Return Address


July 1, 2011

Name of Prospect

Address of Prospect


County Postcode

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Prospect,

It’s never too early to start thinking about those critical pre- and post-retirement days. Will you have enough cash to live the life you’ve toiled for? Only a lifetime cashflow analysis can really provide the answer. An accountant might charge up to £500 to produce one for you. I’m prepared to do it for free.

If you’re suspicious about that word “free”, please don’t be. I make just one proviso and that is that I invite you to come to my office for us to prepare your cashflow projections. I’ll need to ask you some questions and feed this data into a highly secure, internet-based financial planning program. If you have any reservations about confidentiality being at risk, then we can avoid including your names and addresses and keep the inputs and outputs totally free of any identities whatsoever.

At the end of the process, we will print out a comprehensive, multi-page “Super Ledger” which is, in effect, your own personal Household Balance Sheet tracking projected Income and Expenditure and Assets and Liabilities every year from now until mortality - showing how much you will be worth every year of the journey if you keep on doing what you’re doing now.

If some of the projections cause you concern, then I would be very happy to discuss with you the kind of service we provide to enable our clients to at least minimise and, wherever possible, eliminate the causes of those concerns. As a fully qualified Independent Financial Adviser, I have a scale of charges based on the time I anticipate I would need to spend on your situation but I make no charge until you give me the go-ahead to begin work.

If you’d like to make use of this free introductory offer, please telephone me as above to arrange an appointment.

Thank you in advance.


Adviser’s Name

Remember, retirement is a journey, not a destination. You could be retired for 30 years or more. Plan now for a lifestyle to make your retirement years your golden years.