Fiscal Year 2017–18
American Indian Early Childhood Education Program
Request for Applications
Application Instructions
California Department of Education
Table of Contents
Section I:Forms …………...….…………………………….2–5
Application Cover Sheet
Budget Form
Budget Narrative Form
Committee Members Form
Section II:Instructions…………...….………………………6–8
Application Cover Sheet
Budget Form
Budget Narrative Form
Advisory Committee Form
General Assurances
Writing the Narrative
Section III:Narrative…………...….…………………………8–11
Program Overview
Organizational Chart
Program Personnel
Narrative Outline
Memorandum of Understanding
Application Checklist…………...….………………………...12
Submission Date(s)
Appendix A: Scoring Rubric…………...….…………………13–16
Fiscal Year 2017–18
American Indian Early Childhood Education Program
Applicant Information
Applicant Legal Name:Applicant Legal Business Address:
Zip Code:
Authorized Agent Name:
Authorized Agent Telephone Number:
Program Director Name:
Program Director Telephone Number:
Program Director E-mail Address:
Amount Requested:
County Name:
Vendor Number:
Name of Site(s):
Signature of Authorized Agent:
(Must be signed in blue ink)
(American IndianEducation Parent Committee Chairperson)
(American Indian Advisory Council Member)
Fiscal Year 2017–18
American Indian Early Childhood Education Program
Applicant Legal Name: / Budget Contact Name:Applicant Legal Business Address: / Budget Contact Title:
City and Zip Code: / Telephone Number: / E-mail:
Object Codes / Description (Direct Costs) / Budget Amount
1000–1999 / Certificated Personnel Salaries
Expenditures for salaries of personnel positions that require a credential or permit issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Typical categories are the salaries for teachers, teacher substitutes, school administrators, librarians, counselors, or school nurses. / $
2000–2999 / Classified Personnel Salaries
Expenditures for salaries of personnel who provide services that do not require a credential or permit issued by the CTC. Typical categories of classified personnel are teacher assistants, business managers, clerical staff, administrators such as board members or assistant superintendents who do not have credentials, or custodians. / $
3000–3999 / Employee Benefits
Expenditures for the costs of benefits contributed by the employer as a part of the compensation package. Benefits include retirement Public Employees Retirement System or State Teachers Retirement System, Social Security and Medicare, health and welfare benefits, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and other benefits that may be offered. / $
4000–4999 / Books and Supplies
Expenditures for books and supplies, including the costs of sales tax, freight, and inventory costs. Examples are textbooks, instructional materials, office supplies, custodial supplies, and food service supplies. / $
5000–5999 / Services and Other Operating Expenditures
Expenditures for services, rents, operating leases, maintenance contracts, dues, travel, insurance, utilities, and other operating expenses. Expenditures may be authorized by contracts agreement, purchase orders, and so on. / $
6000–6999 / Capital Outlay (Prior approval required)
Expenditures for equipment, equipment replacement or other approved capital outlay. / $
Total Budget: / $
Fiscal Year 2017–18
American Indian Early Childhood Education Program
Expenditure Object Codes / Description (Direct Costs) / Budget Amount1000 Series / List all certificated staff in this grant, including percent of full-time equivalent (FTE), rate of pay per month and/or year.
Total certificated personnel salaries / $
2000 Series / List all classified staff in this grant, including percentage of FTE, rate of pay per month and/or year.
Total classified personnel salaries / $
3000 Series / Include description and method of calculation.
Total employee benefits / $
4000 Series / List textbooks, materials, and supplies separately.
Total books and supplies / $
5000 Series / List rents, leases, operating leases, and repairs.
Travel and conferences: Describe travel necessary to meet project objectives.
Total services and other operating expenses / $
6000 Series / Equipment and equipment replacement: Prior approval required.
Total equipment and capital outlay / $
Total Budget / $
Fiscal Year 2017–18
American Indian Early Childhood Education Program
Site Name:Site Address:
City and Zip Code:
County Name:
Indicate below the names and addresses of both the American IndianEducation Parent Committee and of the American Indian Advisory Council members.If your district has only one elementary school, the American IndianEducation Parent Committee will also function as the American Indian Advisory Council. In this situation only one committee needs to be named.
American IndianEducation Parent CommitteeMembers / Address
Chairperson Name:
Member Name:
Member Name:
Member Name:
American Indian Advisory Council Members
Member Name:
Member Name:
Member Name:
Application Cover Sheet(page two)
Complete the Application Cover Sheet by including the following information:
Applicant Legal Name: Insert the legal name of the local educational agency applying for program funds exactly as it appears in the California School Directory Web page at
Applicant Legal Business Address:Insert the legal physical address of the applicant. Include the suite, room, or other unit number after the street address, city, and zip code. This address will be used by the California Department of Education (CDE) to mail the funding correspondence letter and future apportionment checks.
