AVX Limited, 5 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT52 2DA

Tel: (028) 7034 4188 Fax: (028) 7035 5527


is the European subsidiary of the American

based AVX Corporation, which is the world’s leading supplier of electronic components

For more than forty years, AVX has been involved in the research, development and manufacture of ceramic based components for the electronics industry and is now one of the most successful components manufacturers in the world.

AVX has now expanded its product portfolio to include:

Tantalum capacitors, where it is now the largest supplier worldwide with 40% market share.


Power Capacitors

Timing devices

Specialized Military and Space products.

Supplying a complete spectrum of passive and interconnection products to just about every major electronics company, AVX has a global turnover in excess of US $ 1300M. As a respected part of the highly successful Kyocera Group of Companies, AVX Limited has complete responsibility for the marketing of AVX; Kyocera; Elco and Thompson brands throughout Europe.

We have a mission:

“During this decade AVX will be recognised as the premier supplier of electronic components by constantly demonstrating superior performance in quality and service, resulting in Total Customer Satisfaction”

Working intensely to establish an excellent reputation for providing high quality products, AVX seeks to develop interactive relationships and regularly consults with customers to help forge the link between R&D and the real world market place. More formal partnerships also exist and move forward the technology development process, the aim being to reduce the total procurement costs to the benefit of all concerned.

AVX products are used in virtually every electronics based product manufactured today. From computing through telecoms to the automotive and aerospace industries, there is virtually no major manufacturer with whom we do not trade.

At present the Coleraine factory alone manufactures and ships some 15 million ceramic capacitors per day and it is probably the smallest MLC plant in the group.


Greenville,South Carolina


Myrtle Beach Ontario Texas Arizona

Washington Maine Minnesota Indiana

California Brazil


Fleet, Hampshire, England


Fleet Jerusalem Lanskroun Milan

Munich Paris Rome




Singapore Hong Kong Korea Taiwan

China Malaysia


China Czech Republic El Salvador Israel

Germany Japan Korea Malaysia

Mexico Northern Ireland Singapore USA



1922Radiola Wireless Corporation was born in a tiny shop on 17th Street in New York City.

1924The founders of the Radiola Wireless Corporation sold the name “Radiola” to a set manufacturer and coined the name “Aerovox” which means ‘voice of the air’.

1948Electrical Reactance started operations in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

1949Aerovox acquires Electrical Reactance as a Ceramic Capacitor manufacturing subsidiary.

1961Multi-Layer Ceramic (MLC) capacitor technology becomes established.

1972AVX Corporation was incorporated on 24th April 1972 manufacturing Multi-Layer Ceramic capacitors as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Aerovox Corporation.

1976AVX Limited formed to meet European market needs.

1977El Salvador; San Salvador manufacturing facility starts production.

1978AVX Limited opens its first manufacturing facility in Coleraine, Northern Ireland.

1983Juarez, Mexico manufacturing facility starts production.

1987AVX expands its product line to include ‘Tantalum’ and ‘Glass’ capacitors by acquiring the Tantalum operations of STC, and the Glass capacitor operations of the Corning Glass Works.

1990AVX Corporation merges with the “Kyocera Corporation”, a Japanese conglomerate manufacturer of a wide range of high technology products including ceramic cutting tools, thermal print heads, heating elements, resistors and solar cells, amongst many others.

1996AVX Limited announces a £46 million investment to expand production at its Coleraine facility. This provided a materials development suite and a suite of clean-room facilities using latest clean-room technology.

1997Another European manufacturing facility opens in Uherske Hradiste in the Czech Republic as a satellite division of the Coleraine facility. Concentrating on the ‘Testing’ and ‘Packing’ operations previously based in Coleraine this development reduced the overall manufacturing costs and enables the Coleraine facility to concentrate on the fabrication processes and development of new more added value products.


For many years AVX has provided the backbone of technological support for the burgeoning telecoms market. As technologies moved from analogue to digital our fast developing expertise in passive components has helped provide reliable and cost effective telecommunications to both business and the family. Sophisticated mobile telephony, fast and secure PABX’s and a myriad of networking products are all now well within reach. From the newest satellite telephones to the most complex telephone exchanges, the reliability of AVX’s components help to ensure direct, immediate communication – guaranteed!!


Computing serves the needs of many in the world today. Entire ICTstrategies rely upon the thousands of capacitors, resistors, fuses, timing devices and connectors that contribute to the reliable operation of the modern PC. The Company accounts running solely on computer, the business executive on the move, a teaching aid in the classroom or at home, all of our lives in one way or another are enhanced by computing.


Almost everything we buy is reliant upon automotive transport – for the transport of fresh food from farm to market; business people to meetings; expectant mothers to hospital. The modern engine must be economical and environmentally friendly – only possible through superb digital electronics and reliable components. Nobody wants an accident to happen, but if it does happen, safety devices such as the airbag and anti-lock brake systems (ABS) save lives. Microelectronics waiting to function – The accident happens – The electronics function. – The life is saved.


With some of the highest specifications of all markets, the Aerospace & Defence industries provide some of the greatest challenges for AVX. Mission critical equipment subjected to extremely high speed, incredible acceleration, severe vibration and extreme temperatures – the cost of component failure is almost incalculable. Satellites and space travel are no longer futuristic concepts, but in the big money world of today’s launches there is no room for failure. ‘Ariane’ uses 1,000’s of advanced capacitors from AVX – each one critical in its operation.


Involvement in almost every part of the Medical; Industrial instrumentation and Consumer market place is assured by AVX’s superb reputation with components in everything from televisions and camcorders; processing equipment and scientific instrumentation to hand-held games consoles. Helping improve the quality of life through miniaturisation and reliability enhancement, AVX components are found in the enormous range of micro-health appliances that can be used to benefit life in just about any environment. Unobtrusive hearing aids and heart monitoring devices demonstrate supreme reliability in diverse medical applications where many of us take the idea of supreme electronic component reliability for granted.

IT Organisation

Worldwide100 people

Coleraine17 people9 Development 8 Operations

Currently there are three major sales and logistics data centres, Asia (Singapore), USA (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) and Europe (Coleraine), each servicing its own geographical area.

IT Systems

In Europe all Sales and Logistics run on IBM I-Series or Windows Servers hardware.

Core Sales Order Processing and Logistics application comprises:

Lotus Notes based CRM module.

Windows Server based XML, RosettaNet and EDI Server (WebMethods).

I-Series based Corporate Extranet Site for Customers, Distributors and Agents.

I-Series web-enabled Sales Order Processing and Warehouse Management modules.

WiFi enabled warehouse-tracking system.

Windows Server based data warehouse and analysis database

This platform is now being developed as global Sales Order Processing and Logistics application based on the largest IBM I-Series server in Northern Ireland.

This system will deliver 24 x 7 operation, to AVX Sales Groups (both internal and external) and shipping functions throughout the entire AVX worldwide operation.

The GSOP platform will be a multi-language, multi-currency, multi-country, multi-time zone application supporting AVX’s interface with its global customer base of blue-chip electronic companies.

These companies (such as Nokia) are at the leading edge of factory management and logistic techniques and expect world-class response, flexibility and reliability from their suppliers.


Coleraine:8 people

Uherske Hradiste:3 people

USA:4 people

Singapore:2 person

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