The IB Leaner Profile Word Activity (Creating a Poster with WordArt and Graphics) Grading Rubric
Word document has Page Size of 8.5 by 14 (Legal) / 10
Word document is saved in correct format (97-2003) / 5
Word document is saved with correct name (yourname_poster) / 5
Word document is save to your student folder / 5
Word document has decorative page border that goes along with the IB theme (globes) / 10
WordArt title in inserted and st the stretches across the stage horizontally / 10
WorkArt contains a pattern fill that matches the page border / 25
WordArt contains a stroke - color black and line size of 2 / 10
WordArt contains Text Wrapping Format In Front of Text / 10
IB learner profile ten trait text boxes contain the trait names and are formatted with the Behind Text Text Wrapping.
/ 20
IB learner profile text boxes are evenly distributed on the page / 10
Ten graphics representing the ten IB learner traits appear by their named text box. / 20
Ten graphics are formatted with In Front of Text Text Wrapping. / 20
Total: / 160