Review Paperwork
In order to ensure the effectiveness of plans for children and young people, the Integrated Working Team need to hold a copy of action plans resulting from team around the child/team around the family activity.
We would therefore be grateful if you could return the attached plans to the Integrated Working Team after each team around the child/team around the family meeting.
If you have any questions or require further advice please contact :
Lyn TappingAssessment & Information Officer (NESomerset Area)01225 395448
Kevin ClarkAssessment & Information Officer (Bath Area)01225 395308
Child’s NameChild’s Date of Birth
Parents Name/s
Review Meeting Date
Attendees and Job Role
Next Review Meeting Date
Please return to:
Alex Hobbs
Integrated Working Administrator
People and Communities Department
Bath and North East Somerset Council
BS31 1DN
Delivery Plan & Review (Actions from the assessment should be brought forward into the delivery plan and added to where a multi-agency team around the child response is required and/or used to review progress)Personal Details
Given name(s) / Family name / DOB or EDD
Address / Postcode / Male Female Unknown
LP Details
Name / Agency/Relationship / Email
Desired outcome (as agreed with child, young person, family) / Action / Who will do this? / By when? / Progress & Comment / Date Closed / Contributing to ECM Aim[1]
Review / Date:People present
(Review delivery plan and update with any agreed further action)
Next Steps
Can the CAF be closed? / Yes / Reason for closure:
No / Agreed review date:
Review Notes
Child or young person’s comment on the review and actions identified
Parent or carer’s comment on the assessment and actions identified
© Copyright The Children’s Workforce Development Council, 2009. Originally produced by The Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2006
Early Help Assessment
Distance-Travelled Tool
1. The distance-travelled tool is a way of tracking progress with children, young people and families being supported via an early help assessment.2. This should be used at the time of assessment, and then at any review, 3 & 6 month or appropriate closure meeting.
3. Please submit this distance-travelled tool alongside any common assessment and review notes.
Child’s/Young person’s name:
Date of birth:
Parent’s name: / Lead Professional’s name:
Please score each element on a scale of 1 to 10, which will then lead to a sub-total for each aspect of need. 1 indicates the most serious concern and 10 indicates no concerns.
The distance-travelled tool is not designed to replace existing outcomes tools (e.g Likert scale, Family Outcomes Stars etc) but to provide a common scale across all Bath and North East Somerset services and to function as a top-sheet by which outcomes can be tracked and compared. It is also designed to be used in conjunction with, and not to replace the assessment process.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Start / 3 mth / 6 mth
1. Development of the infant, child or young person
General health
Physical development
Speech, language and communication
Emotional and social development
Behavioural development
Identity, self-esteem, self-image and social presentation
Family and social relationships
Self-care skills and independence
Health Sub-total
Understanding, reasoning and problem solving
Participation in learning, education and employment
Progress and achievement in learning
Learning Sub-total
2. Parents and carers
Basic care, ensuring safety and protection
Emotional warmth and stability
Guidance, boundaries and stimulation
Parents and carers Sub-total
3. Family and environmental
Family history, functioning and wellbeing
Wider family
Housing, employment and financial considerations
Social and community elements and resources, including education
Family and environmental Sub-total
[1] These outcomes should be linked to the ‘Every Child Matters’ aims where appropriate. Please see the CAF Practitioners Guide Annex A for a full list of the ECM aims which sit below the five ECM outcomes.