Fraternity and Sorority Life Social Event Management Guide2014-2015

Washington University in St. Louis- Student Involvement and Leadership
Fraternity and Sorority Life Social Event Management Guide

The following information is a consolidation of relevant Washington University in St. Louis policies, documents, and guidelines. Fraternities and Sororities should refer this guide when planning social events.

I.Types of Events

II.Registration Process

Social Event Risk Management Training/Social Calendar-Scheduling Meeting

Registering Events

Possible Event Locations

Event Packet and Evaluation

III.Policies Regarding Programming Events with Alcohol


Alcohol Types

Distribution of Alcohol

Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Attendance and Proper Identification

Focus and Publicity



Guest Policy/Sign-In

Guests Under 18 and Prospective Freshmen

Responsible Contacts

Security Staffing and Expectations

IV.Event Planning and Management


Guest Management

Containing the Party


Policy Compliance

Responsibility of Security Guards

Responsibility of Responsible Officer/Contact

Food and Beverages

Alcohol Guidelines

Ending the Event

V.Post Event

Responsibility for Guests Departure



I.Types of Events

The following table lists the various types of events that need to be registered with the Interfraternity Council or Women’s Panhellenic Association as well as Student Involvement and Leadership. Registration and all appropriate paperwork must be turned into Student Involvement and Leadership/submitted online by 5:00pm the Monday one week prior to the event.

Type of Event / Description / Event Builder / Responsible Contacts / Hired Security / Contract / Guest List
Date Party- DRY / Any event where members of the sponsoring chapter and their dates are in attendance. Typically only one guest per member allowed. / Yes / Recommended / Not Required / Depends on Event / Yes
Date Party- w/Alcohol / Same as above, except with alcohol. / Yes / Yes / Yes / Depends on Event / Yes
Mixer- DRY / An event sponsored jointly by two organizations. Only members of sponsoring chapters are in attendance (including new members). Both chapters are required to reregister the event. / Yes / Recommended / Not Required / Most Likely Not Needed / Not Needed
Mixer- w/Alcohol / Same as above, except with alcohol. / Yes / Yes / Yes / Depends on Event / Yes
On Campus Party- DRY / An event sponsored by a Fraternity where members and non-members are in attendance. Event is usually held in the chapter house, but can also be held in reserved spaces on campus. On Campus Parties are typically held on Friday or Saturday nights; however expectations can be granted by IFC/WPA and SIL. All parties cannot start before 10PM and must end no later than 2AM. / Yes / Yes / Yes / Depends on Event / Yes
On Campus Party- w/Alcohol / Same as above, expect with alcohol. Alcohol must be either BYOB or Third Party Vendor Provided. / Yes / Yes / Yes / Depends on Event / Yes
Off Campus Party- DRY / An event sponsored by a Fraternity where members and non-members are in attendance at an off-campus venue. Off Campus Parties are typically held on Friday or Saturday nights; however expectations can be granted by IFC/WPA and SIL. All parties cannot start before 10PM and must end no later than 2AM. / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Off Campus Party-w/Alcohol / Same as above, except with alcohol provided by the venue. / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Semi/Formal / Same as a Date Part, but typically held off campus or outside of St. Louis / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Special Event- DRY / Event held by multiple chapters and/or event with an anticipated attendance of over 200 people and/or event that could potentially disrupt the campus and/or surrounding community. These should be submitted at least 1 month prior to the event. / Yes / Yes / Depends on Event / Depends on Event / Yes
Special Event- w/ Alcohol / Same as above expect with alcohol / Yes / Yes / Yes / Depends on Event / Yes
Brotherhood or Sisterhood w/ Alcohol / An event in which only members of one chapter are allowed to attend and the event is with alcohol. Brother/Sisterhood only events without alcohol do not need to be registered. / Yes / Yes / Yes / Depends on Event / Not Needed

II.Registration Process

Social Event Risk Management Training/Social Calendar-Scheduling Meeting

  • At the start of each semester a mandatory Social Event Risk Management Training for all Fraternity / Sorority Social Chairs will be held. Following this training, the social calendar-scheduling meeting will be held so that chapters will establish the calendar of events for that semester.
  • Chapters who fail to attend the Social Event Risk Management Training will not be permitted to schedule/register social events until they have rescheduled with Student Involvement and Leadership.
  • All events scheduled at the social calendar-scheduling meeting, will still need to be formally registered through the process outlined below.
  • If at any point a Fraternity or Sorority would like to add an event and/or change the date of a previously scheduled event after the social calendar-scheduling meeting, they must present the change at an IFC/WPA full body meeting. A chapter representative will present the change to IFC/WPA for approval by the delegation. This proposed change needs to occur at least 1 week prior registration paperwork deadline. If an IFC/WPA meeting is not scheduled to occur in the above time frame, the IFC/WPA executive board will determine if the event may be registered.
  • A Fraternity or Sorority wanting to cancel a registered event should notify Student Involvement and Leadership staff members prior to the registration deadline.

