Third International competition

“Modern art and education”

Through support of Council of Federation of Russia, Federal Agency of Education of Russian Federation, Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation.

1.  Name of the competition: Third International competition “Modern art and education”

2.  Place of the competition: Moscow

3.  Date of the competition: December 10-17, 2008

4.  Term of giving documentations – till November 10, 2008

5.  Competitions founders and initiators:

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov International Support Center for musical pedagogue

6.  Competitions co-founders:

Moscow city Duma

Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy

Russian Music Academy named after Gnesiny

Moscow State music institution named after A.T.Shnitke

Central music school by Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy

Moscow Composers Union

Committee on science, culture, education, health protection and ecology

Designers Union of Russia

Library-Fund “Russian foreign countries”

European folk cultural organization (EFCO, Strasburg)

7.  Informational partnership

ITAR-TASS, newspaper “Musical review”, radio “Orpheus”, “Filarmonik” magazine, “People and songs” magazine, newspaper “We play from the beginning”, piano salon “Forte & Piano”

8.  Essential Elements of the competitions organizers and Organizational Committee

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov

Mail address:

109240, Moscow, Russia, Verkhniaya Radischevskaya street, 16-18

tel. (495)174-82-84; (495)915-55-15 (add. 2-31), fax (495)915-50-53

Organizational Committee:

Rapatskaya Ludmila Alexandrovna (495) 174-82-84

Poplevin Oleg Petrovich (495) 915-55-15 (add.2-31)

official site of the competition: www.konkurs-mgopu.ru


Bank essential elements for payment:

Recipient: ИНН 7717573329, КПП 771701001

International Center for the musician teacher support (OOO “Международный центр поддержки педагогов-музыкантов”)

р/счет 40702810500090008704

Recipient’s bank: ЗАО “РУССТРОЙБАНК”

к/с 30101810400000000490, БИК 044583490

Name of payment: membership dues for participation in III International competition “Modern art and education” in nomination ……………………………

Members of the Organizational Committee

of the

Third International competition “Modern art and education”

Moscow, December 10-17, 2008

Chairlady of the Competition Organizational Committee – Rapatskaya Ludmila Alexandrovna, dean of the faculty of Culture and musical art of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov, Doctor of pedagogical Science, professor, member of the Russian Composers Union;

Vice-chairman on international contacts and organizational work – Poplevin Oleg Petrovich, head of International contacts department of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov, candidate of technical science;

Vice-chairman on concert work – Mikita Andrey Ishtvanovich, composer, associate professor of Russian Music Academy named after Gnesiny, member of the board of Moscow Composers Union;

Vice-chairman on concert work – Sutkin Valery Miladovich, singer, composer, the “Zvezda” Prize and national “Ovazia” Prize laureate;

Vice-chairman on law problems – Romanov Jury Valentinovich, general director of patent bureau “Romanovi and Partners”, “National heritage of Russia” Prize laureate

Members of the Organizational Committee

Gerasimov Evgeny Vladimirovich – Chairman of the Moscow city Duma Committee on culture and mass communications, Chairman of the Russian cinematographer Union, National Artist of Russian Federation;

Sorokina Elena Gennadievna – pro-rector on scientific and creative work of Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy, Doctor of arts critic, professor, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation;

Galakhov Oleg Borisovich – Chairman of the board of Moscow Composers Union, Honored Art Worker of Russian Federation;

Borisov Valery Mikhailovich – pro-rector on educational work and international contacts of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov, professor, member of the Writer’s Union of Russian Federation

General producer – Stas Namin, composer, producer, art director of the Stas Namin Music and Drama Theater

Press centre director – Trofimov Mikhail Vladimirovich, member of Journalists Union of Russian Federation, member of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) – advertising and informational support, organizational problems

Working group of the Organizational Committee

Donskaya Anna Alexandrovna – deputy head of International contacts department of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov, candidate of philological science – public relations, execution of documents

Zhuravleva Galina Vladimirovna – head of the Centre of the Cultural-Educational work and young people's policy – organizational problems

Fokina Oxana Valentinovna – deputy dean on concert and educational work of the faculty of Culture and musical art of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov

Members of the jury of the

Third International competition “Modern art and education”

Moscow, December 10-17, 2008

Chairman of the joint jury – Yakupov Alexander Nikolaevich – Art director and conductor of The Opera theater of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy, director of the Central music school attached to Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy (college), Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, doctor of science in arts critic, professor

Kuznetsova Elena Ivanovna – chairlady of the jury of the nomination “Piano”, dean of the piano faculty of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy, professor, Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation

