
Sale of PropertyLocatedat

89HiddenHollowLane NewCastle,New York


TheTownofNewCastleinvitesproposalsforthepurchaseofexcessrealpropertyownedbythe TownofNewCastle.Thepropertyconsistsofapproximately0.50acresandisimprovedwithasinglefamilyhomethatmustbedemolishedandanewhomeconstructed.Detaileddescriptionsand instructions to proposers are contained in the attached document.


All proposalsmustbe received no later thanFriday, July 24, 2015 at 9:30AMandaddressed to:

Mary Deems

Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes

Town of New Castle

200 South Greeley Avenue

Chappaqua, New York10514

Envelopestransmittingproposalsmustbeentitledontheoutside:“ProposalforPurchaseof 89 Hidden Hollow Lane.”

Part IProperty Description


The Town of New Castle invites proposals for the purchase of excess real property owned by the Town. The subject property totals approximately 0.50 acres of land improved with a single family home located at 89 Hidden Hollow Road, New Castle, New York (SBL: 81.9-2-86). The subject property was foreclosed by the Town of New Castle for unpaid real property taxes in 2014. The subject property is located in the Millwood section of New Castle in a quiet desirable residential neighborhood.

Theproposalprocess will consist of three steps: 1)acceptance of initial proposals; 2) review ofproposals and negotiation with acceptableproposers,and 3)acceptance bythe Townof afinal offer.


The subject property has been condemned by the Town and is not able to be accessed for inspection. The Town will only allow external inspection of the building. The Town is requiring that the selected responder demolish the building within certain timeframes contained herein.


The site is presently improved with a raised ranch style house constructed in approximately 1972. The structure is approximately 2,382 square feet of living area consisting of one-story. A copy of the Town of New Castle Assessment Card is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”; photographs are attached hereto as Exhibit “B”; a tax map is attached as Exhibit “C”; an aerial map is attached as Exhibit “D”; a survey of the property is attached as Exhibit “E”; and the Town’s deed for the Property is attached as Exhibit “F.” The Town makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the information provided in this RFP or on the attachments as such information is provided merely for informational purposes only with no representations or warranties.

Utilities–Thepropertydoes not haveaccesstosanitarysewer and has a septic field. The property has access to municipal water, electricity,andtelephone. The property receives heat from fuel oil.

Zoning/LandUse–Theproperty is locatedintheR-1/2A(ResidentialOne-Family)District. Theintention ofthis zoneis toallowfor singlefamilyresidentialdevelopment.

SurroundingLandUse/NeighborhoodDescription– The property is located in a section of the Town zoned for single family residential development. The Town provides many amenities:

  • Awidevarietyofrecreationprograms,qualityparksandrecreationalfacilities andspecialevents;
  • Adowntown that offers diningand shoppingoptions;
  • Easyaccess to mass transit and major highways;
  • Highlyregarded publicschools;
  • Nearbyparksandrecreationalareasprovideforawidevarietyofactivitiesincludingcelebrations,organizedsports,concerts,Farmer’s Market, artsandcraftshows,andareasforpicnicking,walking, bicyclingand naturestudy.

Thepropertyiseasilyaccessiblefromalldirectionsandfrom theSaw Mill River Parkway.Amapshowingthelocationofthe Propertyhas been included as Exhibit “A”. Also included is an aerial map, the property survey, two photos, the tax map, the property assessment card and the deed.


The Property will be sold “as-is” by Quitclaim Deed. No claims or representations are being made as to the condition of the property relative to the environmental quality of the land and/or improvements thereon. Buyer may review any and all Town files related to this parcel and abutting lands.

Part II Conditions ofSale

1.ThePropertywill besold “as-is”byQuitclaimDeed.

2.Within ten (10) days after the property being conveyed, the selected responder will be required to submit an application to demolish the existing single family home. The successful responder will be required to commence demolition within fourteen (14) days after issuance of a demolition permit and complete demolition within thirty (30) days after issuance of a demolition permit.

3.All responders will be required to indicate if they intend to develop the property or keep it as vacant land. If the property is to be redeveloped, the successful responder will be required to file an application for a building permit for construction of a new single family home within four (4) months after conveyance of the property or, in the event any land use permits are required, file for such land use permits within four (4) months after the closing and file for a building permit within forty-five (45) days after the issuance of any required permits.

4.TheTownwillpaynobroker’sfee,finder’sfee,commission,orother compensationtoanypartyclaimingtocounselorrepresentanyproposerregardingthesaleand/ordevelopment of the Property.

5.The minimum proposal price required is two hundred thousand dollars($200,000)

6.NorepresentationswillorhavebeenmadebytheTownthatthePropertymeetlocal, County orFederalordinances,regulationsorlawsgoverningdevelopmentofPropertycommercially,industriallyorotherwise.Allpermits,empowerments,permissionsandgrantsnecessaryforthesaleand/ordevelopmentofthePropertyareattheselectedproposer’scost and responsibility.Anyvariances,permissions or grants necessaryto meettheserequirements are likewise at the selectedproposer’s risk, costand expense.


