Northants YFC

Country Show & Rally


To be held at

Manor Farm, Pilton,NrOundle, PE8 5SN

By kind permission of theLeeFamily





All competitors must be paid-up members of the Young Farmers’ Club they are representing – membership cards may be checked at the Rally.

For all National competitions (written in red) please read the National Rules carefully beforehand.

Completed Entry Forms must be returned to the YFC Office no laterthanThursday20thApril2017.

Age groups as follows:

SENIOR:Aged 30 or under on 1 September 2016

INTERMEDIATE:Aged 21 or under on 1 September 2016

JUNIOR:Aged 16 or under on 1 September 2016

OPEN:A YFC member of any age, including Associate members

Unless otherwise indicated, any member aged 30 or under on 1 September 2016may be entered in a class.

Please read the notes overleaf and comply with all deadline dates.

Please bring a change of clothes if taking part in Main Ring competitions.

In all classes (except livestock), two points will be deducted for the non-appearance of any competitor or exhibit previously entered in the class. For stock classes there will be a deduction of 10 points for the non appearance of each entry.

All Judges’ decisions are final.


All Grain (butnotHay or Straw) samples to be submitted to the YFC Office no later thanTuesday16thMay 2017so they can be judged in advance.Samples to be labelled with class and membership number only.

A maximum of 2 competitors from each Club may enter each Section One class - the highest scoring entry per Club will be awarded Rally points (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)


A maximum of 2 competitors/teams from each Club may enter each Section Two class - the highest scoring entry per Club will be awarded Rally points (10, 8, 6, 4, 2).

PLEASE NOTE: Section 2 Classes 14 and 15 (Livestock Classes) – Two entries per Club.

For the Lamb classes please ensure all livestock is free of disease. All livestock to be removed from the Rally site by 6pm.

The CPH number for licence/movement purposes will be notified in due course.


All entries to be displayed and ready for judging by9.00amand remain until4.00pm. Two points will be deducted for any item removed without permission before4.00pm.

White coatsMUSTbe worn for Floral Art, National Cookery and Livestock classes.

It is essential to comply with National Rules for National competitions – failure to do so may result in disqualification.Please note – the county has a different age limit for Senior compared to National competitions.

All pre-prepared entries must be solely the work of the competitor.

A maximum of 2entriesfrom each club may enter eachSection Threeclass- the highest scoring entry per Club will be awarded Rally points (10, 8, 6, 4, 2).

Club Year Book Reports to be submitted toBecca SaundersbyWednesday1stMarch2017so they can be included in the Year Book. Any material for inclusion in the Year Book can be e-mailed r sent via the county office.

Classes 27 to 38 (inclusive) – This year there will be no recipes issued for the pre-prepared cookery classes, instead we are asking you to supply a recipe card for each entry, this should include a list of ingredients and a brief method.


Please remember a spare change of clothes if you are competing in any of the Section 4 competitions.

Safety First - all means of transport in section 4 will be checked by the judge before operation to ensure they are safe to use.THE JUDGE’S DECISION IS FINAL.

For any further information on any of the Section 4 competitions please contact the Rally Coordinator.



GRAIN – Samples to be submitted to the YFCOffice byTuesday 16thMay 2017forjudging

  1. Sample of MILLING WHEAT
  2. Sample of MALTING BARLEY
  3. Sample of FIELD PEASFrom Harvest 2016
  4. Sample of OILSEED RAPEOne sample bag full
  5. Sample of OATS
  6. Sample of FIELD BEANS

HAY AND STRAW – Samples to be submittedby 8.30am on the dayof the Rally

  1. Sample of MEADOW or SEED HAY
  2. Sample of WHEAT STRAWA small bale
  3. Sample of BARLEY STRAW (or 1 segment)
  4. Sample of OAT STRAW


