Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church

Review Questions for Chapter 7The Church as a Communion of Saints

Keys to this Chapter:

•There is a real solidarity among the members of the Pilgrim, Suffering, and Triumphant Churches.

•It is right for us on earth to venerate the saints in Heaven and to come to the aid of the souls in Purgatory.

•The Mass is a window into Heaven.

•The future holds death and judgment, followed by Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory, and finally the Resurrection from the Dead and the Final Judgment.

•We choose our eternal destiny in this life.

Directions: Read through each section of the chapter carefully and respond to the following review questions using dark blue or black ink. On a sheet of binder paper, neatly write the question on the first line followed by the answer on the following lines.Make certain that your responses completely answer the question and note that most will be at least two sentences in length.Each question is worth three points. Illegible answers have no value. Remember to put the proper heading in the top, right corner (name, row, date, class period, and description) and be prepared to turn in your responses by the due date.

I. TheCommunion of Saints (pp. 242-246)

  1. Fill in the blanks: (a)____ is an incorporation into the body of Christ – the Church – which the Lord builds up and keeps alive through the (b)____. In the Eucharist, the Lord gives us his Body and (c)____ us into one Body. The Church, therefore, is a (d)____, a communion that brings with it a spiritual (e)____ among her members, constituting “one heart and soul.”
  2. Among whom does this communion exist in its invisible elements?
  3. Explain each of the three states in which the Church exists.
  4. What is the “work” of the Church Triumphant? The Church Militant?
  5. How can the suffering of those in Purgatory be eased?
  6. What does the Church on earth express in a visible way?
  7. What are the two meanings of the Communion of Saints?
  8. What is a “saint?” What is “canonization?”
  9. According to the CCC, why the does Church recognize by canonizing some of the faithful?

II. Veneration of the Saints in Heaven (pp. 247-249)

  1. Why should we seek the intercession of the saints? How did Paul advise Timothy?
  2. Fill in the blanks: Asking others to pray for us is one kind of (a) ____ prayer. The Book of (b) ____ tells us that the saints in glory are already praying for us before the (c) ____ of God in Heaven. Further, it shows us that they continue to be aware of (d) ____ and intercede for their brothers and sisters in the Faith. Hebrews calls them our
    (e) “____”.
  3. How were the saints remembered by the early Christians? In the ancient liturgies?
  4. How might we summarize the veneration of the saints?

III. TheDivine Liturgy in Heaven and on Earth (pp. 250-253)

  1. – 15. (Double points)Explainfour things we know about the end of history from Scripture?
  1. What does it mean to say that Christ’s predictions were addressed to all of us? Explain.
  2. Fill in the blanks: The images and symbols in Revelation is the (a) “____” of supernatural realities of the world after the time of (b) ____. We see the ongoing spiritual struggle of the Church against (c) ____, the solidarity and Communion of (d) ____ in Heaven and on earth, and the intimate union shared by Christ and his (e) ____ – the Church – in their glorious (f) ____.


  1. Fill in the blanks: Beginning with the (a) ____, the Son’s whole life was an (b) ____ to the Father. Christ’s offering reached its ultimate (c) ____ in the Sacrifice on the Cross where he was revealed as the new (d) ____. Christ continually (e) ____ himself before the Father as the sacrificial (f) ____ but in the heavenly liturgy his offering is bloodless.
  2. What elements of our own liturgy do we see in St. John’s description?
  3. How is the dwelling of God already with men?
  4. What does St. John show us about our worship on earth? Explain.
  5. What is the same about the Mass on earth and Heaven? Explain.

IV. Last Things (pp. 254-261)

  1. What is the surest way to die a happy death? What happens to the soul at death?
  2. Explain the Particular Judgment.
  3. Explain Purgatory.
  4. What does the Church call Purgatory? Explain.
  5. Explain the joy and pain of Purgatory.
  6. How are the souls in Purgatory helped? What is the most important way?
  7. What is Hell? What do we know about the souls there?
  8. What is Heaven? What do we know of the souls there?
  9. What is the essential happiness of Heaven? What else does eternal life consist of?
  10. What is the Parousia? What will happen?
  11. Fill in the blanks: The (a)____ is the culmination of the history of (b) ____. The Church (c) ____ will reach her final perfection when (d) ____ shall come in power and majesty to (e) ____ the world and to communicate his saving power to the elect through the resurrection of their (f) ____ and the total renovation of the world.

Note: Carefully review the vocabulary on pages 263-264 of the text prior to the exam.