Authorized Agent Name:Insert the name of the person who has the authority to sign and certify the acceptance of grant requirements with the CDE.
Authorized Agent Telephone Number: Insert the telephone numberof the applicant agency’s administrative office.
Program Director Name:Insert the name of the person who will have administrative and programmatic responsibility, as described in the American Indian Early Childhood Education (AIECE) Program application.
Program Director Telephone Number and E-mail Address:Insert telephone number and e-mail of the Program Director’s administrative office, if applicable.
Amount Requested: Insert the amount requested by the applicant agency to support the AIECE Program. Maximum funding amount is $80,000.
County Name: Insert the name of the county or counties proposed to provide services to AIECE students.
Vendor Number:Insert the CDE-assigned vendor code for agencies that currently have an existing contract with the CDE. Applicants not currently funded with the CDE must leave this section blank.
Name of Site(s): Insert the name of the site(s) that will provide AIECE Program services.
Signature of Authorized Agent: Signature of the person authorized to sign and certify the acceptance of grant requirements with the CDE and the date on which the application was signed.
Signature: Signature of the Chairperson of the American IndianEducation Parent Committeeand date of signature.
Signature: Signature of the American Indian Advisory Council member and date of signature.
Budget Form(page three)
Include the proposed expenditures for the program and justify the items in each line of the budget form. Use this space to help clarify the proposed expenditures. Include in your explanation the source that each position or item will cost and the totals.
Certificated/Classified Personnel: Insertthe salary and benefits to be paid to personnel employed in the project by the percentage of time allocated to the project.
Employee Benefits: Insertbenefits by type and percentage of salary for each position listed for personnel.
Books and Supplies:Insert expenditures for books and supplies, including the costs of sales tax, freight, and inventory costs.These should be items that cost less than $500 per unit with a useful life of less than two years.
Services and Other Operating Expenditures: Insertmileage and per diem for staff attending required AIECE meetings and in-service trainings.
Equipment: Insertany article of nonexpendable, tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one year.
Other: Insertall direct costs not clearly covered by other categories.
Budget Narrative Form(page four)
Provide a Budget Narrative that describes the intended use of the requested funds for each object code denoted on the budget forms. There should be adequate and appropriate detail that supports the purpose of the program’s budget.
Advisory Committee Form(page five)
Insert the name and address of each member of both the American IndianEducation Parent Committeeand of the American Indian Advisory Council.If your district has only one elementary school, the American IndianEducation Parent Committee will also function as the American Indian Advisory Council. In thatcase, only one committee needs to be named.
General Assurances
The General Assurances and Certifications are required for grant funding applications submitted to the CDE. The General Assurances and Certifications are available on the CDE General Assurances 2017–18 Web page at. Note: The signed grant application submitted to the CDE confirms a commitment to comply with the General Assurances and Certifications. Applicants must download and print the General Assurances and Certifications and submit the printout with their applications.
Writing the Narrative
All applications will be reviewed for completeness and the likelihood of success in meeting the purposes of the AIECE Program. Follow the directions for each section carefully to ensure that the agency’s proposal will be given every consideration.
The narrative is the general description of your project. The narrative should be comprehensive, and clearly define how the agency will meet the requirements of each component. Please refer to the criteria and application scoring indicated on pages 9-11 for specific directions.
Make sure the narrative covers the following components: (1) Description and Assessment of Need; (2) Program Design and Planning; (3) Program Evaluation Description; and (4) Commitment and Capacity Building described below. The page limit is 20 pages.
Program Overview
The program overview should provide a description of the agency’s project. Organize the sections in the order listed below (two pages maximum):
- Describe the school district, including size, location, demographics, the tribes, reservations, rancherias, and American Indian communities in the area.
- Describe the comprehensive needs assessment process (how it was conducted) and the findings (what was discovered).
- Indicate the number of students and grade levels of the children to be served and the extent to which students are achieving state standards.
- Describe the types of services the program will provide and the extent of parent, family, and community involvement in the development of this proposal. Conclude by answering the following questions: How will the proposed program accomplish these objectives? How will this program complement the elementary education program?
Organizational Chart
Indicate the organization of the school district, including collaborative relationships between this program, the district, and school sites with their American IndianEducation Parent Committee groups (in districts that have more than one elementary school) and theAmerican Indian Advisory Council. In addition, state the hours and locations of services provided by the program.
Program Personnel
Provide a job description for each staff member providing services to the program. Include the names, position titles, and job responsibilities.