Registering Events

  • All Events hosted by a Fraternity or Sorority should be submitted through Event Builder on Portfolio. The event planner should log-in to select the organization’s portfolio page, select “Events”, then “+Create Event”.
  • Only officers within the organization who have been granted permission to create events will be able to create events and submit events to approval. To give permission, an administrator for the organization’s portfolio will need grant permission to the necessary officers. Information on how to manage a Portfolio’s Roster is available under welcome page of
  • AllEvents that involve Alcohol must be registered through Event Builder by 5:00 PM by the Monday two weeks prior to event. This includes all supporting documents including copies of any contracts and bus registration (if applicable).
  • All other Event Registrations should be submitted no later than 5:00 PM by the Monday one week prior to the event. This includes all supporting documents including copies of any contracts and bus registration (if applicable).
  • It is recommended that chapters use the two week registration for their events to allow for best practices in event planning as well as to involve campus partners sooner than later in the event registration process.
  • It is assumed that all information provided by the sponsoring organization(s) via the Event Builder is truthful and accurate. Any aspect of an event, which occurs contrary to the registered information, may result in immediate cancelation of event and/or disciplinary action.
  • When Hired Security is needed, payment will be billed to the sponsoring chapter(s) post the event.
  • When the event requires Responsible Contacts, the sponsoring organization(s) is accountable for the following:
  • Ensure that all Responsible Contact have attend Responsible Contact Training for that academic year.
  • Provide the required number of Responsible Contacts. If the event is co-sponsored each sponsoring organizations is responsible for providing their own required number of Responsible Contacts.
  • Responsible Contacts cannot be new members or members who are in their first semester of membership AND at least 2 of the 3 contacts must be chapter officers.
  • If the event is being co-sponsored by multiple organizations, only ONE organization must complete the Event Builder Form. The organization should list the co-sponsored organization(s) when submitting the event registration. The form will prompt the submitter to provide the names responsible contacts for co-sponsored organization(s).
  • Any event occurring that has not been registered and/or approved may result in immediate cancelation of event and/or disciplinary action.
  • The sponsoring organization(s) must be in good standing with the office of Student Involvement and Leadership and the Interfraternity Council/Women’s Panhellenic Association at the time of registration submission. If multiple organizations are sponsoring the event, all organizations must be in good standing for the event to be approved.

Possible Event Locations

  • Fraternity House:

A Fraternity may host an event at their Fraternity House given that all registration procedures have been followed and that they adhere to University policies. Fraternities should also refer and adhere to their respective national headquarters’ polices. In order for a fraternity host an event within a fraternity house, each semester the House Manager and President must complete and have on file the Fire and Electrical Safety Form to Student Involvement and Leadership.

  • On-Campus Reserved Space:

Events held on-campus in spaces other than fraternity houses. Sponsoring organizations are responsible for reserving the space prior to submitting their Event Builder Form. Event Builder is anindependent system from of the on-campus reservation system. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization(s) to be knowledgeable of restrictions and regulations on their reserved space as additional rules may apply. Below are the web address to making reservations in spaces through Event Service and Residential Life. Space Reservations can be made through

  • Off-Campus:

Organizations may choose to host events at a venue off-campus. Student Involvement and Leadership is committed to ensuring the safety and security of events on and off campus. Therefore, if an organization is planning a local off-campus event, they should be held at only Approved Venues that have signed a Venue Agreement with the University. A list of Approved Venues can be found on Student Involvement and Leadership’s website under Student Group Tools Events with Alcohol. If any organization wants to plan an event not currently listed as an Approved Venue, request to new venue approval should be made 30 days in advance.

  • Out of Town:

If an organization is planning an event out of town, such as a formal,event registration should be complete 30 days prior to the event so that a representative from Student Involvement and Leadership can work with the group ensure the safest event possible.

Event Packet and Evaluation

  • An event packet will be prepared by SIL staff. This packet will include:
  • A printed copy of the approved Event Builder plan.
  • Wristbands – both with tabs for those who are 21 years or older and wristbands without tabs for attendees who are under 21.
  • Roster of sponsoring organization(s) membership
  • Guest List (if applicable)
  • Copy of Social Event Policies
  • Post Event Evaluation Forms – for completion by both security staff and responsible contacts.
  • The event packet will be left at the WUPD station on the South40 for pick up by a member of the security staff hired for the event.
  • At the end of the event, completed post event evaluation forms and extra wristbands will be placed back in the packet and returned to WUPD by a representative of the security company. It is the responsibility of the students completing post event evaluations to note any issues or concerns that arose during the course of the event.

