Usability Test 1. SFCC Library Website
“What would you click on first?” / Survey Results
Questions: / Student Response:
1. What would you click on to find out if the library has a certain book?
Answer: Book & Video Catalog / B&VC 15
Find book button 1
No idea 1
2. What would you click on to find journal articles?
Answer: Article & Reference Databases / A&RDb 14
A button that says “journal articles” 1
No idea 1
Sources 1
3. What would you click on to find out what time the Library closes on Fridays?
Answer: Information / Information… 14
Calendar button 1
No idea 1
Other 1
4. What would you click on to find out when the books you’ve checked out are due?
Answers: B&VC
anywhere else, anybody? / B&VC 1
Information… 3
Book status 1
Services & info 1
Dunno 4
Student resources 1
Circulation desk 1
Faculty services 1
Computer died 1
Other Libraries… 1
The white girl 1
Circulation policy 1
5. What would you click on to chat or email a librarian for research help?
Answer: Ask us 24/7 / Ask Us! 6
Faculty services 2
Need a librarian’s help? 1
Student resources 1
Don’t know 1
Info: Staff Directory … 1
Info… 1
Bb login 1
Computer died 1
The Asian guy 1
Reference service request 1
6. What would you click on if you wanted to request a book from another library?
Answer: Information or B&VC / Info…ill request form 2
B&VC 1
Other Libraries 11
Book status 1
No idea 1
Request 1
7. What would you click on to find and printout a full text article from the journal Nature?
Answer: A&RDb / A&RDb 11
Internet resources 1
ProQuest 3
Don’t know 1
Outside sources 1
8. What would you click on to find alibrary resources for your non-western art class?
Answer: Library & Class Guides
This question is a bit misleading as I have a typo (in red). “a” shouldn’t be there. Which might account for the wild array of responses. Yes, I’ll have the committee proof the survey next time. / Library & Class guides 3
A&RDb 2
A visual button of non western art 1
Citing sources 1
B&VC 3
Don’t know 1
Core book … 1
International 1
Internet Resources 3
Asian guy 1
9. You want to find websites and library resources on the subject of substance abuse. What would you click on to find it?
Answer: Internet Resources / Internet resources 12
Probly search it 1
Don’t know 1
Outside sources 1
The white girl 1
A&RDb 1
10. You heard that we have a tutorial on how to avoid plagiarism. What would you click on to find it?
Answer: Library & Class Guides or
Internet Sources / Library & class guides 2
Citing sources 8
Library tutorials 1 (not a heading on the homepage)
Programs or Services & Info 1
Don’t know 2
Tutors 1 (not on homepage)
I would search the library website (box) 1
Faculty services 1


Results Post-test questions.

  1. Do you have any suggestions for improvements to our website?

Pictures, & make it easier to find Dean’s email address.


Google link

Ask Jeeves link (is now

MSN link

No seems easy enough to understand

Maybe more specific links?

Maybe a cheat sheet given out to each incoming student, with sort of what is being the main library



The website is very clear


No it’s fine

Maybe to make it more simple, maybe add a drop down menus or something like that just to make it

easier to access all the features

Not at this time

  1. What do you like best about our website?

I find it is easy to locate what I’m looking for.

The link to the SFCC website.

It’s organized nicely.

Blackboard link

Ease of navigation

Quick search box at the top

Fairly simple, easy to read

Pretty easy to navigate once you know where you are going

Easy to access

Easy to find and use

Easy access to find articles through Article & Reference Databases

It’s white

That it has everything on it like help and many resources

Really easy to navigate

  1. Which parts of the site are most useful to you?

SFCC homepage

The catalogs and hours of the library


Book & Video Catalog

Search The Book & Video Catalog (for:)search bar (quick search box)

The book & video catalog

Book & Vide Catalog

Article & Reference Database


Bb (Blackboard)

Resources & Information

Article & Reference databases

Ask us 24/7


All the (Article &) reference databases

Article & Reference Databases

Book & Video Catalog

Book & video catalog

  1. About how often have you used the library’s website in the past?

_2_ never used

_6_ only a few times

___ a few times a year

_1 about one or twice a month

_6_every week

_2_ every day

  1. Who are you?


___ faculty

___ staff

Thank you for participating in this site usability test. Your ideas, suggestions, and comments will help us to design the library’s new website.

MN 3/07

Survey methodology:

Survey & post test were conducted during the week of March 12th 2007. Students wererandomly given a survey form with verbal instructions from library faculty and staff members. Students were asked to complete the survey by using the SFCC Library website’s main page headings only. They were not to actually click on those headings to access sub pages.

Members of the Web Advisory Committee administered the survey to students who were in the library. Mary compiled the results

Survey purpose: To take a snap shot of how well students identify homepage headings that will best link them to the appropriate library resources and services. Info. gathered will help us to determine which headings were clear to the students and which were not.