RHA General Body Meeting
October 13, 2010
Call to order: 6:03
Additions or corrections to the agenda
-Richard not here yet, will speak when he arrives
Roll Call
Officer Reports:
- Four of us are here for you if you ever need someone
- Use Parli Pro-making motions, can’t speak unless recognized. Parli Pro cheat sheet in box every week
- When make a motion say “I move to…”
- Attendance sheet every week. Minutes will be sent to you, it also helps earn points
- Battle in Seattle this weekend
- Homecoming week next week. Mr. and Ms Central on Tuesday, free event in surc ballroom at 6. Wellington’s wildfire on Thursday in north campus. Dance is Friday night. 8-11, live music. Tickets $5. Demetri Martin next Saturday
- President’s round table start up soon. Required to go or send representative. Presidents round table sheet sent around for times available
-Vice President
- Congratulations to PACURH delegation. Rachel, Holly, Jessica, Shelby, Kyle, Daniel
- A lot of great applicants
- Academic/social committee, schedule sheet to find time.
- G- $14,804.78
- F-10,891.80
- Funding requests due in res life Monday at 10 am week of
- Fundraising Committee-hoping for fundraiser fall quarter
- Spirit Meetings- Oct 20, Breast Cancer/LGBT Awareness wear pink/purple
- Committee cash given when you attend a committee
- 1-an exec board member will buy you a candy bar
- 3-an exec board member will buy you dinner
- 5-can make the exec board do something during a meeting
- If anyone interested in community service committee come talk to Sarah
- Andrew- res hall coordinator for west basseties
- Congratulate all on positions
- If any questions can email
- Nathan- assistant director for new student programs
- Take info you learn here back to your halls, share with residents. You are representatives
- Representing halls in decisions of funding requests, vote how you think your hall would want to vote
- This meeting is a little longer than typical, a lot of funding requests and explanations
- Tomorrow at 6 in surc 140- first meeting. All invited
- Active membership out and available, due the 21st
- Allie- President
- Megan- VP of recognition
- Does OTW and OTM. Hand out OTWs during meetings
- Can turn in at end or into res life office, can be anyone.
- Sphere of Excellence- goes to someone every week. Given to Ian Miller, RHC. Has been really involved and helpful to everyone
- Jen- administrative VP.
- Nathan- VP of finance.
- Bye Bye Barto next Saturday the 23rd. Invite people who’ve lived there to come. Selling tiles from building for $5.
- Barto hall started see saw a-thon. See saw will be out from 11-1.
- Will be charged for. Money may go to charity.
- Can get tours of the rooms
- Mike- co advisor of NRHH. Lori Johnson other advisor
- Steven- BOD student life of facilities. Deal with anything that goes on with students
- Steve & Allie- setting up table tomorrow from 11-2 in surc to write letters to Western for their loss. Looking for help from people to table from 11-1. Encourage all to write letters to UW also
- Battle in Seattle this Saturday. Selling bus tickets at wildcat shop. Clash for cash. Donate and compete against eachother. Money goes to scholarship. Against western Oregon university
- Jugs in hall offices to donate money for clash for cash
- Wellington’s wildfire. Next Thursday. Free food, challenge course open. S’mores available.
- Looking for students to fill committees. If interested come to office. Surc 236. Or email
- Be safe, look out for eachother. If have any ideas on safety then come talk to Steve
- Also domestic violence awareness month (purple ribbons)
Special Guests:
- George from equal- equality through peers and allies.
- Promotes acceptance of all students
- Meetings are Tuesdays at surc at 6pm
- Josh McCartney- not here
- Was going to talk about battle in Seattle
- Christina Moore- campus housing and recreation liaison
- Window decorating competition to raise central pride for homecoming week
- Decorate window, take picture and upload to facebook site
- Voting is through “likes” on face book, most likes wins
- Winner gets pizza party for entire floor
- Pictures from windows are preferred from outside but don’t have to be
- No guidelines, as long as it abides by hall rules
- Crimson and black attack is theme
- Email if questions-
Funding Requests:
- NRHH-$1000 ($500 from General and $500 from Fundraising)
- Has 1000 in each account, need money to put on big events
- Ask for money now and then do it themselves throughout the year, then won’t have to depend on RHA for money throughout year
- Do Easter egg hunt, going to do Bunco, Locks of Love
- Do a lot of campus wide programs
- Motion Passes
- Mr. & Ms Central- $750 from General
- Next Tuesday on Oct 19.
- Annual program in surc ballroom
- $660 go to booking equipment (stage, lights, set up, tear down, technicians, etc)
- Free event, no revenue, don’t always put programs on to make money
- Other-$60 for KCWU (channel 14) to film and broadcast the event. 15 for set up and tear down and 15 per hour
- Added $20 buffer in case of any adjustments that might need to be made
- If money doesn’t pass Mr. and Ms central will be cancelled
- Broadcasting will help publicize RHA
- Motion Passes
- Homecoming Dance- $1000 from General
- Partnership along with the Burg to put on dance
- Next Friday from 9-12
- Equal three way partnership, all put in $1000
- Ticket sales get put back (distributed evenly) $5
- RHA purchase food, generally don’t use the full 1000
- Live band this year, theme-come as your hero. Don’t have to dress up
- Board recommendation amended to add OTM
- Full $1000 may not be used, what isn’t used will be put back
- Made profit last year
- Motion Passes
- Conference Budget- $9,318 (6,268 (F) 3,050 (G))
- Created budget for all conferences for the entire year
- Saved $788 from last year and flying twice this year and not once
- PACURH Nov. 5-7
- Central to southern Oregon roundtrip $950, taking 10 person van, costs $571, registration is $120 per person. Delegates paying $60
- Need to cover costs for spirit
- No frills- business conference in February. Sara, Ashley and Allie flying to Nevada. Nathan also going as advisor
- All prices bumped up just in case
- NACURH- memorial day weekend, in western Illinois university
- 10 delegate cap
- Will try to do fundraisers-money not used will go back in budget
- Conferences benefit halls-delegates hold accountable to bring back program
- Fundraising account will increase throughout year, wont deplete account
- Friendly amendment by Wilson- pass money for PACURH and ask for rest of the money later
- $771 F, $675 G
- Moore accepts the amendment
- Programs brought back from conferences to benefit students
- Move to exhaust speakers list by Wilson
- Second by Quigley
- Students can apply to NACURH, not same delegation
- Motion Passes
Issues/concerns or announcements
- NRHH- Allie needs someone at table tomorrow for letters to Western from 11-1
- NRHH-Empty shoeboxes please donate
- Carmody-apologized for pointing out calculation error
- Sue Lombard- If you don’t have info, you need to be respectful when requesting for it
- Quigley- first in family club, workshop homecoming weekend from 8-3. Start selling tickets soon on 23rd
- Al Monty- Thursday the 21st toga party 8-10
- Danielle- fundraising committee come see her
- Kennedy- leadership LLC program the 21st at 8. Talking about leadership outlooks in movies
Second Roll Call
- Motion by
- Quigley
- Acclimation 7:56