/ Review Standard for a Hot-Spot Analysis Technical Report
Project Name: <Enter Project Name>
Control Section Job Number (CSJ): <Enter CSJ Number>
MPO Project Number/Reference <Enter MPO Project Number/Reference>
Contact Name: <Enter Name of Contact Person>
Date Received: <Enter Date> / Date Reviewed: <Enter Date> / Reviewer: <Enter Name>
District: <Enter District> / County: <Enter County> / Facility: <Enter Facility>
Project Limits: <Describe Project Limits>
SAT=Satisfactory / INC=Incomplete / MIS=Missing / N/A=Not Applicable
Check one box ONLY. Answers are required for questions that have no N/A box.
Use this review standard for hot-spot analysis technical report. The review standard is a tool used to make the preliminary determination concerning whether or not the hot-spot analysis technical report meets the minimum requirements. Each section of this review standard represents a required section of the report. For the purposes of this review standard, the Incomplete Box should be selected when either the content present needs additional development to be sufficient or that the information supplied is incorrect or misinterpreted by the preparer of the technical report. Whenever an Incomplete Box is selected, explain why in a comments section.
I. Project Description
Does the hot-spot analysis technical report include the following components related to the project description?
A. An identification of the project location
B. A brief explanation of the current facility
C. A brief explanation of the proposed facility
D. An identification of the estimated time to completion (ETC) year*
E. An identification of the design year of the project
* The ETC year presented should fall between the MTP’s identified network analysis year (conformity year) for this project and the MTP’s previous network analysis year. The ETC should represent the year in which the entire project described in the environmental document is anticipated to be complete and open to traffic.
II. Background Information
Does the hot-spot analysis technical report include the following components related to background information on hot-spot compliance?
A. An accurate identification of the Clean Air Act (CAA) as the law requiring project-level conformity determinations
B. An accurate identification of the conformity rule (40 CFR 93) as the implementing rule for conformity determinations and hot-spot requirements
C. An accurate, brief description of project types that are subject to hotspot analysis (i.e., “projects of air quality concern”)
D. An accurate identification of the current attainment status of the project area
III. Consultation Partner Decision
Does the hot-spot analysis technical report include the following components related to the Consultation Partner decision regarding whether this is a “project of air quality concern”? Use the meeting minutes from the Consultation Partner meeting to validate that the information supplied in the technical report is accurate.
A. An accurate identification of who the Consultation Partners are
B. An accurate identification of the date of initial Consultation Partner coordination
C. An accurate statement that the Consultation Partners determined that this is a “project of air quality concern”
D. An accurate identification of the reason that the Consultation Partners made this determination
IV. Analysis Methodology
Does the hot-spot analysis technical report include the following components related to the hot-spot analysis methodology? Use the meeting minutes from the Consultation Partner coordination to validate that the information supplied in the technical report is accurate.
A. An accurate description of the overall methodology being used
B. An accurate description of the methodology for determining background concentrations
C. An accurate description of other area sources included in the analysis
D. An accurate identification of the future years analyzed in the analysis
E. An accurate identification of receptor locations used in the analysis (including a map of the receptor locations)
F. An accurate identification of the specific models used in the analysis
G. An accurate identification of the source of the input data (e.g., TCEQ meteorological data, TPP traffic data, MPO fleet and fuel data, etc…)
H. A table accurately identifying the specific traffic data used for each year and alternative analyzed
I. A table accurately identifying the background concentrations used in this analysis
J. An accurate identification of the specific months analyzed in the analysis
K. An accurate identification of any other input data that would be considered significant to disclose
L. A statement accurately identifying when coordination was performed with the Consultation Partners regarding this analysis methodology
M. An accurate concluding statement that the Conformity Consultation Partners reviewed and approved the analysis methodology
V. Analysis Results
Does the hot-spot analysis technical report include the following components related to the hot-spot analysis results? Use the emissions results table provided to validate that either all of the build alternative emission results are less than applicable NAAQS, or that the build alternative emission results are less than the corresponding no-build alternative emission results at each receptor.
A. A table of the emission results at each receptor for each alternative analyzed and for each year analyzed
B. A statement that the emission results presented include background concentrations and other point-source contributions that were analyzed as part of this analysis
C. A statement identifying what mitigation measures, if any, were included as part of the analysis
D. A summary of the analysis results, which indicates that the project and any associated mitigation measures either will remain below the applicable National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) or that the build alternative emissions will be lower than the no-build alternative emissions
VI. Mitigation Commitments
Does the hot-spot analysis technical report include the following components related to the mitigation commitments?
A. A list of any SIP required mitigation requirements
B. A list of any mitigation measures that were assumed in the analysis
C. A signed statement from the project sponsor committing to implementation of each of these mitigation measures
VII. Public Involvement
Does the hot-spot analysis technical report include the following components related to the public involvement requirements?
A. A statement identifying that Consultation Partner decisions require public involvement
B. A statement identifying the specific public involvement that will be used

Appendix A

The following table shows the revision history for this guidance document.

Revision History
Effective Date
Month, Year / Reason for and Description of Change

Standard Version 1

TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division 210.02.REV

Release Date: 2/2014 Page 6 of 6