Hanover Community School Corporation Copier Equipment and Service RFP


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Hanover Community School Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “HCSC”) invites qualified Vendors to submit sealed Request for Proposal for:

Hanover Community School Corporation

Copier Equipment and Service

RFP Number: 2014-C06

The Hanover Community School Corporation (“School Corporation”) will receive sealed bid proposals by mail or delivery to its Administration Building, 9520 W. 133rd Avenue, Cedar Lake, Lake County, Indiana 46303; Attn: Eric Kurtz / HCSC Copier Equipment and Service for a) New Copiers; and, b) Copier Maintenance Service Agreements until 2:30 PM local time, Friday, October 24, 2014 when all bids received will be publicly opened in the Board Room.

Proposals shall be sealed and clearly marked with the HCSC Proposal Name and Number. Please submit one (1) original signed copy, (2) additional hard copies and an electronic copy viathumb driveof your proposal. No oral or electronically transmitted proposals will be accepted.

Proposals will be opened at the above stated time and place, however, no commitment will be made at that time until all proposals are evaluated for pricing, specifications and other pertinent information. Any nonconforming or incomplete proposals may be rejected. Vendors must comply with the instructions contained in the proposalpackage. It shall be the full responsibility of all Vendors to insure that proposals are delivered to the above office by the time and date stated. Facsimile (fax) or email copies of the proposal will not be accepted. HCSC will not be responsible for late deliveries by U.S. mail or any other means.

Copies of the RFP may be obtained from HCSCby emailing . Copies are also available on the HCSCwebsite at

All questions regarding this RFP, the terms and conditions shall be submitted in writing via email no later thanTuesday, October 14, 2014to the email . Though Vendors will not be identified to one another, all questions and answers will be shared with all responding Vendors.

Important: Vendors may not directly contact HCSC personnel.

HCSC reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularities or informalities in any proposal process. No proposal, or any portion thereof, may be withdrawn without HCSC consent for a period of ninety (90) days after proposal opening.



HCSC is seeking a Request for Proposal ("RFP") from experienced Vendors to provide multifunction digital copiers and related maintenance support services and software for these copiers. Service agreement shall be for 36 months with an option for (2) of one year extensions and include placement, relocation as necessary, training and full service maintenance. Copiers and printers may be leased based on purchase price. Leases will be 60 month (five year) at a Fair Market Value (FMV) rate.

In addition, Vendor is expected to utilize all available state or federal contracts in the pricing of the equipment and software/services to assure maximum cost reductions are provided to the HCSC.

  1. Locations: HCSC schools are all located in Cedar Lake, Indiana in Hanover and Center townships, Lake County, Indiana, United States. The population was 11,560 at the 2010 census.

The four schools and support locationare made up of:

  • 1Administration Center
  • 2Elementary Schools ( Grades K-5)
  • 1Junior High School1 (Grades 6-8)
  • 1High School

Key Roles for Project:

  • Superintendent: Tom Taylor
  • Project Lead: Eric Kurtz, Director of Business Services
  • Technology Leads: John Flanagin and Steve Plesha

B. Quantities: The total number of copiers currently operating in HCSC iseleven;all of these copiers are to be replaced this year. It is understood that the HCSC guarantees no minimum amount. HCSCreserves the right to increase or decrease copier replacement quantities.

C. Vendor Recommendations: One to one copier replacement is not guaranteed. It is not the intent to limit the Vendor to a specific copier or printer solution.

D. Hi-Level Schedule:

October 3, 2014 / Release RFP
October 3 – 14 / Vendors Submit RFP questions via email
October 20 / Responses to RFP questions sent to all parties
October 24 / RFP response due to HCSC
October 31 / Finalist (2) selection
November5 / Finalist (2) presentations
November 7 / Finalist Selection
November 11 / Board Presentation and Approval
December8, 9 / Software Implementation, test and training
December10, 11, 12 / Copier Installation
December 10, 11, 12 / Training of Administrative staff
December 10, 11, 12 / Training of Education staff


The submission requirements for the RFP are detailed below. Review this RFP carefully before responding to ensure that you understand fully all procedural and contractual requirements. The HCSC will provide Vendors with an electronic version in Microsoft Office format of all of the required forms that are included in this RFP. Email have the electronic documents emailed to you. All Vendors must submit their proposals using these forms.