Dmitrieva Natalia Nikolaevna – chairlady of the jury of the nomination “Guitar”, associate professor of the chair of musical instruments of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov, lecturer of the Academic musical college attached to Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy, candidate of pedagogical science, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

Kruglov Vjacheslav Pavlovich – chairman of the jury of the nomination “Folk instruments”, professor of the chair of folk instruments of Russian Music Academy named after Gnesiny

Agin Mikhail Surenovich – chairman of the jury of the nomination “Solo vocal performance”, professor of the chair “Solo academic vocal” of Russian Music Academy named after Gnesiny, responsible secretary of the Council on vocal art attached to the Ministry of culture and mass media of the Russian Federation

Shirinskaja Galina Sergeevna – chairlady of the jury of the nomination “Chamber ensemble”, professor of the chair of chamber ensemble and quartet of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Kalistratov Valery Jurievich – chairman of the jury of the nomination “Sacred choral music”, professor of the chair of choral conduction of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, member of the Composers Union of Russia

Sutkin Valery Miladovich – chairman of the jury of the nomination “Jazz-pop performance”, singer, the “Zvezda” Prize and national “Ovazia” Prize laureate, art director of the jazz-pop section of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov

Mikita Andrey Ishtvanovich – chairman of the jury of the nomination “Composer-performer”, associate professor of Russian Music Academy named after Gnesiny, member of the board of Moscow Composers Union

Mariupolskaya Tatiana Gennadievna – chairlady of the jury of the nomination “Musical performance and pedagogical skill”, manageress of the chair of musical instruments of Moscow Pedagogical State University, doctor of science in pedagogy, professor

Nazarov Yury Vladimirovich – chairman of the jury of the nomination “Design”, president of the Designers Union of Russia, doctor of science in arts critic, State Prize of Russian Federation in the domain of art and literature laureate, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of art, Moscow Prize laureate

Regulations of the competition and schedule

In April 2006 and December 2007 in Moscow took place the First and Second international competitions “Modern art and education”. At first time in the newest history of Russian musical culture became pedagogical university an initiator and founder of the competition: Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A.Sholokhov. The competition hold in the concert halls of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I.Tchaykovskiy, the MGGU named after M.A.Sholokhov, the Fund “Russian foreign countries” and the House of the Moscow Composers. More than 500 musicians and creative collective from Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the far abroad took part in the competition.

International competition “Modern art and education” draw a wide response in musical circles of Russia and foreign countries. In this connection the competition will take place annually. The purpose of the competition is showing up talented musicians-performers, composers, designers, writers and journalists on basis of reunion between the modern art and the Russian and world-wide culture traditions. It is possible for all comers to take a part in the competition but first of all students and young pedagogue from the musical and musical-pedagogical colleges and institutes.

The competition has the following nominations:

1.  Piano

2.  Orchestral instruments

3.  Folk musical instruments

4.  Guitar

5.  Solo vocal performance

6.  Musical performance and pedagogical skill

7.  Chamber ensemble

8.  Sacred choral music (classical and folk)

9.  Composer-performer (solo and ensemble)

10. Jazz-pop performance

11. Journalism in the domain of art

12. Design

In the capacity of compulsory composition we offer one of the following compositions. Music will place on the site www.konkurs-mgopu.ru

In case of absence of music compulsory composition must be composition of Russian composer written after 1970.


Sergey Berinskiy

“Three portraits”

Sergey Zhukov

“Reminiscence of waltz”

“The dance of magical forest inhabitants”

“Procession of pilgrims”

Efrem Podgaits

“Thoughtless etude”









“Melancholy etude”


Andrey Zelenskiy



“Home lesson”

“Three bagatells”

Orchestral instruments



“Night music”

Efrem Podgaits

“Fortune-telling” (solo)

“Seven songs of solitude” (with piano)


Efrem Podgaits

“Variation” (solo)


“Dandelion’s wine”


Sergey Zhukov

“Landscape” (solo)

Efrem Podgaits

“Fortune-telling” (solo)

“Ringlet” (with button accordion)


“Patterns on the glass”



“On the other side”

“Full Moon”

Sergey Berinskiy

“May suite” (five pastorale)

Sergey Zhukov


Efrem Podgaits

“Partita” (solo)


“Waltz from nonexistent cinema film”

“Dancing elf” (with piano and button accordion)

“Ringlet” (with button accordion)

“Ironic pas de deux”


Efrem Podgaits




“Parting song of winter”

Efrem Podgaits

“Elegy” (with piano and guitar)

