Review of Transport for WilloughbySchool

The County Council's Transportation Group is currently reviewing transport arrangements for our school and I have been working review team at different points in the process.

From March 2011 you will be receiving updates from the team regarding any changes that may affect your child’s transport with these changes taking effect on 26 April 2011.

Your child's journey to and from school is a very important part of their day. It is essential that he/she feels happy and secure throughout their journey.


A new initiative being deliveredby Lincolnshire County Council has been to engage an Independent Travel Trainer for the South of the County.

Terry Cheeseman helps young people with additional needs to develop their life skills and gain the confidence and ability to enjoy travelling independently by walking, cycling, bus or train.

Terry is part ofa small team of travel trainers who, with support from parents and school, will provide relevant 1 to 1 training to increase confidenceand encourage young people to travel to school or college independently.

If you can answer yes toANY of these questions, Terry could be just the person you need to fulfil your young person'sdreams to travel independently.

  • Is the young person in Year 9 (age 14) or above?
  • Can the young person walk or move appropriately (including with a wheelchair or other walking aid) whilst out in the community?
  • Do you think that independent training would help the young person to travel to and from school by foot, cycle or bus?
  • Is the young person able to cope whilst out in the community?
  • Does the young person want to become more independent?

If you're interested you can be sent a copy of the Parent & Carer Pack - a really useful folder full of information and frequently asked questions - with sections on Getting Started, Getting there Safely, Getting Help and a Checklist to help young people take their first independent travel steps.

Terry will be available for a question and answer session in the autumn. Useful links will eventually be available on our new website. If you want to contact Terry direct his email is and his postal address for enquiries is Transportation Group, City Hall, Lincoln LN1 1DN - please mark your letter for Terry's attention.