November Newsletter
Newton-Lee Elementary
4th Grade
A basic outline of current and upcoming units of study:
Math –Computation and
Estimation of Whole Numbers-
Science –Weather
Virginia Studies – Life in the
Virginia Colony
Reading– Show comprehension by making inferences, and summarizing content
Support at home
Please check the 4th grade team website and your teacher’s individual website for links to suggested review and enrichment activities for our students.
4th Grade Musical
Mrs. Mosely and MissBertoia are hard at work preparing our students for their 4th grade musical on Tuesday, November 11th. We have the honor of being the first grade level to perform and are confident our students will set a great example for the school. Our musical is “A Veteran’s Day Affair”.
American Education Week
American education Week will be held during the week of November 17-21. The fourth grade teachers would like to invite parents to join us on Tuesday, 11/18. We have planned a Viginia Studies inquiry lesson for that day. Individual teachers will be sending home the specific time for the teaching of this lesson. We hope many of you will be able to attend.
Students will usually receive homework nightly, Monday through Thursday. Students will write the assignments in their personal agendas. Homework is also posted on each teacher’s page of the school’s web site. Please review your child’s agenda with them nightly to ensure that the assignments have been completed. Students are responsible for completing ALL assignments each night.
Homework is important. It is an extension of the learning process that takes place in school. As a general rule, children in the 4th grade should spend approximately one hour per day.
Reminder: Students are required to complete 3 separate sessions of Reflex Math each week. Beginning in November, teachers may be assigning homework on i-Ready. Please look for these assignments for your students. The students have their log-on information.
Unexcused Absences
Families are strongly encouraged to schedule all vacations during breaks from school so students do not miss important instruction. Students are expected to complete essential work missed during their absence within a reasonable amount of time after their return. Teachers do not provide makeup work and/or homework prior to a vacation absence.
Please continue to send in a healthy, “dry” snack each day. Healthy snacks include such foods as fruit, carrot sticks, and cheese and crackers.
Dressing for Recess
As the weather turns cooler, please make sure you child is coming to school dressed for the possibility of going outdoors for recess. The NLE guidelines statewe have outdoor recess as long as the wind chill is above 32o .
November Events
~11/3-11/4: Teacher Workdays; No school for students.
~ 11/5: First day of 2nd Quarter
~ 11/11: 4th grade Musical@6:30PM
~ 11/12: 1st Quarter Progress Reports go home
~11/16: Making A Difference 5k run and walk at Sanders Corner Elementary School – must sign up to participate.
~11/18: American Education Week activities in each classroom.
~11/26-28:No school – Thanksgiving Holiday
Fourth Grade Team Website:
November 2014□ Fourth Grade TeamNewsletter