Proposal Responses shall include one (1) original copy, (2) copies of originalplus a thumb drivethat includes:

Vendor Identification Sheet




Response to Proposed Equipment Specification and Pricing

OEM Specification Sheets and BOM of Referenced Models

  • Attached copies of screen shots of all software that will be accessed by HCSC personnel as well as sample reports of click counts and other management reports
  • Copy of a Sample Service Level Agreement
  • Copy of a Sample Contract

Any submission shall constitute an irrevocable (unless HCSC agrees) offer for ninety (90) calendar days following the deadline of its submission.

A. General and Technical Requirements for Digital Copiers

Preference is for all digital copiers to be newly manufactured with no used or refurbished parts. However, HSCS will entertain solutions that contain refurbished copiers. All copiers shall include options for printing and scanning. Each location’s copier needs will determine the final equipment configuration of each unit. The Vendor shall provide specification sheets listing all accessories, features, functions and technical requirements of each model copier. Unless otherwise specified all digital copiers shall meet the following requirements:

1. Duplexing: All digital copiers shall be capable of producing double-sided copies/prints.

2. Paper: All digital copiers rated at a speed of 90 prints per minute (ppm) or faster are required to have the capability of printing on stock ranging from 20 lb. bond to 110 lb. index, on sizes letter (8 ½ x 11), legal (8 ½ x 14) and ledger (11 x 17).

3. Finishing: All digital copiers shall have full offset stacking and finishing (50 sheet stapling) capabilities. No 3-hole punch or booklet making capabilities will be required.

4. Document Feeder: All digital copiers shall possess an automated document feeder, with a minimum capacity of 50 sheets of 20 lb. bond paper.

5. Bypass Tray: All digital copiers shall have a bypass tray for the purpose of printing on specialized stock.

6. Enlarging: All digital copiers shall be capable of enlarging documents in preset increments to a maximum of 200%.

7. Reducing: All digital copiers shall be capable of reducing documents in preset increments to a minimum of 64%.

8. Paper Capacity: All digital copiers shall have the following paper capacity, using standard 20 lb. copy paper:

8 ½ x 11 paper supply - minimum of 1000 sheets

8 ½ x 14 paper supply - minimum of 500 sheets

11 x 17 paper supply - minimum of 250 sheets (may be an adjustable tray)

9. Barcode Card and PIN Codes: All digital copiers shall have PIN code with an option for barcode or fob card readerssecured access for users. There are approximately 300 employees, of which, approximately 125 are teachers.

10. Cost/Accounting Meter: All digital copiers shall have programmable cost center/accounting meters, with a minimum of 50 separate cost centers/meters; Vendor to specify the number of digits accommodated per accounting code.

11. Network Printing: Digital copiers shall be capable of printing from any desktop PC, laptop or HCSC recognized mobile deviceswithin the HCSC’s network using an Ethernet TCP/IP protocol network connection. “Follow-You” or “Follow-Me” like capabilities is anoptional requirement. Provide proposed design of equipment/software, etc. for “Follow-Me” capabilities.

12. Scanning: Digital copiers shall be capable of color scanning to email/file. Identify whether or not scanning to email or file is an optional feature and delineate all functions of this feature. If optional, identify all costs (i.e. equipment, software, etc.) and technical requirements necessary to the operation of this feature. In addition, single pass, dual sided scanning is preferred.

13. Faxing:All copiers will be required to have the ability to receive and send faxes. A detailed description of device’s faxing capabilities and configuration is required.

B. OEM Service Entity (Authorized Dealers)

If the OEM will not be the direct servicing entity, the OEM must provide a statement of support to commit all necessary products, services and resources to the designated authorized dealer(s) in order to fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract.

C. Requirements for Maintenance Support

1. Warranty Term: Vendor shall provide an equipment/parts and labor warranty for a minimum of one year. Vendor shall identify their warranty period and terms.

2. Repairs under Warranty: The Vendor shall bear all material and labor costs for repair of equipment and defects and failure accruing within the warranty period.

3. Replacement under Warranty: If a copier does not perform to manufacturer’s specifications during the warranty period, the Vendor shall replace the unit(s) with a new copier of the same model.

