Adult Safeguarding-Adult Access Team / 020 8891 7971 /
Referral & Assessment Team, Children’s Services / 020 8891 7669 /
Richmond Children’s Services / SPA / 020 8891 7969
Richmond Child Protection Team / 020 8891 7380
Richmond Housing partnership (RHP) / 0800 032 2433 / 0203 166 2311 / 2200
London Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) / 020 7708 8100
Richmond & Kingston Probation / 020 8939 4130
South West London & St Georges Mental Health Trust / 020 3513 5000
Refuge IDVA team / 020 8943 8188 /
Spear Outreach Services (Homeless) / 020 8404 1481 / 020 8288 6506
Paragon Housing / 01932 235 821
Richmond Victim Support / 020 7801 1777
Richmond Housing Options / 020 8891 7409 /
Richmond Integrated Recovery Service (RIRS) / 020 8891 0161 /
Kingston & Richmond Probation Service / 0208939410
Asian Women’s Resource Centre / 020 8961 6549 /5701 /
Richmond Refuge IDVA / 020 8943 8188 /
Barnes / Mortlake Children’s centre / 0203 021 1990
North Barnes Children's Centre / 020 3021 1990 /
Mortlake Children and Family Centre / 020 3021 1990 /
Broken Rainbow / 0300 999 5428 / / /
The Havens - Camberwell Haven, near to King’s College Hospital (covers south London) / 020 3299 6900 Non-urgent Tel: 020 3299 1599
Children’s Services -Single Point of Access / 020 8891 7969 / OOH 020 8770 5000
Community Legal Advice / 0845 345 4345
Richmond Citizens Advice Bureau / 020 8712 7800
CPS Wimbledon / 020 8879 9025
CSU / 020 8721 5888
CSU Duty DS / 07901 511 226
Gaia Centre, Lambeth / 020 7733 8724 /
Ham Children’s Centre / 020 8734 3400 /
Heathfield Children’s Centre / 020 8734 3405
Homestart / 020 8487 8500 /
Hounslow Probation / 020 8570 0626
Hounslow SPA / 020 8583 6600
Kingston Country Court / 020 8972 8709
Kingston Crown Court CPS / 020 8240 2565
Kingston Crown Court Listings / Results / 020 8240 2500
Kingston CSU / 020 8721 5916 / 020 8721 5880
Kingston Crown Witness Service / 020 8240 2559
Community Legal Advice Help line / 0845 345 4345
Norman Jackson Children’s Centre / 020 8941 6843 /
Rape Crisis / RASAC / 020 8683 3311 /
Richmond College / 020 8607 8000
Richmond Wellbeing Service / 020 8548 5550
Sapphire Unit (sexual offences) / 020 8721 4106
Stanley Road Children’s Centre / 020 8734 3372 /
Tangley Park Children’s Centre / 020 8481 9420
Teddington Police Station front desk / 020 8247 5825
Wimbledon Witness Service / 020 8879 9023
Young Offenders Team / 020 8547 6920


Service / Service description / Contact details
Solace (Ascent services) / This pan-London collaboration provides specialist and generic counselling and advice services to women and girls affected by gender-based violence, aged 14+. Services include 1 to 1 counselling; 1-1 advice; and a range of group work. / Tel: 0808 802 5565
Refuge project Ashiana / This project provides pan-London, specialist emergency accommodation and support services to vulnerable women and children affected by sexual and domestic violence with mental health needs, problematic substance use and for women exiting prostitution or for those who have ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’. / Tel: 0808 802 5565
Women and Girls Network (WGN) / Free, women-only service that supports women in London who have experienced violence, or are at risk of violence.We offer counselling, advocacy and advice for women and girls who have experienced gendered violence, including sexual and domestic violence. / Advice Line 0808 801 0660
Women and Girls Network Sexual Violence Helpline / Emotional support and a safe space to talk / Helpline 0808 801 0770
National Domestic Violence Helpline(NDVH) / This is Freephone 24 hour national service for women experiencing domestic violence. The Helpline can give support, help and information over the telephone. All calls are completely confidential. It offers translation facilities, and services for callers who are deaf or hard of hearing are available. / Helpline 0808 2000 247
Deaf Hope / Provides support services for survivors with hearing impairment including peer counseling about DVSV, support groups, systems advocacy and referral to DVSV legal services and shelter. / Hotline Web
South London Rape Crisis (Croydon RASASC) / Independent organisation based in Croydon providing a high standard of professional support to female survivors of sexual violence living anywhere South of the river Thames in addition to providing national support to women living anywhere in England and Wales through the National Rape Crisis / Helpline. Tel: 0208 683 3311 / Freephone 0808 802 9999
