Rice Elementary PTA

Meeting Minutes: Dec 6,2011

Meeting Minutes:

1. Call to order: 6:06 pm

2. Approval of minutes: approved

3. Report of officers:

A. Secretary: Terry Scott- Minutes posted on Rice website

B. Treasurer: Marguerite Witinski- Balance of $76,000 including > $47,000 from race, which is well over our goal. Purchased/ fixed instruments for Ms. Meckas for $4,176.

C. First VP: Mandy Vencak-not present

D. Second VP: Kerri Fey- state PTA recognizing Rice for increase in membership

E. Corresponding Secretary: Christine Strage- read thank you notes from : Mrs. Nixon and Ms. Malone for itunes gift card, from Frank the janitor for the gift card and pizza party, and from Mrs. Kloeker she enjoyed the enrichment program.

F. Delegate: Darlene Lanning- not present

4. Principal's Report: Mr. Seyer- not present

5. Head Teacher's Report: Mrs. Jones- 4,5, and 6th grades going to see Fiddler on the Roof at HS. Spelling Bee is Jan 11, 2012 @ 6 pm, in class Bee's will be this week and next week ( week of Dec 5th and 12th ) Requested for make up picture day next year at least 1 helper from PTA would be appreciated.

Mrs. Iracki- spoke on behalf of 1st grade, they are requesting Phoenix reader kits from Scholastic for a cost of $1320.00. Asking for 10 kits, each kit includes 12 books. Mary Ellen McFarland stated she would look into book fair money covering the cost. Christine Strage motioned for PTA to fund if book fair money will not, 2nd by Tammy Mago, motion passed with majority vote.

6. President's Announcements: Annette Weiss- next party Dec 21, 2011 @ 2 pm

7. Committee Reports:

A. American Education Week: Annette Mann- baby pic contest was fun, added breakfast for bus drivers and ancillary staff, apples given to the teachers donated by Mr, Maylath.

B. Book Fair- Mary Ellen McFarland- book fair will be Feb 27-March 2nd, will coincide with Dr. Seuss birthday. Wed night will be night fair.

C. Career Day- Kerri Fey- great day, Rusty Fender was a big hit

D. Cultural Arts: Darlene Lanning- not present

E. Holiday Shoppe: Christine Strage- setting up Friday Dec 9th, packets have been sent home, need volunteers and donations of self-stick xmas labels.

F. Collections: Terry Scott- contest this week, counting Friday Dec 9th, Scanners came in and were distributed.

G. Publicity: Christine Dopp- not present

H. Race For Education : Maria Koons- Official total is $47,591. Mrs. McAfee was the winning class, they had an ice cream sundae party. Pam McGovern stated it would be nice to send thank you noted to people who donated ( folders with that info coming home soon )

I. Roller Skating: Pam McGovern- last party profit of $200, booked party for January, the date may change. > 75 cans of food were collected and donated to the food bank.

J. School Spirit: Christine Arnold- not present but Dec 9th will be next spirit day

K. Sixth Grade Committee: Gretchen Knapp- open house basket raffle profited $1511, Corbi pizza profited $1,000 ( p/u is Monday Dec 12 @ 4:30 ) next dance is Jan 20th luau theme

L. We Caught You: Mandy Vencak- not present

8. Unfinished Business: none

9. New business: Fairview kids coming for a chorus program, need cookie donations, Jessica Norton questioned if concert can be put on website for out of town people to see it. Ellen Chin questioned if the green committee can start collecting soda can tabs ( Annette stated yes, she is chair of green committee ) Tanya Gregory questioned about a possible school spirit wear sale in the spring, Annette said there is correspondence from the company that people are interested in fleece items.

10. Next Meeting: January 3, 2012

11. Adjournment: 6:47 PM

12. Post Adjournment: minutes submitted by Terry Scott