Review of Draft Plan Approval for Phase 5 of East Ridge Subdivision
March 21, 2011
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TO: Chair and Members of PAC
FROM:Mary C. Joyce-Smith, Senior Planner
SUBJECT:Review of Draft Plan Approval for Phase 5 of East Ridge Subdivision, (Cartwave Realty) being Part of Lot C and Part of the West ½ of Lot B, Concession 1 - File Number (04-T-94520)
DATE:March 11, 2011
Based on the following, it is recommended:
a)THAT the revised Draft Plan, by Julia Meldrum, OLS, dated March 9, 2011, be given Draft Plan Approval, subject to the Draft Plan Conditions, as shown in Appendix A (Attachment 4).
b)THAT the Planning Advisory Committee membersrecommend, to Council, the approval of the amendments to the Draft Resolution,as shown in Attachment 5.
The developer, Cartwave Realty, has submitted a revised Draft Plan for Phase 5 of the Subdivision to the Planning Division (Attachment 3). The changes are minor in nature and simply involve the creation of eight (8) single lots, five (5) small lot singles and fifteen (15) semi-detached lots through the readjustment of the frontages, in order to supply the demand for this type of lot. The original Draft Plan (Attachment 2), approved in 1996 indicates27 singlelots, all of which are single family lots. The proposed plan involves increasing the number of semi lots to 15 and decreasing the number of single lots to 13, for a total of 28 lots. The developerhas advisedthat:
“We are now making preparation to construct Phase 5 because we have noted the present demand, and we have no supply to meet it. We must build more semi-detached lots. The real estate market conditions are currently dictating that we must make as many semis detached lots available as possible…Potential customers for semi-detached lots are now being turned away because we have none in our inventory...By maintaining the same street layout and keeping the lot depths the same as they are shown on the 1996 approved Draft Plan, we believe that we have kept the changes to a minimum,while still respecting the market conditions of 2011.”
This overall Draft Plan was approved by PAC in June of 1996 and is developing in several phases. Under the Planning Act, Section 51- Subsection (47) and (58), provisions are made for minor changes to Draft Plans, before final registration of the Registered Plan, with no need for Public Notice or full circulation to all agencies. With the modifications to the lot frontages to create eight (8) single lots, five (5) small lot singles and fifteen (15) semi-detached lots from the former 28 single lots, Planning Division staff will request that new copies of the Draft Plan are stamped and forwarded to the appropriate agencies.
It is, however, the opinion of the Planning Division staff that this change is very minor in nature and does not warrant a new approval/circulation process.
Given that the road design for Tremblay Avenue is straight, there will be a slight increase in the number of driveways. The Planning Division staff did circulate a copy of the Draft Plan to the Engineering Division for their review.
The following are comments from the Traffic and Engineering Divisions:
The Transportation Engineer has no objections with the number of singles and semis on Tremblay Avenue, assuming they comply with the zoning requirements. The distribution of lots is acceptable, with singles opposing the semis to the south.
The proposed revision to the existing Draft Plan is consistent with the existing Draft Plan from a servicing perspective. Previous phases of the subdivision were designed with additional capacity in order to accommodate subsequent phases of the subdivision.
The Planning Division staff is supportive of these minor changes and believes that the plan is in keeping with the most recent Provincial Policies and Official Plan policy.
1.4.1To provide for an appropriate range of housing types and densities required to meet projected requirements of current and future resident of the regional market area…
1.4.3 Establish development standards for residential intensification and redevelopment and new residential development which minimize the cost of housing and facilitate compact form.
The Planning Division staff would advise that any development issues will be addressed at the time of the Subdivider’s Agreement review and that the original Draft Plan Conditions will ensure the general items are covered.
This plan is part of a very large Draft Plan that includes lands from Second Street East south to Montreal Road. The developer has incrementally registered phases of the plan, in accordance to market. They are now requesting more lots to be developed and the Planning Division staff is supportive of this request.
Respectfully submitted by:Endorsed by:
Mary C. Joyce-Smith, MCIP, RPPKen Bedford , MCIP, RPP
Senior PlannerSupervisor - Planning Division
Review of Draft Plan Approval for Phase 5 of East Ridge Subdivision
March 21, 2011
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- Attachment 1- Letter of Request form Applicant
- Attachment 2 - Existing Draft Plan from 1994 and Conditions from 1995
- Attachment 3 - Proposed Draft Plan
- Attachment 4 - Appendix A for Phase 5
- Attachment 5 - Draft Resolution to Council
- Attachment 6 - Site Photos