WKSC Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy
1st July 2016

This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of West Kirby Sailing Club

Our statement of general policy is:

To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities. This includes members’ interaction with employees, other members, guests, visiting non members, contractors and any other individuals who are lawfully on the Club premises. Of more limited scope, but nevertheless vital, is the care that the Club must maintain of the risks to any person who may be on the premises unlawfully (particularly children).

The Club commits to:

Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;

Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;

Ensure safe handling and use of hazardous substances;

Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and other workers, whether paid or not;

Ensure all employees and other workers are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training;

Maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and

Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Name / Signature
P Shepherd (Commodore)
J Burthem (Vice Commodore)
J-L Simons (Rear Commodore)
Wendy Jones (Hon Secretary)
NO Ledingham (Hon Treasurer)
D Knowles (Captain)
M. Whittingham-Jones
(Hon Sailing Secretary)
R Owen (Fabrics Chairman)
Helen Brown (House Chairman)
R Cornah (VP Representative)
J Atkinson
P Colquitt
M Hartley
M Hinton
G Hughes
A Marston
J Marston
A Porter

Date: 1st July 2016

Review Date: February 2017


Overall and final responsibility for health and safety lies with the Commodore and General Committee

This policy is put into practice by the Office Administrator, Bar Manager and Boatman via clear line management (see attached organisation chart).

To ensure health and safety standards are maintained/ improved, the following employees (reporting to Club Officers as set out in the organisation chart) have authority to carry out work in the following areas:


Boatman External Buildings, Yard and all activities afloat

Office Administrator Clubhouse (internal)

Bar Manager Bar and Cellar

All employees and other workers (whether paid or not) must:

Co-operate with the reasonable requests of supervisors, managers and Club Officers on health and safety matters;

Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety;

Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of other employees, members and anyone lawfully on the Club premises; and

Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person (as detailed in this policy statement).

Health and safety risks arising from our work activities

Risk assessments will be undertaken (or authority given) by:


Vice Commodore External Buildings, Yard and all activities afloat

Rear Commodore Clubhouse (internal)

The findings of the risk assessments will be reported to: General Committee.

Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by: General Committee or if immediate action is required, the Commodore.

The Boatman, Office Administrator or Bar Supervisor will be authorised to ensure the action required is implemented.

The Honorary Secretary and/or appropriate Flag Officer will check that the implemented actions have removed / reduced the risks.

Risk assessments will be reviewed every year or when the work activity changes, whichever occurs soonest.

Consultation with employees

Employee representatives are:


Boatman External Buildings, Yard and all activities afloat

Office Administrator Clubhouse (internal)

Bar Manager Bar and Cellar

Consultation with employees is provided by Senior Club Officers.

Safe plant and equipment

(i) External Buildings, Yard and all activities afloat:

The Vice Commodore, Captain and the Boatman will be authorised to

a. identify all equipment/plant needing maintenance.

b. ensure that effective maintenance procedures are drawn up.

c. ensure that all identified maintenance is implemented.

Any problems found with plant/equipment should be reported to the Vice Commodore, Captain or the Boatman.

The Captain will check that new plant and equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased.

(ii) Clubhouse (internal) including Bar and Cellar:

The Rear Commodore, Office Administrator and Bar Supervisor will be authorised to:

a. identify all equipment needing maintenance.

b. ensure that effective maintenance procedures are drawn up.

c. ensure that all identified maintenance is implemented.

Any problems found with equipment should be reported to the Rear Commodore, Office Administrator or Bar Manager

The Office Administrator will check that new equipment meets health and safety standards before it is purchased.

Safe handling and use of substances

The Captain and the Boatman will be responsible for identifying all substances which need a COSHH assessment.

The Boatman will be responsible for undertaking COSHH assessments.

The Vice Commodore will be responsible for ensuring that all actions identified in the assessments are implemented.

The Vice Commodore and Captain will be responsible for ensuring that all relevant employees are informed about the COSHH assessments.

The Captain will check that new substances can be used safely before they are purchased.

Assessments will be reviewed every year or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.

Information, instruction and supervision

The Health and Safety law poster is displayed in the bar office, the Club office and in the boatman’s workshop.

Health and Safety advice is available from Peter Williams via the Hon. Secretary.

Supervision of young workers/trainees will be arranged/undertaken/monitored by the Captain, Office Administrator or Bar Supervisor as appropriate.

Young workers are defined as those under 16 years of age.

Competency for tasks and training

Induction and job specific training will be provided for all employees by:


Boatman Yard

Office Administrator Cleaners

Bar Manager Bar Staff

Specific jobs requiring special training are:

Boatman COSHH and manual handling

Deputy Boatman COSHH and manual handling

Bar Manager Manual Handling

Training records are kept by the Office Administrator.

Training will be identified, arranged and monitored by the Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore and Captain.

Where necessary, other workers (whether paid or not) will receive training from the appropriate person.

Accidents, first aid and work-related ill health

The first aid boxes are kept in:

·  the foyer of the main Clubhouse

·  the galley

·  the boatman’s workshop

·  The Training Room(TTR)

·  The Training Store

A defibrillator is kept in the rear entrance of the clubhouse.

For First-Aid purposes, the appointed person is the Boatman. A list of qualified first aiders is by the first aid boxes.

All accidents and cases of work-related ill health are to be recorded in the accident book. The book is kept in the Hon Secretary’s tray in the Club office.

The Hon Secretary via Peter Williams is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the relevant Enforcing Authority.

The Office Administrator is responsible for purchasing first aid equipment and ensuring that all First Aid Boxes are re-filled each month or more regularly if necessary. The Office administrator will also test the defibrillator on a monthly basis.


To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, the following will be done:

·  A copy of this health and safety policy will be kept in the Boatman’s workshop, administration office and bar office.

·  The Captain will conduct regular checks of the Boatman and Deputy Boatman’s working practices;

·  The Office Administrator will conduct regular checks of the working practices in the bar.

·  The Flag Officers will keep in regular contact with employees within their departments to discuss any matters arising concerning health and safety; and

·  The Hon Secretary will provide any HSE literature that employees require to conduct their jobs.

·  The Hon Secretary, with such assistance as is deemed necessary, is authorised to investigate accidents.

·  The Hon Secretary, with such assistance as is deemed necessary, is authorised to investigate work-related causes of sickness absences.

·  The General Committee is responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent a recurrence.

Emergency procedures – fire and evacuation

The Office Administrator is authorised to ensure that the fire risk assessment is undertaken and implemented.

Escape routes are checked by the Office Administrator every week.

Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked by the Office Administrator every week. Maintenance is undertaken by a competent third party.

Alarms are tested by the Office Administrator every week.

Emergency evacuation will be tested every year.

Document Validity

Last Updated: 1st July 2016

Approved by General Committee 18th July 2016

Review date: February 2017

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974


Version 2016/1.0 !st July 2016