Session: 1

·  Building information modeling definition

·  comparison between cad system and revit system

·  comparison between revit 2012 & revit 2013( COMBO)

·  Revit &family & template extensions

·  Template definition

·  loading template from c to revit( file location)

·  open project with mechanical and electrical template and show difference between them through ( views-vv-loading families)

·  Define families

·  loading families from c to revit ( file location)

·  open project with system default template

·  Explaining user interface distribution (view control bar - properties - project browser - ribbon)

·  explaining project browser


session :2

·  Revit options

·  Insert tab

·  Difference between (link cad & import cad)

·  collaborate tab ( copy & monitor)

·  Manage links

·  Duplicate ( duplicate - duplicate with detailing- duplicate as dependent)

·  creating new views with new sub discipline

·  Modify tab

Session: 3

·  analyze tab

·  placing spaces on a single level

·  placing spaces in an open area and controlling for separation for that space

·  placing spaces automatically

·  placing a multi - level space

·  creating a zone on a single level

·  creating a zone on a multiple levels

·  viewing zones in system browser

·  project information

·  analyzing heating and cooling loads

·  creating space and zone legend on ( plan - sections)

Session: 4

·  Project unit

·  Snaps setting

·  Short cuts and creation for new short cut

·  Explaining object style

·  visibility and graphics

·  Types of families ( system& loaded)

·  Types of loaded families ( hosted & non hosted) and explaining difference between them

·  Placing hosted & non hosted families

·  Classification of families ( category - family - type)

·  instance and type parameters

·  Modify instance and type parameters for a family ( ex: air terminal)

·  Duct mechanical setting

session :5

·  Creating new duct type with editing for routing

·  Creating new duct system

·  Mechanical setting(duct)

·  Adding mechanical equipments

·  creating ductwork system for air system

·  creating auto layout

·  Placing fitting & accessories

·  Creating manual duct work

·  placing risers

·  system inspector

·  Duct sizing

·  Duct pressure loss report

·  Duct legend

session :6

·  filters

1-  Design of firefighting system

·  Mechanical setting(pipes)

·  creating new pipe type

·  Adding sprinklers

·  Creating automatic fire fighting layout system

·  Complete manual firefighting layout system

·  Adding mechanical equipment

·  Adding vertical piping

·  Adding accessories

session :7

·  2-Design of plumbing system

·  adding sanitary plumbing fixture

·  creating new pipe type with editing for routing

·  creating sanitary system

·  View range

·  creating auto layout

·  creating manual sanitary system

·  adding accessories & fittings

·  creating automatic layout cold water system

·  creating manual cold water system

·  creating automatic layout hot water system

·  creating manual hot water system

·  pipe sizing

·  system inspector

·  pipe legends

Session: 8

·  Electrical setting

·  Adding lighting fixtures

·  Modify lighting fixtures

·  Adding electrical equipments( panel)

·  Modify panel voltage

·  Voltage definition

·  Distribution system

·  Define new wire type

·  Creating automatic power circuit

·  Modify circuit naming

·  Placing switches & junction box & receptacles

·  Creating manual power circuit

session :9

·  Load calculation

·  Creating switch system

·  Light current system

·  Panel schedule ( rebalance load & assign spare)

·  Modeling of cable trays and

·  Modeling of conduit

·  Clash detection & check interference

·  Check by id

session :10

·  Annotate tab

·  Creating annotations & dimensions

·  constraining ( lock- pin - equal)

·  Edit witness line

·  Tag element & Tag all for single element

·  Modify tag and editing labels & prefix & suffix

·  Creating section 2d & 3d

·  View control bar ( isolate & hide )

·  Thin line

·  View template

·  Copy clipboard & paste for view

·  Match line & view reference

·  Crop view & annotation crop

·  Difference between cloud & callout

·  groups & non group

·  Creating schedules & modify for it

·  Creating sheets

·  Modify sheet

·  Activation & deactivation of view

·  Exporting

·  Printing