  1. GRAIN JUDGING – one member to place a number of grain samples in order from best to worst.
  1. STRAW & HAY JUDGING – one member to place a number of straw and hay samples in order from best to worst.
  1. WHISTON CUP – Teams of 3 members. All members to individually judge a pen of 6 breeding ewes and estimate dead weight of one fat lamb. One member to shear 1 sheep (Please bring your own hand piece)
  1. JUNIOR LAMB HANDLING AND SHOWING – One junior member to present a lamb under 12 months old and parade in the main ring for judging. (The lamb will not be judged on conformation)
  1. INTERMEDIATE LAMB HANDLING AND SHOWING – One intermediate member to present a lamb under 12 months old and parade in the main ring for judging. (The lamb will not be judged on conformation)
  1. VALUATION OF FARM ITEMS – One member to value various farm items, which may include livestock, machinery and crops, as directed by the judge.
  1. JUNIOR DIGGER HANDLING – One Junior member to complete a test of operator skill as directed by the judge. (No digger certificate required)
  1. NATIONAL EFFICIENCY WITH SAFETY PLUS ATV–SEE NATIONAL RULES.Teams of four competitors, two 21 or under and two 26 or under on 1stSeptember 2016, to complete5tasks as directed by judges. A different member to complete each task.1) Loader Tractor & Bucket. 2) Tractor & fertiliser Spreader. 3) Fault finding on a ‘cold’ Tractor. 4) ATV & Trailer. 5) First Aid.
  1. ONE FOR THE GIRLS –Team of 3 females to change a wheel on a car. Quickest time wins
  1. ONE FOR THE BOYS – Team of 2 males to complete a task set out by the judge on the day. You will need a female member from your club to assist you on the day.
  1. COUNTRYSIDE QUIZ – A team of 4 junior members to complete a quiz set out by the judge
  1. DRILL CALIBRATION – One intermediate or senior member to complete a full and accurate calibration of a drill to a specified rate (basic instructions will be provided)
  1. SHOTGUN HANDLING, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE – One member (junior, intermediate or senior) to answer questions and demonstrate safe use of the gun (provided).
  1. TRUCK & TRAILER – One member aged over 17, not to have obtained their trailer test, to complete a mock trailer test (Full car licence required on the day or cannot compete)
  1. TRACTOR HANDLING – Two members, one male/one female, to manoeuvre a tractor and single axle trailer around a set course. Pick up trailer and drop it off at start and end of course, and answer questions on vehicle maintenance and highway code.
  1. BALE STACKING – Open competition. One team per club, to include at least onefemaleand one Junior member. A team of four to unstack and restack small straw bales onto a trailer and secure them. Timed.



Theme:“Around the World”.

Team of 3, to include one aged 26 or under, one 21 or under and one 16 or under on 1stSeptember 2016.Each team will be required to prepare and display three (3) courses for a home cooked dinner for two young farmer’sexchangeesvisiting Great Britain on the NFYFC Travel Programme.The three (3) courses are to be from the exchangees’ home country.

Exchangeeswill be travelling to Great Britain with one of the following programmes:

Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Switzerland or United States of America

The menu must include at least one sweet course and one savoury course. Each Course will be required to serve two people. A drink does not count as a course and will not be scored.Teams to provide their own gas rings, gas and equipment.To be done on the day as a team, not individually. One hour allowed, including preparation & tidying of site.

PRE-PREPAREDCOOKERY– One member to bake a specified item in advance and display it at the Rally with a recipe card and list of ingredients. Marks will be awarded forbothtaste and presentation.


  1. LEMON TART(Junior)
  4. 12 JAFFA CAKES(Open)


  2. 6 YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS(Intermediate)
  3. 4 SCOTCH EGGS(Senior)
  4. STEAK & ALE PIE(Open)


  1. MOCKTAIL(Junior)
  2. FRUIT SMOOTHIE(Intermediate)


Cake can be of any filling, Victoria Sponge,Chocolateetc. But decoration MUST depict the country stated

  1. ENGLAND (Junior)
  2. IRELAND (Intermediate)
  3. WALES (Senior)
  4. SCOTLAND (Open)



ExhibitTitle:“Around the World in 80 Days”–An exhibit to depict a place visited by PhileasFogg in the classic adventure novel “Around the World in 80 Days” written by Jules Verne.The maximum display area for each competitorMUST NOT exceed 60cm wide x 60cm deep x optional height(i.e. no limitations to height).Exhibits to be composed of natural plant material, with or without accessories.Exhibit is to be viewed from the front. Competitors own backboard and base boards are allowed, and must be provided by the competitor if required and must adhere to the size limitations.


ExhibitTitle –“Your Passport to Adventure, What will your Discovery Be?”AnExhibit to depict your dreamYFCTravelTrip from the 2017TravelProgramme. Countrymustbe stated.To view the 2017 YFC travel programme visit a country from homestays, working scholarships or team travel. The maximum display area for each competitorMUST NOT exceed60cm wide x 60cm deep x optional height(i.e. no limitations to height).Exhibits to be composed of natural plant material, with or without accessories.Exhibit is to be viewed from the front. Competitors own backboard and base boards are allowed, and must be provided by the competitor if required and must adhere to the size limitations.


Exhibit Title: “A World Famous Celebration”An Exhibit to depict a national celebration/festival from your chosen country anywhere in the world. Country Celebration/Festival must be stated.The maximum display area for each competitorMUST NOT exceed60cm wide x 60cm deep x optional height(i.e. no limitations to height).Exhibits to be composed of natural plant material, with or without accessories.Exhibit is to be viewed from the front. Competitors own backboard and base boards are allowed, and must be provided by the competitor if required and must adhere to the size limitations.


AnExhibit to depict the themeof“Around the World”.This theme can be interpreted in any way that the club sees fitandMUSTinclude five (5) crafts.The five (5) crafts need to be clearly marked 1-5 together with the heading the craft comes under. For example 1– FloralArt, 2 – Cookery, 3– SewnHandicraft, 4–NaturalHandicraft, 5– ArtHandicraft.

