RFA67-27a Juvenile Diabetes - Pre-Application Conference Questions and Answers
1)Are there any Word documents available for this application process that can be typed into?
Yes, the following Application Attachments are available as Word documents on the Department of General Services website at
- Mailing Label
- Cover Page
- Work Statement
- Researcher Qualifications
- Original Research Proposal
- Scientific Critique
2)Are references included in the ten page limit of the application?
No, references are not included in the ten page limit described in the RFA Part 1, Section C 2 (f) Work Statement, page 7. References can be provided as an attachment to the Work Statement.
3)Do “Other” costs in the budget include laboratory supplies, animal costs, etc.?
No, laboratory supplies and animal costs are included in the Supplies category (RFA Part 1, Section C 3, page 9).
4)Where in the application should letters of collaboration or support be filed?
Letters of collaboration and support can be included as an attachment to the Work Statement and will not be included in the ten page limit (Part 1, Section C 2 (f) Work Statement, page 7).
5)Regarding the requirements for a critique from a previous grant application, many organizations (ADA, JDRF) do not supply reviews. How does one proceed?
A required part of the Application Format is Scientific Critique, which is defined as a copy of the summary statement, reviewer comments, peer-review panel report or other scientific critique document received from the organization which reviewed the original application and must be included in the application(RFA Part 1, Section C 2 (i) Scientific Critique, page 8).If the funding organization did not provide a review as described above, the applicant must request and obtain such a review and provide it as part of the application responding to this RFA.
Act 133 states: “The Department of Health shall distribute the amounts to institutions of higher education and independent research institutes of this Commonwealth to support projects that have been subject to an established peer and scientific review process identical or similar to the National Institutes of Health review system.”
6)What if a cover letter from an organization identifying the status of an application cannot be provided because the organization did not provide it.
A cover letter from organization, identifying the funding status of application must also be included, or the application will be disqualified(RFA Part 1, Section C 2 i Scientific Critique, page 8). If the funding organization did not provide a letter as described above, the applicant must request and obtain such a letter or e-mail and provide it as part of the application responding to this RFA.
Act 133 states: “The Department of Health shall distribute the amounts to institutions of higher education and independent research institutes of this Commonwealth to support projects that have been subject to an established peer and scientific review process identical or similar to the National Institutes of Health review system.”
7)How extensive or detailed does the feasibility/timeline need to be?
The project plan must articulate a clear plan for what shall be accomplished, including a step-by-step plan with timelines for accomplishing the specific tasks. The application must indicate how the objectives shall be met within the timeframe.Feasibility and Timelines (RFA Part 1, Section B 2, page 5).
8)How many applications will be funded?
It is the intention of the Department to fund one application (RFA Part 1, Section B 1c, page 4). However, the Department reserves the right to reject any and all applications received as a result of this request and to negotiate separately with competing applicants,
9)Regarding Personnel, are students allowed to be included? If so, does this include stipend only, or stipend and tuition costs?
Student stipends or Tuition costs or both must be included in the Other Costs budget category (Part 1, Section C 3 Budget Definitions, page 8, 9).