4. Maintenance Agreement Term: The maintenance/service agreement shall commence upon signed maintenance agreement expiration of the warranty period and extend through the end of the contracted fiscal year (June 30). The Agreement will be for (36) months and renewed annually thereafter with a fiscal year of July 1 – June 30. The HCSC reserves the right to discontinue the Agreement at any time by giving 30 days written notice.

5. Repairs: On-call remedial maintenance shall be performed on an “as need” basis as determined by the HCSC. An adequate inventory of spare parts must be kept on hand by the Vendor, to be available for repairs necessary to keep all copiers/duplicators running to meet the agreed upon SLA.

6. Service Call Charges: Copies metered during service calls by Vendor shall not be charged to the HCSC, nor will the Vendoruse the HCSC’s paper.

7. Response Time: Defined as the time interval between the problem call by the HCSCor electronic notice of failure monitoring software and the on-site arrival of a qualified maintenance service technician, the response time shall not exceed an average of four (4) normal working hours. Normal working hours are defined as 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday except holidays:

8. Loaner: If during a service call, it is determined that a copier/duplicator cannot be repaired in-place within maximum of forty eight (48) hours from the time the service call is placed, another copier of like size and features is to be supplied at no cost to the HCSC, other than the per-copy-charge.

9. Poor Performance: Poor performing and/or problematic copier units will be replaced with new similar equipment repaired to manufacturer’s specifications and/or repaired to the HCSC’s satisfaction based on Vendors stated replacement guarantee.

10. Training: Initial training of HCSC personnel and set up of shall be conducted upon equipment installation and at no cost to the HCSC. Any additional training shall be offered at no cost to the HCSC.

11. Performance and Meter Report: Amonthly Performance and Meter Report shall be provided by Vendor on a proactive basis. The formatting of the Performance and Meter Report will be accomplished according to the needs of the HCSC, however the Performance and Meter Report shall indicate at minimum the following information during the period for each unit in the fleet: unit identification number, building address, floor/room number, site name, address, number of copies, number of prints, number of service calls, number of preventive maintenance calls performed. The collection of meter reading must be automated. In addition, Vendor will be expected to participate in a quarterly or optionally monthly status meeting regarding service.

12. Contract Renewal Letter: Following contract term, an annual Contract Renewal letter shall be provided by Vendor 60 days prior to term and for each copier. The formatting of the Contract Renewal letter will be accomplished according to the needs of the HCSC, however the letter shall indicate at minimum the following information: unit identification number, site name, address, current purchase order number, cost per copy for the upcoming fiscal year, actual number of copies/prints for previous 12 month period and the total maintenance estimate for the upcoming fiscal year, and the lease payment amount if applicable.

D. Network and Technical Requirements

1. Protocol: Networked digital copiers must be capable of connecting to the HCSC’s network using the TCP/IP protocol. Bandwidth speeds are capable to 65 MB.

2. Network Printing: Each networked digital copier shall allow printing from any desktop PC, laptop or HCSC recognized mobile devices within the HCSC’s network.

3. Electrical Requirements: The Vendor shall specify all electrical requirements, including the necessity for special electrical receptacles, dedicated circuits, etc. Requirements for power inverters must be specified.

F. Software Requirements

The Environment: HCSC is currently using a L-gigabit network to each device and running on an Active

Directory. The protocol is TCP/IP with twisted pair cabling. There is a firewall for internet traffic.All connected digital equipment installed by Vendor must be configured to properly network with the HCSC’s existing network architecture. HCSC desktops are installed with Windows 7 x64.HCSC servers installed with Windows 2008 x64. Major software packages include; mix of Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft Office 2013 and Gmail for email service. Other software programs beingused are Adobe products such as, Reader, Abode Acrobat, and CS6.

  1. System Administration: A dashboard is desired for locally identified HCSCfacility personnel to track and maintain alarms as well as tracking and monitoring equipment repair status. Please provide screen shots of dashboard.
  1. Reporting: Click count reports are required to be generated and distributed to all specified site administrators at mid and end of month. Please provide samples of such reports. At a minimum, such reports must identify top 10 users and list of all building user click counts.