Each whole Exhibit to have a MAXIMUM WIDTH of 1 metre at any given point and a MAXIMUM DEPTH of 1 metre and MAXIMUM HEIGHT of 1 metre.Any exhibit exceeding the maximum measurements will be disqualified. The measurement will be from the outside edges of theexternal walls of theexhibit. Any accessories or drapes used on the outside of theexternal walls of thecube will be included in the overall measurement of the exhibit.The external walls will be taken into account for the attractiveness of the exhibit marks and so should be covered to compliment the overall exhibit.The exhibit must have 3 walls.

PHOTOGRAPHY–Displayfourmountedphotographs (6” x 4”) to the stated theme:

  2. ANIMALS AT WORK (Intermediate)
  3. THE FARMING YEAR (Senior)

ART–Tobe prepared prior to and displayed at the Rally.

  1. DECORATED MUG – A chance to use your imagination (Junior)
  2. A PIECE OF ARTWORK MADE FROM LEAVES – to be no smaller than A4 and no larger than A2 in size(Intermediate)
  3. DECORATED PINT GLASS – A Chance to use your imagination (Senior)
  4. FASCINATOR – to be suitable for a day at Royal Ascot (Open)


  1. WINE RACK – handmade from wood found in and around the farm
  2. BENCH –to seat at least 2 people, to be handmade from wood or metal
  3. PIECE OF ARTWORK – Create one piece of artwork using a minimum of 150 empty shotgun cartridges. A chance to use your imagination
  4. BOOTRACK – to be capable of holding at least 2 pairs of wellies and a pair of dealer boots.

A photo timeline must be provided of the build


  1. ADVERTISING POSTER – Design an A5 flyer to advertise the 2017 Northants YFC Country Show and Rally.Flyer must include the following details:
  • The rally will be held at Manor Farm, Pilton, near Oundle, PE8 5SN by kind permission of the Lee Family
  • The rally will be held on Saturday 27th May 2017
  • Gates will open at 9.30am to the general public
  • Entry for people 16 and over is £5, under 16’s go free

To be submitted to Becca no later thanWednesday1stMarch2017.

  1. CLUB YEAR BOOK REPORT.This class is mandatory. Each Club to prepare a report (two A5 pages) on the year’s activities, including photographs,to be submitted to Becca no laterthanWednesday1stMarch2017. Entries will be included inthe Year Book/Rally Programme.
  1. Design a FRONT COVER for the 2018Northants YFC Year Book/Rally Programme (A5 size).Picture only, the text will be added in 2018by the yearbook editor. To be submitted to Becca no laterthanWednesday1stMarch2017.
  1. CLUB PROMOTION – Members to create a display board which advertises their Club. It will be displayed in the County Trailer after the Rally. Measurements to be confirmed.
  1. CLUB BANNER – Members to create approximately 6ft x 3ft Banner which advertises their Club. It will be displayed around the main ring on the day of the Rally. Professionally manufactured banners will be disqualified.
  1. ADVERTISING BOARD – Advertising the date and location of the rally. To be displayedbyWednesday 26thApril 2017forone monthprior to the rally for judging. Location to be emailed to Kate (in the County office)no later thanThursday 27thApril 2017.


  1. NATIONAL MEN’S TUG OF WAR. See National Rules. Team of 8. There will be a weigh in for this. One team only per club.
  1. NATIONAL LADIES’ TUG OF WAR. See National Rules. Team of 8. There will be a weigh in for this. One team only per club.
  1. NATIONAL GENSB TUG OF WAR(Mixed 12 -17 year olds). See National Rules. Team of between 7 and 10 members.One team only per club.
  1. TEAM ASSAULT COURSE – A team of 4 members to consist of 2 male and 2 female members, with at least 1 Junior, 1 Intermediate and 1 Senior member
  1. CLUB FLOAT – Each club to build a float advertising their club. Float to sit on a flatbed trailer no longer than 5 metres long. Each float MUST have on it a water container that will be filled at the Rally Site before parading in the main ring. ANY CLUB THAT THROWS WATER BEFORE TRAILERS HAVE BEEN UNHITCHED AND TOWING TRUCKS HAVE LEFT THE MAIN RING WILL BE DEDUCTED 100 POINTS FROM THE RALLY TOTALS.
  1. MARIO KART SOAP BOX DERBY – Wheel base (width) must be built between 40cm and 45cm. A team of 4 members to consist of 2 male and 2 female members, with at least 1 Junior, 1 Intermediate and 1 Senior member. Points will be awarded for the Team Costume.
  1. CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARYCHALLENGE– (Bring a change of clothes)
  1. BEST TURNED OUTCLUB—Points will be awarded to the best presented club throughout the day. Behaviour will be a factor. (Open)