8.AllcostsassociatedwithrespondingtothisRequestforProposalsand/orproducingwrittenandoralclarificationofitscontentswillbetheresponsibilityoftheproposers.TheTownwill assume noresponsibilities or liabilitiesfor these costs.

9.TheTownmakesnoassertionsorwarrantiesregardingthepresence,ifany,orabsenceofasbestos,chemicals,hydrocarbons orother hazardousmaterials on theProperty.

Part III InstructionstoProposers

AllrespondentsareadvisedtoreviewallpartsofthisRequestforProposalsandtofollowinstructionscarefully.Proposalsthatareincompleteobscure,conditional,irregular,orlackinginnecessarydetail, orcontainingadditions not calledfor, willbe rejectedbytheTown.

Affidavits and Disclosures

CorporationsandpartnershipsarerequiredtosubmitwiththeirproposalaCertificateofDisclosureofCorporationorPartnership(Forms1and2,attachedtoPartIV)listingthenameandaddressof principalofficers.

Withdrawal of Proposals

Noproposalwillbeallowedtobewithdrawnafterithasbeenreceivedbythe Town.

Rejection orAcceptanceof Proposals

TheTownreserves theright to unconditionallyaccept or rejectanyandall proposals.

ExplanationsWrittenand Oral

AdditionsordeletionstothisRequestforProposalswillbemadeknowntoallproposersviawrittenaddenda.TheTownwill not be responsibleforanyoral instructions.

Signature of Proposer

Proposalsmustbecompletedandsignedininkbytheproposerortheirrepresentative.Corporations,partnerships,orotherbusinessentitiesrespondingtothisRequestofProposalsmustincludeacertificateofauthorityattestingthattheindividualsigningontheirbehalfwasdulyempowered to do so.




Prospectiveproposersortheirrepresentativesareinvitedandencouragedtoconduct an inspection ofthePropertyattheir own cost and conveniencepriorto submittinga proposal by making an appointment with Town of New Castle Building Inspector Bill Maskiell at 914.238.4723. The subject property has been condemned by the Town and is not able to be accessed for inspection. The Town will only allow external inspection of the building.

Acceptance of Proposals (Friday, July24, 2015)

All proposalsmustbe received no later thanFriday, July 24, 2015 at 9:30AMandaddressed to:

Mary Deems

Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes

Town of New Castle

200 South Greeley Avenue

Chappaqua, New York 10514

Envelopestransmittingproposalsmustbeentitledontheoutside:“ProposalforPurchaseof 89 Hidden Hollow Lane.”

Review and Negotiation of Proposals

TheTown will review theproposals and negotiate anyterms andconditions, includingbutnot limited tothe priceoffered,with those submittingacceptableproposals.

Acceptance of Proposals

Following the review and negotiation phase, the Town will award a contract of sale by Resolution.

Questions and Information

AllquestionsandrequestsforadditionalinformationconcerningthisRequestforProposalsshould bemadein writingno later thanclose of businessWednesday,July 8, 2015anddirected to:

Mary Deems

Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes

Town of New Castle

200 South Greeley Avenue

Chappaqua, New York 10514

TEL: 914-238-4772

FAX: 914-238-2537


SubstantivequestionswillberespondedtobycloseofbusinessWednesday,July15,2015.Pleasebeadvisedthatallsubstantivequestionsandanswerswillbesharedwithallproposerswhohaveexpressedaninterest in submittinga proposalbywritingto theaboveindividual.

Part IVProposalForm

Proposersmustcomplywithandrespondtothefollowingquestions.One(1)originalofthisPartIVProposalFormcompletedandsignedbytheproposer(s)andsubmitted to:

Mary Deems

Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes

Town of New Castle

20 South Greeley Avenue

Chappaqua, New York 10514

Envelopestransmittinginitialproposalsmustbeentitledontheoutside:“ProposalforPurchaseof89 Hidden Hollow Lane.”

The deadline for receipt of initial proposals is 9:30 AM on Friday,July 24, 2015.


Name ofProposer:Address of Proposer:

Description of Proposer:(Corporation,Partnership,Association, etc.)



NameandAddress of anyother person/parties collaboratingin thesubmission of this proposal:

Proposed Use of Property

Please describe the proposed use of the property:______




Theproposerherebyoffersforthe property asdescribedthesumof(indicatethedollaramount of theproposalinwordsandnumerals):

Dollars ($ .00)
Please print clearly


Name: Address:Title:



PartIV Form1 –Certificateof DisclosureofCorporation

Proposers who arecorporationsarerequiredtoprovide a listingofthenamesandaddresses ofprincipalofficersofthe corporation.Failureofthebidder tosubmit therequiredinformation iscauseforautomaticrejectionofthe bid.


Principalofficers ofthe above-namedcorporationareasfollows:


SignatureofCorporateOfficerPrintedName andTitle

PartIV Form 2–Certificateof DisclosureofPartnership

Proposers who arepartnershipsarerequiredtoprovide a listingofthenamesandaddresses ofprincipalofficersofthe partnership.Failureofthebidder tosubmit therequiredinformation iscauseforautomaticrejectionofthe bid.


Principalofficers ofthe above-namedpartnershipareasfollows:


SignatureofPartner PrintedName andTitle