E. Pricing Requirements

1. Purchase Orders: The HCSC will issue Purchase Orders for all leases, purchases and maintenance agreements.

2. Leases Billed Monthly in Advance: Vendors shall provide the purchase price on which the equipment lease is based. The equipment lease pricing shall be based on a 60-month (5-year) term Fair Market Value (FMV) billed monthly in advance. A master equipment lease agreement may be developed at contract execution. All invoices must reference a Purchase Order number.

3. Maintenance Agreement Pricing: Maintenance agreement pricing shall include all maintenance, repairs, parts and consumable supplies, including toner, masters, developer and staples (except paper). Increases in maintenance agreement pricing, if any, may not exceed 2% annually. This assumes unlimited coverage; no maximum coverage shall be required.

  1. Maintenance Agreement Billing: Maintenance agreements will be billed quarterly in arrears based on actual copies made. A master maintenance agreement may be developed at contract execution. All invoices must reference a Purchase Order number.

5. Meter Readings: Obtaining meter readings are the responsibility of the Vendor. An automated method must be setup to obtain these readings on a maximummonthly basis.

6. Copy Volume: It is understood and agreed that the HCSC guarantees no minimum amount. However, Vendor may propose minimum click amount. The HCSC reserves the right to increase or decrease anticipated quantities. Annual volume indicated is an estimate only, based on the fiscal year July 1 through June 30 of each year. All clicks will be aggregated for all devices. Copiers may be separated from printers if desired.

7.Electrical Specifications: The HCSC will contract with a separate contractor to install electrical and/or data drops. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to provide all specifications for the hard wire.

8Vendor Recommendations: Each Vendor may be asked to outline a method to examine volumes for each copier to verify the proper equipment is in place and is properly utilized.

9. Energy Star: All proposed copiers shall be Energy Star compliant.

10. Delivery: All equipment and supplies shall be priced F.O.B. Destinations – Free On Board delivered to all HCSC sites. HCSC plans to take delivery within a short time (2 – 3 weeks) after contract is signed. Rollout will be staged to minimize disruption and maximize HCSC knowledge of devices. Board approval will be necessary to approve the agreement.

11. Free Pick-up: Return of HCSCequipment at the end of the lease term will be done at no charge to the HCSC by the Vendor that originally conducted the install. HCSC owned copiers will be picked up at no charge to the HCSC by the Vendor replacing the equipment; exceptions may be mutually agreed to.

12. Demo Units: If requested, equipment offered must be available at no cost or obligation for evaluation and testing by the HCSC prior to the award of the proposal.

13.Hard Drives:Documentation certifying the destruction of data on hard drives of existing or newly acquired copiers to be replaced must be delivered to HCSC two weeks following the removal of replaced copier.Data destruction of hard drives of replaced copiers as well as certification documentation of such is at no additional cost to HCSC.

14. Removal of Replaced Copiers:HCSC replaced copiers will be removed from its location and disposed of at no additional cost to HCSC.

F. Training Requirements

  1. Levels: Three levels of training materials and training will be required 1) System Administration,

2) Train the Trainer 3) End User.

  1. Offering: The offering Vendor shall develop a training plan with materials designed to bring comprehensive training to the HCSC training team, system administrators, and users. The Vendor must have experience in training people with varying levels of copier proficiency.
  1. Materials: Training materials for full implementation shall be provided; larger numbers for some school copiers, and considerably less for other facility facilitated copiers. The HCSC will be given the right to reproduce all training materials as needed.
  1. Exercises: Training materials shall include end-user practice exercises, end-user “cookbook-type” fast reference guides, and detailed train the trainer manuals.
  1. Location: All training will take place at HCSC training facilities. The training plan must be consistent with the offering Vendor’s implementation plan.
  1. Train the Trainer: The Train the Trainer training will be for approximately 15 people, and will occur prior to or very shortly after school convenience copier implementation. The training shall be thorough enough so that the HCSC training team can subsequently train otherHCSC users of the equipment.
  1. User Training: The user training will focus on how the new equipment and processes are implemented within HCSC and will detail equipment capabilities, functions, processes, and available services for users.
  1. System Administration: The system administration training shall be designed to provide HCSC technical staff the ability to handle maintenance and troubleshooting, as well as modify and customize equipment configurations once fully installed.