Rheems PTO Meeting Minutes
Date: April 4, 2016 at 6pm
Attendees: Lori Clouser, Lauren Ernst, Joy Oberholser, Marcie Yakscoe, Christine Kay, Jacques Viau, Deb Painter, Jennifer Elder
Mr. Viau- A newsletter will be sent home with upcoming spirit days and PTO news. State of the Student Activity Account is frozen due to state of the PA budget. All non-essential spending is prohibited even though our SAA is fed with Giant A+ Bonus money. Mr. Viau was in touch with the district business office to discuss accessing funds from the account in the future. He feels that there will be changes to this account in the future. This freeze will impact how the student assembly will be paid and if we could use PTO funds. Mr. Viau discussed the PTO gifting the school a poster maker for $5000, which includes ink for the first year. The ink would need to be purchased each year possibly from PTO funds. May meeting will need to be rescheduled for other scheduling conflicts.
Deb Painter- Thank you from all the class room teachers for everything the PTO does to help. She also inquired about the book fair which begins May 16th. She mentioned that Mrs. DeRisio will be sending home field day volunteer papers soon. Field day is May 23.
PTO Budget/Jennifer Elder- Yearbook deposit of $1900 and approximately $600 will be spent for yearbook gifts. We are about $412 above for the year with revenue. The January sub sale was a huge hit and came in over the projected profit. Jennifer discussed the Pennies For Patients campaign is a pass through of funds which was $1, 311.71. There was a$22 check returned for insufficient funds for the sub sale. There was no mention of a returned check fee on the sub sale info sheet so the PTO will waive the fee for the individual. Future fundraisers will mention a returned check fee.
BoxTops/Joy Oberholser- Mrs. Douglas’ class made a thank you card for their root beer float party! May 6th will be the final collection date for the year. Spring theme collection sheet will be coming home. This will allow time to count and get the top 3 classes their treat. 1 check from BT has been received; the second one should be in soon. This May 6th collection will not be paid until December of 2016.
Book Fair- May 16th to 20th with family night on the 17th.
PIE/Christine Kay- New copier training for PIE volunteers has been completed. Any question to ask Becky Greenly.
Community Service/Jen Shireman- Pennies For Patients was down from last year but still earned $1,311.71. On-line funds were raised along with school donations. This campaign was fairly close to the Super Bowl event so may have impacted PFP.
Staff Appreciation- If anyone is interested in door decorating contact Lori.
YearBook/Lauren Ernst- Year book has been sent to press. 251 copies ordered for soft cover, 40 full color pages. Ordering 251 copies dropped the cost to $11.03/book. Looking at possible new print vendor next year for reduced cost.
Movie Night- Big Hero Six was fun with about 100 people.
Family Nights Out/Lori Clouser- Rita’s to be rescheduled to not conflict with Book Fair/Rockwells April 11th for lunch/dinner eat-in or carry-out. Rockwells papers to go home Thursday or Friday. Hoss’s TBD
Scholarship- 1 inquiry deadline has passed. Ellen Brown will be in touch with updates.
Old Business/Lori Clouser- Looking into a Muffins with Mom and Donuts with Dad events
New Business- Assembly- Mr. Viau will decide on a performer from the list of options presented to him in an email. He also suggested the NED show because they have a Pay-It-Forward option. This option allows the school to sell NED show merchandise and the assembly is free. The PTO will pay for the assembly due to the spending freeze. Jennifer Elder suggested a contingency plan to be reimbursed for some or all of the assembly cost once the Student Activity Account can be accessed. Joy Oberholser suggested to start a Google Doc for assembly ideas so that future PTO members can add ideas.
Assembly update: PTO motioned and voted via email to approve PTO funds to be used for the assembly. Mr. Viau selected the Laser Light Show with the Super Reader theme to kick-off the Book Fair. He has been in touch with the business office to discuss using the Student Activity Account funds but PTO funds will be available if needed. The Assembly will be May 12th with 2 shows at approximately 9:30am and 1:30pm.