Counselling Directory / Information on DVA and counsellor contacts /
EACH Counselling Service - / Group Support and the Counselling service are free and available to women aged 18 and over who have experienced domestic violence and abuse. /
Tel: 020 8577 6059 /
Rights of Women / Free information and legal advice about your right. /
Advice line: 020 7251 6577 Sexual violence legal advice line: 020 7251 8887
DVIP (Domestic Violence Intervention project) / Women's Support Services – practical support and advice / Tel (0) 20 7928 4813
Action on Elder Abuse / Works to protect vulnerable older adults and prevent abuse. This includes abuse in people's own homes as well as in sheltered housing, care homes and hospitals. / UK Helpline: 080 8808 8141 / Web
ChildLine / 24/7 helpline for children / Tel 08001111
Men's Advice Line / Practical advice, information and emotional support to male victims of domestic violence / Tel. 0808 801 0327
Survivors UK / Counselling and groups are for adult men (18 and over) who have experienced rape or sexual abuse at any time in their lives and also offer workshops for carers /partners/supporters of male survivors. / Tel 02035983898
Forced Marriage Unit / The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) is a joint Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Home Office unit was which set up in January 2005 to lead on the Government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework. / Tel: 0207 008 0151
KARMA NIRVANA / Supports people trying to escape from forced marriage and honor -based violence. / Tel: 0800 599 9247
PALADIN / Advocacy service assisting high risk victims of stalking in England and Wales /

020 3866 4107
ASIAN WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTRE / Support to BMER (Black, Minority, Ethnic, Refugee) women and children across London and provides advice and information, counselling, advocacy, outreach and support groups and services. / Tel: 020 8961 6549/ 5701
METRO - LGBT / Domestic violence service for LGBT community. / Tel: 020 8305 5000
THE GENDER TRUST / Supports all those affected by gender identity issues. / Tel: 015 2789 4838
GALOP / Advice and support to lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender people who have experienced homophobic or transphobic hate crime or violence in the Greater London area, including sexual abuse. / Tel 020 7704 2040
STONEWALL HOUSING - / Free confidential advice on safe housing for LGBT domestic abuse victims in London. / Tel: 020 7359 5767
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION PROJECT (DVIP) / Violence Prevention Programme for perpetrators / Tel: (0) 20 7633 9181.
THE MEN'S CENTRE / Counselling and Psychotherapy for angry/abusive or violent men and for men and women with emotional, relationship and sexual problems. / Tel 0207-267-8713
TRYANGLE / programmes of group work and individual counselling for men and women in London perpetrating abuse or experiencing abuse / l 020 8855 7564 / /0208 854 6906
THE RESPECT PHONELINE / Confidential and anonymous helpline for domestic violence perpetrators looking for help to address their behavior. / Tel 0808 802 4040
One Stop Shop / Drop-in service for survivors of domestic abuse who are residing in Richmond. Every Thursday 10am – 1pm / St John the Divine Church Hall, Kew Road, Richmond TW9 2NA
Chinese Information and Advice Centre / Domestic Violence Support for Chinese Women / Address: Basement, 2 Gerrard Place, London W1D 5PB, UK Tel 020 7437 0112
East European Advice Centre / Advice service for Eastern Europeans / Tel: 0800 121 4226 (free helpline) or 020 8741 1288. Address 238-246 King St 238-246 King St, London, UK
Latin American Woman’s Aid / Advice and advocacy services to Latin American women in London and provides advice on: personal safety planning, legal remedies, welfare benefits advice, housing and emergency accommodation, child support, skills development and community integration. / 0207 275 0321 /
Coram Children's Legal Centre / Free legal information, advice and representation to children, young people, their families, carers and professionals, as well as training and consultancy on child law and children’s rights. / Tel: 0345 345 4345.
Beverley LewisHouse / Supported housing service that safeguards women with learning disabilities who are at risk of, or fleeing abuse / Tel: 0207 473 2813