Parish Newsletter–
Forthe people of Lixnaw, Irremore and Rathea 23 March lixnaw

NEXT WEEKEND – LAST WEEKEND OF THE MONTH & € 10 WEEKEND. Thanks for your support.

LIXNAW LENTEN SPECIAL NEXT THURSDAY MORNING AT 6am: Church opens at 6am. Stations of the Cross at 6.30am& Holy Mass at 7am. This affords people the opportunity to do something special and go the extra mile for Lent..

EUCHARISTIC SERVICE AND LITURGY OF THE WORD ON MONDAY NIGHT IN LIXNAW at 7.30pm with a pastoral worker. As our priest will not be with us let us reflect on the word and pray together and then share Christ’s body and blood consecrated for us at a previous eucharist.

LIXNAW FIRST CONFESSIONS AND SERVICE OF RECONCILATION will be celebrated at St. Michael’s church Lixnaw on Wed. April 9th at 8pm.

CLOTH OF SUFFERING AT LIXNAW CHURCH: Naturally the cross dominates our sanctuary during Lent. Did you notice the box at the foot of the cross? Well, we invite you to bring a piece of cloth representing suffering or pain in your own life or that of a loved one. Place the piece of cloth in the aforementioned box. All these pieces of cloth will be sewn together to represent the chain of suffering and placed on the crucifix. We shall burn

these cloths with the Dawn Easter fire to remind us that God, our higher power, can help all of us in our trials and tribulations.

LIXNAW NEW READERS ROTA can be collected at the back of the church.

CLANDOUGLAS SCHOOL REUNION calling all past pupils of Clandouglas national school to a meeting at the Halfway Bar, Glenoe next Sunday, 23rd March 2014 and commencing at 8.30pm. Ideas and plans will be discussed. Saturday August 2nd 2014 is the proposed date of the reunion to coincide with the holding of the annual graveyard mass in Kilfeighney & Kiltomey.

VINCENT DE PAUL. The Chiropodist will be in the Community Care Room on Wed March 26th 9.30 to 12.30


ST. MICHAEL’S DRAMA GROUP LIXNAW present ‘Separate Beds’ by Sam Cree. This hilarious comedy produces some unexpected results the night before the wedding. Directed by Moira Galvin. The play is a 3 act comedy set in the lounge of the Marshall household. Performances at Ceolann on the following dates (1) Sat. 29th & Sun. 30th March at 8pm. (2) Performed again on Sat. 5th & Sun. 6th April at 8pm. Tickets € 10 at door U16 € 5. For more info contact Billy O’Lehan on (087) 9191359.

Senans Lotto NO’s 19, 24, 25, 26 .€ 30.Mike McElligott Lixnaw; Sinead Costello Ballyduff ; € 20 Conor Keane Coolnaleen; Seamus Galvin & Geraldine Trant Listowel Bottle of whiskey Noranne Carlynn & Jacinta c/o JJ’s Bar Lixnaw Next weeks € 3000

ST. SENANS NEWS: G.AA membership is due by March 31st. Contact any club member. (2) County League Round 1 on Sun. March 23rd Senans V Duagh at 2pm in Duagh.

Lixnaw club lotto NO’s 5, 6, 12, 13 . € 25. Donal Donovan Laccabeg O’dorney; Patsy & John c/o Mikes Lixnaw. Francis Griffin Ballinclogher Lixnaw; Mike Conway Lisoughtra Lixnaw 5 free tickets Michael J O’Keeffe Ballinclogher; Tony Maunsell Abbeydorney Next draw Dew Drop Inn Sun night Jackpot € 3000

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: --- Quitters never win and winners never quit.

“Strength does not come from winning.

Your struggles develop your strengths.

When you go through hardships

And decide not to surrender, that is strength”. Mathatma Gandhi
