Minutes of Shevington Parish Council Meeting

Held Thursday 22 October 2009

7.30pm Shevington Library

Present: Councillor Ball (Vice Chair), Councillors King, Bostock, Miles,

Clerk (Pilkington).

Dist Cllr P. Liptrot and 4 members of the public.

In the absence of the Chair, Cllr Ball chaired the meeting.

485  Apologies for Absence

Cllrs J Maloney, V Maloney, Whiteley, Crosby and Harkins.

These apologies were accepted.

486  Declaration of Interests

Cllr King w.r.t. Item No.508 (Planning Consultant).

Standing Orders were suspended.

487  Matters Introduced by Members of the Public


A member of the public asked whether there had been a response to the Chairman’s recent letter to Orica. The Clerk replied that she did not know.

488  District Councillors Reports

In response to recent public criticism, Dist. Cllr Liptrot asked that it be recorded that he is not attending meetings at which the Orica development is discussed because he is a member of Wigan’s Planning Committee and would have to declare an interest if he did attend.

Dist. Cllr Liptrot’s report was received. See Appendix A.

489  Village Issues

Skip for Allotments

A skip was scheduled for delivery this weekend.


The planters in the village are due to stocked with winter bedding in the near future.


The trimtrail is in the process of being tidied up. Sand for the bases of the features had been ordered.

Bowling Green

The third on which treatment had begun in July had now recovered considerably. The other two-thirds are lagging behind, treatment having only begun in mid-September, but are making progress A good downpour is needed to test it. Cllr King had been monitoring progress and will continue to do so on a monthly basis.

Salt Bins

The long range weather forecast has indicated that a mild winter with a lot of rain can be anticipated this year. Nevertheless, Councillors will advise Dist. Cllr Liptrot of any locations that they have identified as needing salt bins. The Clerk will write to Northern Rail asking them to provide salt bins for the two stations.

Standing Orders were reinstated.

490  Minutes of the Last Meeting (24 September 2009)

The previously circulated Minutes were considered.

It was resolved:

‘That the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 24 September 2009 be approved as a true and correct record’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

491  Chairman’s Report

There was no report.

492  Reports from Councillors

LED Street Lighting Trials in Lower Lyndon Avenue, Shevington

Cllr Bostock reported that elderly residents of Lower Lyndon Avenue had expressed concerns about the degree of coverage provided by the LED street lighting currently being trialled in the area. The lighting illuminates the roadway, but pathways at the sides of houses are in darkness, thereby creating a burglars’ paradise. Following a discussion, Dist. Cllr Liptrot agreed to look into the matter.

Wall at Appley Bridge Station

Cllr King had received confirmation that the deteriorating wall at Appley Bridge Station is owned by Mr McGuire. As there are H&S issues associated with the condition of the wall, the Clerk will write to West Lancashire District Council to ask them to contact the owner with a view to his expediting repairs.

Lighting on Footpath from Mill Lane to Appley Bridge Station

Cllr King reported that the Oldham Loop line had now been closed and the lamp stands from the station should now be available for use along the footpath. Cllr King would seek clarification of the position.

Train Times

Cllr King circulated the recently amended train time-table.

PACT Process

A letter from the PACT Co-ordinator was circulated. The letter listed the agencies with which PACT is working in partnership. Concern was expressed that the Parish Council had been omitted from the list, despite the fact that it had supported a number of PACT’s projects.

The Late Jimmy Wilkins

Cllr Ball reported the recent death of Jimmy Wilkins, the window cleaner, from cancer. He had been a very well-known character in the community. His funeral was scheduled to take place at Wigan Crematorium the following week.

493  Reports from Representatives

Shevington & District Community Association

The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 27 October.

Shevington Youth Club

The WVCS had been contracted to provide administrative services to the Youth Club.

Shevington Recreation Ground Trustees

The issue of horses using the recreation ground was still causing concern. The Clerk was asked to write to the Secretary of the Trustees to ask him to consider writing to local stables informing them of the trespass and requesting them to advise their clients that the practice is unacceptable. The Clerk will also write to local stables with regard to the unacceptability of similar practices in Memorial Park.

Standards Committee

There was no report.

Township Forum

As there had not been a meeting of this body for many months, the Clerk was asked to write to the Chief Executive to find out who is taking decisions with regard to township expenditure.

494  Bowling Green Junior Membership Policy Consultation Document

The previously circulated document was discussed. An additional question about the identification of potential junior members at the time of application is to be included. The document is to be circulated to all 2009 members.