III.Policies Regarding Programming Events with Alcohol

The following is a summary of the University Policies that all student organizations are expected to abide by when it comes to programming events with alcohol. A complete version of the “Policies Regarding Undergraduate Groups at Washington University Programming Events with Alcohol” can be found on the Student Involvement and Leadership website.


Undergraduate students and fraternities and sororities are afforded the privilege of serving alcohol at certain events. With this privilege comes expectations regarding ensuring the safety and welfare of those in attendance. Students are expected to know and abide by all applicable state and federal laws and University policies and procedures. Students are responsible for their own behavior; however, if alcohol is a part of an event, student organizers and sponsors must undertake efforts to provide a safe environment for the attendees.

Alcohol Types

  • Beer and wine are permitted
  • Hard liquor, including but not limited to grain alcohol, punches or any mixed drinks, are not permitted
  • Glass bottles are not permitted on campus and are discouraged at off campus venues

Distribution of Alcohol

  • Distribution of alcohol is only permitted through a third party vendor with a valid liquor license. Appropriately credentialed third party server(s) must always be present; alcohol cannot be left unattended. A central point of distribution must be designated to allow for proper identification.
  • Only one cup at a time, not to exceed 12 ounces of beer or 5 ounces of wine, may be served to attendees of legal age. The Responsible Contacts and security staff are responsible for ensuring alcohol does not leave the event. If a person appears to be intoxicated, he or she is not to be served. Alcohol distribution must conclude 30 minutes before the event ends.

Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages

  • Equally attractive non-alcoholic beverages and non-salty foods must be readily available, free, and visible.
  • Water must be one of the non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Food must be available when the alcohol distribution begins and replenished as necessary throughout the event. Food options should be substantial for the purpose of offsetting the effects of alcohol. Suggested food options include pizza, pasta, sandwiches and heavy appetizers.

Attendance and Proper Identification

Washington University identification, with valid driver’s licenses or state/federal issued identification cards must be checked at the point of entrance. Fake identification will be confiscated, and the student risks a referral to the University Judicial Administrator and/or off campus authorities in addition to University fines up to $500. The line for admission should be in a well-lit area and well-organized. A security guard will be responsible for checking for proof of legal age and affixing wristbands. Individuals under the age of 21 will receive a wristband of a different color with no drink tabs affixed to it. A responsible contact from the planning group must remain at this location throughout the event to monitor compliance with these guidelines.

Focus and Publicity

  • Alcohol may not be the main focus of an event. Alcohol may not be mentioned on publicity for the event.
  • If the event is BYOB, the publicity can advertise as such to be in compliance with their national organization’s policies Events open to the general public and/or advertised off campus are not permitted to include alcohol as part of their event.


  • On and Off Campus events where alcohol is served will be held at approved venues/spaces. A list of approved venues/spaces can be found on the SIL website and on a drop down menu located within Event Builder. Additional information including menu options, pricing, etc. can be found in venue folders located in the SIL office. It is important to note that the approval of new venues could take up to 30 days.
  • All events must conclude and be completely cleaned up by 2:00am, or one hour before the venue closes, whichever is earlier.


  • When alcohol is present at an event off campus, the group hosting the event must provide transportation.
  • It is expected that attendees use the provided transportation both to and from the event. Buses and other vehicles used for this purpose need to be registered with the Parking and Transportation Office. For information on the bus policies please see

Guest Policy/Sign-In

At events where guests are permitted, each Washington University student is allowed to bring one guest and is responsible for the conduct of his or her guest. Guests must enter with their hosts. Guest misconduct could lead to a referral to the University Judicial Administrator for the Washington University student, and the guest could be subject to prosecution off campus. Verification of age and identity will be required of all attendees at the entrance to the event (driver’s license or state/federal issued identification card) and guests, along with their student hosts, must sign in. The sponsoring group must develop a system for identifying and tracking guests. A Responsible Contact must manage the process of signing in guests. The completed guest list must be turned in to Student Involvement and Leadership administrator the first working day following the event.

Guests Under 18 and Prospective Freshmen

  • Guests under 18 years of age are not permitted at events where alcohol is present.
  • Prospective Freshmen, regardless of their age, are not permitted to attend events where alcohol is served.

Responsible Contacts