Rev. Dr. Timothy Proctor Sr.
Exodus 3:14
“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you”
God said he had surely seen the affliction of his people in Egypt, and have heard their cry, and I know their sorrows. So God decides that he is going to come down and bring them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and bring them out of that land into a land that flows with milk and honey. Now when God said he is going to do something that settles it. So God sends Moses to delivery the message to Pharaoh, to tell him to let my people go. But look at use, God tells us to go and tell it, and we think that we are going to do it ourselves. God said He would deliver the children of Israel, but we thing we got to do it.
- When God tells us to do something, we ought to do it.
Why do we fill like it’s a heavy burden when the Lord ask us do to something.
Why do we fill that the weight of the world is heavy on our shoulders?
Why do we think that we are doing all the work all by ourselves? Why? I’m just asking a question. When God already said in verse 8, that “He will come down to delivery them”. But wait we fill like we are all alone, and not equip to handle the job.
If God did not think we were equip to handle the job, he would not have called you. Yah that’s right, that why He said: I AM “THAT” I AM!
Just like today, God calls us to a ministry, and our ministry may not be in the church behind the pulpit, but outside in the streets. But we don’t want to go out into the world and bring them back to the fold. No, no, we don’t want to go and do that,maybe just maybe that we’re just to afraid of what might happen out there, so
- I guess we just stay here, in the church and read the scriptures, whenever the pastor call us up to read the scripture.
- I guess we just stay here, in the church and say the prayer, whenever the pastor call me up to pray.
- I guess we just stay here, in the church and talk to other church members about how we don’t have any church members.
- I guess we just stay in here, in the church and keep turning down the pastor when he ask us to help out with something.
- I guess we just stay here, in the church and be a pew member that just don’t want to do anything.
But God is tried of use thinking that we are by ourselves, He said, I AM THAT, I AM! So whatever you need, He said that He was that: I see you don’t quite understand what I’m trying to tell you.
If its strength that you need, God said, I AM THAT!
If its more heart that you need,God said, I AM THAT!
If its deliverance from fear,God said, I AM THAT!
If its understanding that you need, God said, I AM THAT!
- If its food, cloth, relationship or anything, God said, I AM THAT!
Do you understand, I AM “THAT” I AM! (Give him praise)
God said, Ask, and it shall be given, Knock and it shall be open, if you ask for anything in my name, and I will give it unto you, why? Because I AM THAT, I AM!
- Moses said to God, who am I that I should go?
Moses know that he was just an Hebrew slave, he know that his words carried no power, and he know that it would take a army to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians. My brothers and sisters, if you don’t know who you are, or whom you belong to by now, then you will never, never know, and you are already defeated.
But when God say, that’s my child; He’s talking about you and me. Don’t you know that God will come and see about you when you get in trouble. Oh yes He will! He said;
- He said, that I am more then a conqueror, that I am the head and not the tail!
- He said, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, although it may form, it can’t hurt me!
- He said, to cast all your cares upon me, for I care for you!
- He said, I am more then the whole world against you!
- He said, that He would be with us!
- He said, I AM “THAT” I AM!
So why are we full of excuses?
- Moses asked God, who shall I say sent me?
One thing you have to remember, just tell them, I AM sent you.
- I AM, that makes demon run
- I AM, that makes blind men see
- I AM, that rise Jesus from the grave
- I AM, he that stood out on the porch of nothing and made everything that you see today
- I AM, the Alpha and the Omega
- I AM, the beginning and the end
- I AM, the King of kings and the Lord of lords
- I AM, your bridge over trouble waters
- I AM, the rock of ages
In Closing! Whatever you need from God, He said that; “I AM THAT, I AM!”
- If it’s food you need,I AM THAT!
- If it’s Finance you need, I AM THAT!
- If it’s Peace that you need,I AM THAT!
- If it’s Love you need, I AM THAT!
- If it’s Joy you need, I AM THAT!
- If it’s understanding you need, I AM THAT!
- If it’s Happiness you need, I AM THAT!
- If it’s Togetherness you need, I AM THAT!
I know people are hurting around this time of the year, and I know that it’s not just those in the world but church folks too. They get real depressed and lonely, but you don’t have to be that way anymore. God said, to cast your cares upon me, for I care for you. That’s right, He cares you just that much, He loves for you just that much. You want to know how much He really love you, He love you so much that:
- He want to a place called Calvary, where He hung, bleed and died for our sins. And He stayed there all night Friday night, He stayed there all day Saturday morning, He stayed there all night Saturday night, but early Sunday morning He got up with ALL POWER in His hand.
- He love you so much that He went away to prepare a place for you, and He coming back to receive you unto Himself, that where He is we maybe also.
He said: I AM “THAT”, I AM! God Bless You!