Discussion ensued between the City Council and business owners. A major concern was enforcement and how often the building inspector would visit.
The wording in 1100.11(w) was changed from every 30 days to by the fifteenth of each month. Staff will clarify a state statute reference in 1100.03 Sub 3 second paragraph.
Motion Devlin, second Kester adopting Ordinance 2014-07 the junk dealers licensing ordinance with the change in 1100.11(w). Motion carried 5-0.
Junk Dealers License Ordinance Summary Publication
The Council has adopted Ordinance 2014-07 the Junk Dealer’s License. The attorney has prepared a summary publication ordinance to adopt in conjunction with this ordinance.
The Council needs to determine at what time the ordinance would go into effect. The council decided that 90 days should be the time allowed for applying for the license.
Motion Stadin, second Devlin adopting Ordinance 2014-08 calling for the summary publication of the junk dealers license ordinance. Motion carried 5-0.
Amend Fee Schedule – Junk Dealers License
The City Council has authority to set fees for municipal activities and with the adoption of the Junk Dealers License ordinance needs to set a fee for the license.
The license fee for 2014 would be prorated for the year.
Motion Atterbury, second Stadin to amend the City 2014 Fee Schedule adding a fee for a Junk Dealers License in the annual amount of $250. Motion approved 5-0.
Property Maintenance Ordinance
The Council has been considering adding the International Property Maintenance Code(IPMC) as amended, by reference into our Building Code. This would replace or modify the City’s current property maintenance ordinances. This ordinance mainly pertains to life and safety type issues on a property but does define certain standards for exterior conditions. The ordinance would affect all buildings. Single family homes would be exempt until there is request for a building permit.
Motion Atterbury, second Devlin to adopt Ordinance 2014-11 incorporating the IPMC as amended into the City’s Building Code coming into affect 90 days after publication. Motion carried 5-0.
Property Maintenance Code Ordinance Summary Publication
The City Council has adopted Ordinance 2014-11 amending the IPMC as part of the City’s Building Code. The attorney has prepared a summary publication ordinance to adopt in conjunction with this ordinance.
Motion Atterbury, second Devlin to adopt Ordinance 2014-12 which calls for the summary publication of the property maintenance ordinance with the ordinance becoming effective 90 days after publication. Motion carried 5-0.
Park Avenue water main work
Council authorized SEH to prepare plans and get quotes to extend the water main on Park Avenue from Hwy 123 to First Street. SEH sent out six packages and received four quotes. They recommend that the City award the contract to MPJ Enterprises and to consider awarding the Alternate Bid to the loop the line as well.
Motion Bonander, second Stadin to award the contract to MPJ Enterprises to install the Park Ave water main extension and the alternate to loop the main. Motion carried 5-0.
City Liquor Ordinance- update
Staff noticed that some of the language in the recently amended ordinance was not applicable to what we have done in the past and recommended some changes to the City Attorney.
Motion Devlin, second Stadin to defer the discussion to a later date so that Council can further review. Motion carried 5-0.
Purchase of tax forfeit property
With the development of the new hospital campus on the airport property, the City needs to start planning for a second entrance which means an upgrade of the Military Road. The current road has a hazardous curve crossing over Skunk Creek. To straighten the road, staff proposed acquiring a tax forfeit parcel from the county. The parcel is 45.5567.000 and can be purchased from the County for $950 plus recording costs.
Motion Kester, second Stadin authorizing Staff to proceed with the acquisition of tax forfeit parcel 45.5567.000 from Pine County. Motion approved 5-0.
Purchase of Property – Gordon Britton
With the planning for straightening Old Military Road, staff is proposing to acquire some land from Gordy Britton. Mr. Britton has verbally agreed to sell the City about 3 acres of his parcel if the City will do the survey. The cost of the survey would be deducted from the purchase price. The survey will cost approximately $1,900.
Motion Bonander, second Devlin approving the draft Purchase Agreement with Gordon Britton to acquire a portion of his property. Staff and Mayor are authorized to complete the transaction and sign all documents to close the property. Motion carried 5-0.
Additional asphalt work
The City has been doing water work on Angle Avenue to extend water services across the street to the 8”main resulting in the removal of all of the pavement. Staff had asked SEH if that could be added to the alley paving contract through the County.
Eighth Street from Angle to Park all needs pavement replacement as well as the one block of Commercial from 7th to 8th.
Staff recommends piggybacking the paving work with the Alley project to take advantage of lower asphalt costs through the County. The Water Fund would pay for the Angle Avenue paving and the General Fund or an internal loan would be used to pay the other paving costs.
Motion Kester, second Atterbury directing the engineer to add the paving of Angle Avenue to the County contract as well as with the Eighth and Commercial paving listed as a separate alternate. Motion carried 5-0.
Forgiveness of fire call debt
In 2008, a fire destroyed Patrice Laursen’s home on Lark Street. The total bill was $2750 on which she has been making monthly payments. Ms. Laursen is requesting that the remaining portion of the bill be forgiven since she has made all payments on time and the property has been cleaned up.
Motion Bonander, second Stadin to forgive the remaining fire call balance on Patrice Laursen property. Motion carried 4-1.
Court Avenue Water main
There has been a water main break on Court Avenue between First and Division. It was found that the 4” main was badly leaking os one-half the block was capped so that two residence could get their water back and that the entire block of 4” needs replacement.
Motion Bonander, second Devlin approving the replacement of the 4” water main on Court Avenue. Motion carried 5-0.
Motion Devlin, second Kester to accept Paid Claims report. Motion carried 5-0.
The Governor signed the Bonding Bill with $200,000 for the Hospital infrastructure project. Sandstone will also receive an additional $16, 000 in Local Government Aid in 2015 because of additional funding from the Legislature. Training for Board of Review certification was provided.
Motion Devlin, second Kester to adjourn meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion approved 5-0.
Randy Atterbury, Mayor
Sam Griffith, Clerk