It was resolved:

‘That, subject to the above amendment, the Bowling Green Junior Membership Policy Consultation Document be approved and circulated to other stakeholders for consultation.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

495  Remembrance Sunday

The Clerk reported that the wreaths had been collected. The attendance of the Brownies, Guides and the bugler had now been confirmed and the Police will also be attending. Wigan Council officers will advertise the arrangements for the parade in the newspapers. Mr Dickinson will check the tannoy system, arrange any necessary repairs and set it up on the day. Mr Dickinson will also ensure that the memorial and the park are in mint condition for the occasion. In the event that Cllr Maloney is not available on 8 November, Cllr Ball will deputise.

496  Standish Church Lads & Girls Brigade Donation

Following a discussion, it was resolved:

‘That a s.137 donation of £60 be made to the Standish Church Lads & Girls Brigade.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

497  Churchyard Donation

Following a discussion, it was resolved:

‘That a donation of £600 be made towards the upkeep of St. Anne’s Churchyard.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

498  Police Car Sponsorship

The letters to local businesses appealing for contributions for sponsorship had been circulated. To date there had been no response from any of them. Negotiations with regard to the lease arrangements are still in progress.

499  Memorial Park Tree Works Contract

Three tenders were received and considered. Following a discussion, it was resolved:

‘That the contract should be awarded to Working Woodlands.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

500  Christmas Tree Contract

Two tenders were received and considered. Following a short discussion, it was resolved:

‘That the contract should be awarded to Working Woodlands.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

501  Car Park Boundaries Contract

David Rowell Ltd had been asked to provide a quote for the completion of the work to the car park in Shevington. Two options had been proposed: Option 1 involved the use of concrete kerbing, while Option 2 proposed wooden kerbing.

Following a discussion, it was resolved:

‘That David Rowell Ltd’s tender for Option 1 should be approved.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed.

It was agreed that the work should be included in the 2010 budget.

502  BIG Lottery Grant Bid

The Clerk now had all the information that she needed to prepare the bid. Approval was deferred until the November meeting.

503  Christmas Shopfront Competition

Shopkeepers will not have to opt in this year, but will be included automatically. They are to be circulated with the information. Judging will take place in December and Sue Aspey is to be invited to act as the judge.

Following a short discussion, it was resolved:

‘That the proposals for the Christmas Shopfront Competition be approved.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

504  Clerk’s Report

The report was received. See Appendix B.

505  Financial Aid Applications

There were no financial aid applications.

506  Accounts

NW Air Ambulance Service

It was resolved:

‘That a s.137 donation of £396.76, being a combination of the proceeds of the Annual Parish Walk and the previously agreed donation of £200, be approved.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

Expenditure (October)

Ainscough Building Supplies / Gardener’s materials / £ 12.77
GetOnline Ltd / Domain renewal / £ 126.50
Staples / Stationery / £ 122.97
H Alty Ltd / Gardener’s materials / £ 20.41
Viridor / Waste management / £ 333.98
V Maloney / Annual Walk expenses / £ 38.12
Safetyshop / H&S signeage / £ 301.85
The Helping Hand Co. / Litter pickers / £ 71.09
MW Grass Machinery / Hollow tiner hire / £ 45.00
Wigan Council / Rent / £ 72.50
Turfgear / Bowling green renewal materials / £ 121.95
K Pilkington / Mileage, postage / £ 75.00
K Pilkington / Clerk’s salary / £ 662.02
HMRC / Tax & NIC / £ 97.14
J Maloney / Chair’s allowance / £ 80.00
NW Air Ambulance Service / s.137 donation / £ 396.76
Standish Church L&G Brigade / s.137 donation / £ 60.00
St Anne’s PCC / Churchyard donation / £ 600.00
Shevington H&A Society / Bowling green renewal materials / £ 140.40
G. Dickinson / Normal hrs, gardener’s materials / £3,737.27
Oaklands Nursery / Plants / £ 165.60
Bewleys Hardware / Gardener’s materials / £ 117.29

Total: £7,398.62

Income (October)

Annual Parish Walk Donation £ 10.00

Allotments Rent £ 34.00

Recreation Ground Trustees Car Park repairs £230.00

Capital Deposit A/C Interest £ 3.53

Reserve A/C Interest £ 9.18

Total: £286.71

Bank Balances as at 30 September 2009:

Current Account £ 500.00

Business Reserves £65,523.99

Capital Deposit £28,016.77

Total £94,040.76

It was resolved:

‘That the Accounts be approved and the cheques signed in payment, due notice being given to the bank statements exhibited.’

Proposed: Seconded: Agreed

507  Appointment of Internal Auditor, 2009/10

The Clerk will contact the Chair and ask him to approach Mr John McArdle.

508  Planning Applications


509  Dates of Next Meetings

Policy: 5 November at 7:30 pm

Council: 26 November at 7:30 pm

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9:25 pm.


Page 2 of 7 Shevington Parish Council Meeting – 22 October, 2009