Little Rock Original Free Will Baptist Church
P.O. Box 340 ~ 6115 Little Rock Church Road
Lucama, NC 27851
Office: (252)-239-0361
Some basic information that you will need to know concerning Summer Adventures:
Dates: Wednesdays July 6, 13, 20 and August 3, 10 & 17. Please note that Summer Adventures will NOT be held on Wednesday, July 27 due to Vacation Bible School being held that week.
Registration Fees: Registration fee will be waived if forms are completed & returned by Sunday, June 19! After Sunday, June 19, there will be one-time registration of $10 per child. Please submit forms and registration fee no later than July 3.
Weekly Cost: Minimal cost of $10.00 per session per child to cover all cost of the program.
- Special rate of $5.00 per child for households of 3 or more children attending the trip!
- A limited number of scholarships are available for hardship cases (see Marci for details).
- To guarantee your child a spot, fees are due at least one week in advance!
T-shirts: T-shirt with every registration! Your child is expected to wear their t-shirt each week. If they loose their t-shirt or need a replacement for any reason, there will be a $6 fee. No one will be allowed to go on our trips without their Summer Adventures T-shirt!
Limits: Limited to 30 Elementary School age Children each week. (Rising Kindergarten to Rising 5th Grade—Other Ages by approval ONLY)
Drop-off/ Pick-up:The Christian Education Center will open no earlier than 8:00am to drop off your child(ren). Prior to 8:00 am there will be NO ONE available to watch the students. At the end of the day, we expect you to pick up your child(ren) as close to 5:00pm as possible. (There will not be any dinner or evening classes/activities this summer.)
Special Clothing:Some events will require special clothing. For instance, on the day we go to the Smithfield Splash Park, please make sure your child has a bathing suit, a beach towel, and a change of clothing. ONLY polyester and nylon clothing are allowed in the pools! (Please place all of these items in a bag with his/her name on it.) If your child cannot swim, please inform a staff person so that he/she can be grouped with other non-swimming children. (There is a shallow end at the pool. There is also a splash & play area.) On the day we go to the Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park, please have your child wear tennis shoes and socks. There is a separate release form that must be signed for the AirU trip!
Lunches:Please pack lunch for your child on all days except where indicated on the schedule. Since we will be having lunch after our activity, and the lunches will be stored in boxes on the HOT VAN, please make sure there is an ice pack in an insolated lunch box/bag. Please make sure your child’s name is on his/her lunch box/bag.
Toys & Electronics:Please do not allow your child(ren) to bring any toys or electronics unless authorized by leaders. We provide PLENTY of activities for your child(ren) here at the church and we do not want to risk any child loosing something valuable. Items such as music players and cell phones often distract your child from what we are trying to tell him/her.
Extra Money:Please do NOT send extra money with your child(ren). When available, we have already ordered goody bags for all the children so that each child will receive the same thing. We operate on a tight schedule and spending time in gift stores takes up too much time.
Forms: Please fill out the enclosed forms and return to me ASAP! Remember: Registration fee will be waived if forms are completed & returned by Sunday, July 19! After Sunday, July 19, there will be one-time registration of $10 per child. Please submit forms and registration fee no later thanSunday, July 3.
**********Fees: To guarantee your child(ren) a spot on a trip, please pay your fees at least one week in advance. We will reserve vans based on how many have pre-registered for each week’s trip. Those who have paid in advance will be guaranteed a spot. Others will be on a first-come, first-serve and as room is available basis. If you pre-register for a trip and then your child decides not to come or something comes up to prevent your child from coming, Marci needs at least a 24 hour notice in order for your money to be refunded. Otherwise, refunds will only be given if enough “extra” children show up to take your child’s place.
Still have questions? Contact me using the information at the top of this page!
2016 Summer Adventures Program
Post this on your fridge!
Wed, July 6, 2016 Sylvan Heights Waterfowl Park Cost: $10.00
Scotland Neck, NC Fees due on or before June 29
A zoo filled with birds!
Wed, July 13, 2016 Swimming @ Smithfield Aquatic Center Cost: $10.00
Smithfield, NC Fees due on or before July 6
Indoor splash park
Bring Flotation Items & Towel
Bathing Suits (must be polyester or nylon) & DRY change of clothes/undergarments
Wed, July 20, 2016 Deadwood Theme Park Cost: $10.00
Bear Grass, NC Fees due on or before July 13
Miniature golf, train ride, children’s roller coaster, playground, and more!
Wed, August 3, 2016 Country Doctor Museum/
The FWBChildren’s Home Tour & Cookout Cost: $10.00
Bailey/Middlesex, NC Fees due on or before July 27
Learn about the history of doctors and medicine! Visit one of our denominational
ministries and learn about our ministry to children & youth there.
****We provide lunch!****
Wed, August 10, 2016 NC Museum of Natural Science Cost: $10.00
Raleigh, NC Fees due on or before August 3
Come explore seven floors of interactive exhibit spaces featuring everything from
dinosaurs to dioramas, from microbes to meteorites, and much, much more!
****We provide lunch!****
Wed, August 17, 2016 AirU Cost: $10.00
Greenville, NC Fees due on or before August 10
Trampoline park featuring trampolines, foam pits, tumble tramps, trampoline dodgeball
courts, and trampoline basketball courts.
****A separate AirU waiver form MUST be signed in order to go on this trip!****
* Special $5 per child rate for families with 3 or more children attending the trip!
* Registration fee will be waived if forms are completed & returned by Sunday, June 19!
* After Sunday, June 19, the pre-registration fee will be $10! Due no later than Sunday, July 3!
* Afternoons will feature crafts, snacks, movies, games, and Bible stories.
* Bring lunch (with ice pack) in an insulated lunchbox (except where indicated)!
* Please do not allow your children to bring toys, cell phones, or other electronics. They distract them from the activities we are doing and may end up getting lost!
* Please do not send extra money with your children! We do not have time to go to gift shops. When available, we pre-purchase goody bags for everyone!
* We operate RAIN OR SHINE! If we have an outdoor activity planned, we will make other arrangements for an indoor activity such as going to the movie theater or a museum.