School of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
1st Semester – A.Y. 2014/2015 /
Course: / Control Systems. 0908441 (3 Cr. Hrs)
Instructor: / Dr. Omar El-ghezawi
Office: , Telephone: ext 22854 , Email:
Office Hours:
Course Website:
Catalog Data: / Open-loop and closed-loop (feedback) control systems. Examples of feedback control systems. Review of complex variables and Laplace transform. Poles and element transfer function and block diagram. Modeling of physical systems: electrical, mechanical hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Linearization of nonlinear systems. System representations: system block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Overall transfer function, block diagrams reduction techniques and Mason’s gain formula. Introduction to state-space representation. Sensitivity of open loop and closed loop control systems. Time response analysis and performance indices of first and second order systems. Dominant poles of high order systems. Routh- Hurwitz stability criterion. Steady state error coefficients. Design and effects of basic control actions and their combinations: proportional, integral and derivative. Effects of velocity feedback. Stability analysis using root locus. Bode diagrams and Nyquist stability criterion. Gain and phase margins, and obtaining transfer function using Bode diagrams. Introduction to analysis and design using statespace equations
Prerequisites by
Course: / (EE0303261)Prerequisites
By Topic: / Student should have a background of the following topics:- Electric curcuits.
- Signals and systems. (Frequency domain representations).
- Good mathmetical background.
Textbook: /
Richard C. Dorf & Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 10th ed. Prentice Hall.
References: /1. Modern Control Theory, W. Brogan,
2. Automatic Control System, B. Kuo,
3. Automatic Control System, A. Wolovich.
4.Control Systems Engineering, by Norman S. Nise,Wiley; 6 edition (December 14, 2010)
Schedule &Duration: /
16 Weeks, 48 (32) lectures, 50 (75) minutes each (including exams).
Minimum Student
Material: / Textbook, class handouts, Basic scientific calculator, and an access to personal computer.Minimum College
Facilities: / Classroom with blackboard and projection display facilities, library, and computational facilitiesCourse Objectives: / This course is designed to introduce the students to the basic principles of control system design techniques using frequency and time-domain methods
Course Learning Outcomes and Relation to ABET Student Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student should:
1. / Understand how to develop differential equation models of physical systems. / [a,e,k]
2. / Ability to write differential equation, transfer function and state space models for a given system. / [a,e,k]
3. / Demonstrate the ability to find the response of dynamical systems to standard inputs. / [a,e,k]
4. / Knowledge of classical control system analysis techniques including stability and performance characteristics. / [a,e,k]
5. / The ability to design classical controllers based on Bode and root locus techniques. / [a,e,k]
6. / Understand the frequency domain representation of systems. / [a,e,k]
Course Topics:
Topic Description / Hrs
T.1. / Introduction to Control Systems.
a. Open-loop Control Systems
b. Closed-loop/Feedback Control Systems
c. Examples on the use of Feedback / 2
T.2. / Mathematical Models of Systems.
a. Differential Equations of Physical Systems
b. Linear Approximations
c. Laplace Transform
d. Transfer Function
e. Signal Flow / 4
T.3. / State Variable Models.
a. State Variable of Dynamic Systems
b. Signal Flow State Models
c. Transfer Functions from State Equations
d. Time Response and State Transition Matrix
e. Discrete Time Response / 5
T.4. / Feedback Control System Characteristics.
a. System Sensitivity
b. Transient Response Control
c. Disturbance Signal in a Feedback
d. Steady-State Error / 4
T.5. / Performance of Feedback Control Systems.
a. Test Input Signals
b. Performance of a 2nd Order System
c. Effect of a 3rd Pole on the 2nd Order System
d. Performance Index
e. Simplification of Linear Systems / 5
T.6. / Stability of Linear Feedback Systems.
a. Concept of Stability
b. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
c. Stability of State Variable System / 3
T.7. / Root Locus Method.
a. Concept of Root Locus
b. Root Locus Procedure
c. Parameter Design by Root Locus Method / 4
T.8. / Frequency Response Method.
a. Frequency Response Plots
b. Bode Diagrams
c. Minimum Phase Transfer Function / 4
T.9. / Design of Control System.
a. PD, PI, and PID Controller
b. Phase-Lead, Phase-Lag, and Lead-Lag Controller
c. State Feedback Control / 5
Ground Rules: / Class attendance will be taken and the University policy on absence shall be applied.
Assessments: / Exams, quizzes and assignments.
Grading policy: / First Exam / 20 %
Midterm Exam / 30 %
Final Exam / 50 %
Total / 100%
Last Updated: / September 2014