/ Senior Project /

Extended Proposal Form

Upload this document to your files. Write complete sentences answering all of the questions.

Student Name ______Student # ______

Project Title______

Purposeful and Motivated

  1. Analyze why you selected your project. Why are you passionate about the learning you will do for your senior project?
  2. How will you manage your impulsivity during your project work? What distractions might occur? How do you plan to avoid those distractions?
  3. How will you persist when your project gets difficult?
  4. How will you collaborate during your project?
  5. What is the mentor’s field of expertise?

Resourceful and Knowledgeable

  1. Why is your project a learning stretch for you? What is challenging?
  2. What possible problems might come up?
  3. What prior knowledge will you use to complete your project?
  4. How is your research paper related to your project?
  5. What resources do you need?
  6. What facilities do you need? Facility request form must be attached to get approval.
  7. What expenses do you have?
  8. How will you pay for your expenses?
  9. If you need to advertise, how do you plan to advertise your project? Flyers must be attached for approval

Strategic and Goal Directed

  1. Explain your project in detail. Show how you lead, plan, or organize on your own.
  2. State your goal. It should be specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
  3. How will you measure your goal and monitor your progress?
  4. List your timeline below illustrating at least half of your hours spent directly on the project.
  5. Specifically describe how your project will show creativity, imagining, or innovating.
  6. What risks are you taking by doing this project?
  7. Analyze how you will be flexible during your project when issues occur.
  8. What forms of documentation will you use for your E portfolio? (examples include: picture collage, receipts, plans, blueprints, flyers, mentor final evaluation, project reflection)
  9. How will this project benefit the community?