1 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 /
Child Contact Centre Name: ………………………… NACCC Region and No………
Please complete and sign form (making reference to the guidance notes as necessary) and return by Friday 22rd April 2011. A summary of the statistical returns from all Member Centres will appear in the NACCC Annual Report. It is essential that we have a good rate of return for this form to be able to provide accurate statistics to funders, in order to generate more support for Child Contact Centres nationwide. It is part of the National Standards and Accreditation that all Child Contact Centres return annual Statistics to NACCC. Thank you for your time.
A. General running of the Centre (please or complete as appropriate)- How often is your Centre open?
Daily / Weekly / Fortnightly / Twice Monthly
Other (please state) ……………………………………………………………………………………
- Is your Centre a Registered Charity?
- Do you allow observation by third parties such as CAFCASS officers?
If “Yes”, does this take place in a public or private room? / Public room / Private room
B. Funding and Finance (please or complete as appropriate)
- Is your Centre financed through public or voluntary sector funding/fundraising?
a. Yes (please go to 2. below) / b. No, it is a private commercial business (please go to 3 below)
- (If ‘Yes’) where has your Centre obtained funding over the last year?
CAFCASS/CAFCASS CYMRU or equivalent / Magistrates / Referral charges from families
Charitable Trusts / Mediation / Referral charges from referrers
Children in Need / Mothers' Union / Solicitors/Family Lawyers/ Resolution
Children’s Services / Law Society / Soroptimists
Churches / Big Lottery / Voluntary donations from families
Fundraising events / NCH / Legal aid funding
Lions/Inner Wheel/Rotary Club/Round Table / Relate / Other ……………………………………………………………………………………
Local companies & business
- Is your co-ordinator paid?
a. If your co-ordinator(s) is/are paid, how many hours per week does their salary cover? / hours/week
b. Do you do any additional work not covered by your salary? How many hours on average? / hours/week
If your co-ordinator is not paid, how many hours a week on average do they spend on Centre business? / hours/week
- Does your Centre have to pay for its premises?
5. Please circle the ‘band’ of your annual running costs
£1 - £500 / £501 - £1,000 / £1001 - £5000 / £5001 - £10,000 / £10,001 -£25,000 / £25,001 - £50,000 / £50,001 - £100,000 / £100,001+
C. Volunteers and Staff (please or complete as appropriate)
- What is the breakdown amongst your Centre’s volunteers and staff (male/female ratio) [please give totals. See guidance notes]
Number of volunteers (including volunteers on rota, co-ordinator(s) and management committee.
Number of paid staff
- What is the breakdown by age amongst your Centre’s volunteers/staff? [Please give totals, do not just tick boxes.See guidance notes]
Age group / Total staff in that age group / Total volunteers in that age group
Under 18 years (inclusive)
From 18 to 50 years (inclusive)
From 51 to 75 years (inclusive)
Over 75 years
- What is the breakdown by ethnic groups amongst your Centre's volunteers / staff? [Please give totals for each section, do not just tick boxes.See guidance notes]
Ethnic group / Total / Ethnic group / Total / Ethnic group / Total / Ethnic group / Total
African / Chinese / Other Asian / Pakistani
Bangladeshi / Indian / Other Black / White
Caribbean / Mixed / Other ethnic group / Not known
D. Referrals (in this section each family counts as one referral) (please or complete as appropriate)
- In the last year have you ever had to:
Turn away families due to lack of space? / Yes / No / Operate a waiting list? / Yes / No
- Referrals - What is the breakdown of referrals by the source of referrals? [Please give totals, do not just tick boxes or give percentages.See guidance notes]
Referrer category / Total referrals by referrer category / Referrer category / Total referrals by referrer category
CAFCASS/CAFCASS CYMRU or equivalent / Solicitors/ Family Lawyers
Family Mediation / Other
Self referrals
- Does your centre offer preparation for contact or ‘pre visits’
- Inappropriate Referrals - During the year, how many inappropriate referrals did you receive that you had to turn away (if known including phone calls, referral forms etc)
E. Families (please or complete as appropriate)
- Annual totals relating to sessions at your Centre
Total number of sessions during the year
Total number of hours covered in sessions during the year
2. Actual number of families, non-resident family members and children using your centre in the year (if known) (Please do not give number of visits!) / Total number of families / How many Siblings?
How many Fathers? / How many Others?
How many Mothers? / How many Grandparents?
Number of children by age / 0-5 years / 6-10 yrs / 11+ yrs
- What is the breakdown by ethnic groups amongst your Centre’s families [please see guidance notes]
Ethnic group / Total no of families / Ethnic group / Total no of families / Ethnic group / Total no of families
African / Indian / Other ethnic group
Bangladeshi / Mixed / Pakistani
Caribbean / Other Asian / White
Chinese / Other Black / Not known
F. Additional comments (do continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
G. Member Centre QuestionnaireNACCC provides a range of services for its members including training, resources, guidance, advice and support. Please circle your response to the following questions.
Q. How would you rate the training (regional and individual) NACCC provides? / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Q. How would you rate the support offered by Regional staff? / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Q. How would you rate the resources (publications etc) NACCC provides? / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Q. How would you rate NACCC’s telephone advice and support? / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
Q. How would you rate the overall service NACCC provides? / Very Good / Good / Average / Poor / Very Poor
If you have answered ‘Poor’ or ‘Very Poor’ to any of these questions and are able to give further feedback below, we would be very grateful (do continue on a separate sheet if necessary).
NACCC is here to support its members and we would therefore like to hear of any ways where you have found NACCC particularly useful and any ways in which we could further provide information or services. Please list below any ideas you have; all suggestions will receive consideration (do continue on a separate sheet if necessary).
Form completed by: / Telephone:
Thank you for completing the Annual Statistical Return Form, NACCC would appreciate a copy of your Annual Review when available.