All Are Welcome

Please Come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent

The Church encourages all Catholics to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) each Lent, in preparation for the renewal of Easter.

In addition to our normal Saturday afternoon confession time, our parish and all the Catholic parishes of the Diocese of Scranton will be open on Lenten Mondays from 5:30-7:00pm. Please take advantage of this opportunity to make a good Lenten confession.

Please also reach out to Catholics you know who have been away from the regular practice of our faith. Invite them to come home to the Church, and to take this chance to begin again. The Diocesan website has great material to help everyone prepare for confession:

All Are Welcome

Our parish and all the parishes in the Diocese of Scranton will be open for individual confessions on all Mondays of Lent from 5:30-7:00pm.

The Diocese has a page on the website, to help you prepare. It has information about how to make a good confession, prayers you might find helpful, and answers to frequently-asked questions.

Please make plans now to come on Lenten Mondays, and spread the word to invite others you know who are hungry to experience God’s love and mercy.

All Are Welcome

On Monday from 5:30-7:00pm, and on all Mondays in Lent, we will be offering confessions here in our parish, together with all the Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Scranton.

This outreach is called The Light Is On For You, and is an effort on the part of our Diocese to re-gather all who do or would like to call the Catholic Church your home. This process is intended to make it as easy as possible for every Catholic to come to or return to this great sacrament of God’s mercy and healing love.

You are welcome to come here or to go to any other Catholic parish for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent. There are helpful resources on the Diocesan website to help you prepare:

Please make plans to come yourself, and please invite friends and family members to take advantage of this opportunity to be reconciled and renew your faith journey.