- Keep any purchases within your pre-determined budget amount. Do not make any purchase in excess of the predetermined budget without prior approval of Show Chair.
- Shop for VENDOR ribbons (or make ribbons), distribute to vendors (so far, there are still plenty in storage)
- Develop ribbon design (usually including QS Logo and/or artwork from pin). NOTE: In 2008, ribbons were handmade by Joyce Nelson. In 2009, they were handmade by Lisa Jenni.
- Present proposed design and colors to QS Chair and QS Committee for approval
- Arrange for production of ribbons for voting categories as determined earlier by QS Committee
- Pin “Made by a Child” and “Exhibit Only” - QS ribbons to appointed quilts prior to show opening
- Pick up printed ribbons (does not apply if handmade), but check whether all ordered ribbons are received and correctly labeled
- Within three days of the end of the Quilt Show the Ballot Chair will provide you with the winners in each category as directed by the QS category guidelines. Keep the result confidential towards all members, including all other committee chairs.
à If there are 3 or less entries in a category - only a 1st place ribbon will be given.
à If there are 6 or less entries in a category - only 1st and 2nd place ribbon will be given.
- Order/or make the correct number of ribbons according provided numbers from Entry Chair (be aware, there might be quilts pulled or No-Show’s).
- Check for possible ties in any category, and start immediately to organize/make doubles for ‘Ties’.
à If a tie has occurred in 1st or 2nd place, no 3rd place shall be given.
à If a tie has occurred in a 3rd place, this category will have a total of 4 ribbons.
- Label the back of each ribbon according winner’s list with printed label stickers (Product: AVERY # 8160) provided by the Ballot Chair. These labels will include Category, # of Place, Name of the quilter, entry number and quilt name.
- Deliver labeled ribbons to award ceremony banquet
Updated by Shauna Nicoletti for 2010 quilt show 8/8/2010