Narrative Outline
The Narrative Outline must contain the following components:
I. Description and Assessment of Need (20 points):Identify the needs of American Indian students to be served in the program, including the following information:
a)Data on American Indian students’ academic achievement levels in reading/language arts, and mathematics.
b)Data on the number of participants to be served, the grade levels involved, and the schools to be included.
c)Description of the needs of the American Indian parents, and community members.
d)Description of the training needs of district staff, including support personnel.
2. Program Design and Planning (27 points):Describe how the agencies’ proposed goals, objectives, and activities meet the following provisions:
a)The program is in alignment with state standards and legislative intent to design and test educational models for increasing Indian student achievement in reading/language arts and mathematics.
b)The program involves American Indian parents and the community in the design, implementation, and evaluation of project, goals, objectives, and activities.
c)The program addresses identified needs.
d)The program is appropriate, reasonable, and achievable.
e)The program is aligned to sound educational theory and practice for educating Indian students, including respect for Indian culture, values, and traditions and strategies for building self-esteem.
f)The program includes strong articulation between the preschool activities and the curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade twelve.
g)The program ensures collaboration with other state and federally funded programs for American Indian children, such as American Indian Education Centers, Indian health providers, and other agencies.
h)The program embeds American Indian cultural traditions and values throughout the prekindergarten-through-grade-four curricular activities.
i)The program includes staff development and training activities designed to improve the skills of the parents, family, community, and teaching staff to meet the needs of American Indian students.
Include descriptions of the design, development, and testing of unique education projects or the adoption and adaptation of previously proven projects (cite sources). Describe the main services, activities, or support that will be provided during the
three-year funding cycle.
Provide the projected goals of the four required areas: reading/language arts; mathematics; improved self-concept; and development and training opportunities for school personnel, parents, families, and the community. Each goal shouldbe statedand organized in a parallel format as follows:
Objectives: Each goal statement must include only two (2) or three (3) objectives that are tied closely to the goal. The statements should be sufficiently broad to be appropriate for the program.
Major Activities and Timelines: These items should be numbered and tied directly to the objectivesto which they pertain. Activities for year one (1) should be detailed and future activities should be broadly outlined. Regular school year and summer activities should be identified. Indicate separate timelines for each major activity.
Person(s) Responsible: Name the person who is responsible for each goal, objective, and activity. Indicate if more than one person is responsible.
Collaboration: Indicate the community, tribal, county, or regional entities the project will collaborate with to achieve the goal. Secure a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from each collaborating agency or entity.
3. Program Evaluation Description (15 points):Describe the agencies’ proposed evaluation plan, including the following supporting materials:
a.)Documentation, assessment, and evaluation strategies for determining the impact of project activities on student achievement in reading/language arts and mathematics by grade level and subject; for example: test score data, improved attendance, writing samples, etc.
b.)Documentation, assessment, and evaluation strategies for determining the extent of parent, family, and community involvement.
c.)Documentation, assessment, and evaluation strategies for determining the viability of the project as an effective model for teaching reading and mathematics to American Indianstudents.
The description must support each major program goal and indicate how program evaluation results will be shared with the community, and used to modify program objectives and activities. In the program evaluation design, the applicant must specify the areas that will be included in the project’s summative evaluation.
Provide a description of the evaluation methods and tools that will be used to assess each of the goals and the objectives for each of the four areas: reading/language arts, mathematics, improved self-concept, and development and training opportunities for school personnel, parents, families, and the community. Indicate the ways in which data will inform the district and community on program progress.
4. Commitment and Capacity Building (18 points):Describe the agencies’ commitment to implement the program design, as submitted to CDE. Describe the agencies’ dedication to sustaining program results after the contract term expires. Include descriptions of the following:
a)Training and staff development activities for building the capacity of the instructional and educational staff to effectively address the needs of American Indian students.
b)Strategies for incorporating successful practices on a Districtwide basis.
c)A plan to continue communication with Indian parents and community.
Memorandum of Understanding
List the agencies and collaborators with which this program has developed MOU. Attach a copy of the MOU(s) to the application.
Submission date(s)Electronic submission of the FY 2017–18 AIECE application may be submitted to the email box by Wednesday, June 7, 2017.
Number of Copies Required: Within 10 business days of submitting the electronic copy, the applicant must then submit one (1) original application (containing appropriate signatures in blue ink) plus three (3) hard copies of each signed application on or before 5:00 p.m. onTuesday, June 20, 2017at the following address:
California Department of Education
Early Education and Support Division
Attention: Funding and Agency Support Unit
1430 N Street, Suite 3410
Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
Below is the order in which the items in the application should be assembled.
Item/Section / Page Number / Check Box if completed
- Application Cover Sheet
- Budget Form
- Budget Narrative Form
- Advisory Committee Form
- General Assurances
- Program Overview
- Organization Chart
- Program Personnel
- Narrative Outline
- Memorandum of Understanding
APPENDIX A:American Indian Early Childhood Education Program