
·  Explores the different ways in which Christians respond to God.

·  Importance of the Holy Trinity in Christian worship

·  Forms of worship including: prayer, music, ritual, meditation, using sacred texts, symbols and shared worship


·  Public and private worship

Key Points

Public Worship

·  The Church as a place of worship: Church, Chapel, Cathedral, House groups

·  Features of Church buildings: Cross shaped buildings, Font, Pulpit/Sermon, Lectern/Bible/word, Crucifix, stained glass windows, table/altar, nave, sanctuary etc.

·  Parts of service: Bible readings, Sermon and prayers of intercession, sacrament of Holy Communion.

·  The nature of the sacrament: remembrance, transubstantiation.

·  Role of Priests and Ministers and Leaders in Roman Catholic and protestant church. Quaker (informal) approach to worship.

·  Ministry of the Word

·  Roman Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants – differences in their approach to worship

·  Food and fasting - Communion, Lent, Penitence (being sorry)

·  Worship as ‘praising God’, both at services, in private and through lifestyle and actions; guidance/presence of the Holy Spirit.

·  Symbols: Cross & Crucifix, Icthos/fish, candles and light (Jesus as Lux Mundi – Light of the world), incense – symbol of prayers rising to heaven (“A pleasing odour to the Lord”), Bible as word of God, Icons as windows of faith.

Private Worship

·  Prayer: Lord’s prayer, rosary (R.C. Meditation on the mysteries)

·  Meditation and contemplation

·  Use of symbols, Bible, icons, rosary, cross, crucifix, silence and music in private worship.

·  Food and fasting - Communion, Lent, Penitence (being sorry)

·  Guidance of the Holy spirit

·  ACTS: Acclamation, Contrition (being sorry), Thanksgiving, Supplication (asking)

Key Teachings

·  Statement of faith - “I believe in …the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints…” Apostle’s Creed

·  The Holy Spirit as guide, councillor and inspiration of worship - “When Jesus was baptised…the holy spirit descended on him like a dove” Luke; “When the councillor (Holy Spirit) comes, whom I will send you…he will testify about me” John; “When the day of Pentecost came….all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” Acts

·  Lord’s Prayer – “Our Father, who art in heaven…”

·  Rosary – “Hail Mary, Full of grace, the Lord is with thee…”

·  Gloria – “Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…”

·  Asking for pardon/forgiveness – “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy upon me, a sinner”

·  The Grace – “May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, now and evermore. Amen


How to

·  Read the questions carefully, and answer them

·  Use as many key points and teachings as possible for (a) questions. Explain the meanings of terms used

·  For (b) questions, ensure that you explain, use evidence and explore different Christian ideas/perspectives

·  For (c) questions, ensure that you have explained TWO points of view, each one backed by examples and evidence

Other Useful Points

·  It is important that you explore the meanings behind rituals and symbols, and that you explain these in your answers.

·  Try to differentiate between different denominations, for example Roman Catholics and Anglicans often have ornate Churches and use symbols and pictures. Quakers like simple and non visual worship focused on the presence of the Holy Spirit, without distractions.

·  Remember that Christians approach worship in many different ways, and express their beliefs in many different ways too.