Southwest Ohio Roy Hobbs Baseball Player Interest Form 2014
E-mail Address
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
When did you last play organized baseball?
Fill in below the highest level(s) of organized Baseball and team / School names you have played?
High School:
Semi-Pro/Pro team(s):
Other 18+ leagues:
What is your primary position?
What other positions do you play?
Bat L or R? Throw L or R?
Age: Date of Birth:
Height: Weight:
This is 22-26 game Wed eve & Sunday league (w/ a few games on Thursdays). Are you able to commit to at least half time?
Are you interested in organizing a 'new' team in the league?
What is the main reason why you are interested in playing baseball with us this year?
What has kept you from playing organized / competitive baseball most recently or in the past?
What is your greatest baseball memory (Playing, Watching, or Both)?
How did you first become aware of our SWOHRH league?

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