Folk musical instruments

Button accordion

Efrem Podgaits

Three-part sonata

“Ironic pas de deux”

Mandolin, domra (4-stringed)

Efrem Podgaits

“Waltz from nonexistent cinema film” (with piano and button accordion)

Chamber ensemble

Piano (4 hands)

Efrem Podgaits

“Dancing elf”

Two pianos

Efrem Podgaits


Two button accordions

Efrem Podgaits


Flute, violoncello, piano

or flute, bassoon, piano

Efrem Podgaits


Solo vocal performance


“If he come back”. Lyrics: Meterlink

“Lullaby”. Lyrics: Morozinskaya

“To the person in the city”. Lyrics: Kits

Sergey Berinskiy

“Seven poems of A.S.Pushkin”

Sergey Zhukov

“Echo”, three poems of Pushkin



Efrem Podgaits

“Rhythm and night”. Lyrics: I.Bunin (for mezzo-soprano)

“Nous”. Lyrics: I.Irtenjev (for bass-baritone)

“Lyrical satyrs”. Lyrics: S.Tchorniy (for baritone)

Choral music

Mixed choir

Sergey Zhukov

“Bestow thy blessing, Lord!” (a cappella)

“Penitential prayer of saint Serafim Sarovskiy” (a cappella)

“Cloudlet”. Lyrics: M.Lermontov (a cappella)

“Lullaby”. Lyrics: M.Lermontov (a cappella)


“Where is sweet whisper”

“Grandfather think of”

Efrem Podgaits


“All pass”

“Agnus Dei”


Child’s choir


Two choirs. Lyrics of Tjutchev

“Cats”. Lyrics of Brodskiy

Efrem Podgaits

“The girl song in choir”

“The Rose”

“To the infant”

“The Star”


Famous composers, members of the Composers Union of Russia, offer to participants theirs musical compositions. Texts of these musical compositions will place in our site www.konkurs-mgopu.ru

The order of performances of participants will become after drawing formed. Soloists, instrumentalists, vocalists and choir appear with theirs accompanists. An audition will be hold in concert halls of Moscow.

Nominations of the competition and conditions of the participation

1.  Piano

Participation is possible for performers of the academic school. Program may be selected out of musical compositions of Russian and foreign composers of any epochs and styles. At the same time the program must contain not less then one composition written after 1970. Duration of the program must be no more than 20 minutes.

Scale of age:

a)  15 – 25 years old

b)  beginning at 26 years old, nо age limit

Entrance fee: 4000 ruble

2.  Orchestral instruments (violin, viola, violoncello, flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet)

Participation is possible for performers of the academic school. Program may be selected out of musical compositions of Russian and foreign composers of any epochs and styles. At the same time the program must contain not less then one composition written after 1970. Duration of the program must be no more than 20 minutes.

Scale of age:

a)  15 – 25 years old

b)  beginning at 26 years old, nо age limit

Entrance fee: 4000 ruble

3.  Folk musical instruments (button accordion, accordion, balalaika, domra, psaltery and other many-stringed instruments without fingerboard)

Participation is possible for folk music performers. Program may be selected out of folk and author’s music of any epochs and styles. At the same time the program must contain not less then one composition written after 1970. Duration of the program must be no more than 20 minutes.

Scale of age:

a)  15 – 25 years old

b)  beginning at 26 years old, nо age limit

Entrance fee: 4000 ruble

4.  Guitar

Participation is possible for performers of the academic school. Program may be selected out of musical compositions of Russian and foreign composers of any epochs and styles. The program must contain not less then one composition written after 1970. Duration of the program must be no more than 20 minutes.

Scale of age:

c)  15 – 25 years old

d)  beginning at 26 years old, nо age limit

Entrance fee: 4000 ruble

5.  Solo vocal performance

Participation is possible for performers of the academic school. Program may be selected out of musical compositions of Russian and foreign composers of any epochs and styles. At the same time the program must contain not less then one composition written after 1970. Duration of the program must be no more than 20 minutes.

Scale of age:

a) 15 – 25 years old

b) beginning at 26 years old, nо age limit

Entrance fee: 5000 ruble

6.  Musical performance and pedagogical skill

Participation is possible for pedagogue-performers working in musical educational institutes, musical schools, musical and pedagogical colleges, musical faculties of universities etc. Competitive audition includes two stages:

First stage is preliminary selection examination of the record of open lesson with learner (or learners) by the example of any musical composition. Duration of the open lesson is 30 minutes. The record of the lesson must be presented to the jury before November 5, 2008.