Grading Criteria: Adolescent Self-Portrait Paper
BSHS/325 Version 1 / 1

Grading Criteria

Adolescent Self-Portrait Paper

This assignment is due in Week Two.

60 Percent / Points Available
3 / Points Earned
X/3 / Additional Comments:
·  The Learning Team describes what it feels like to be an adolescent.
·  The Learning Team identifies specific changes that tend to be the most striking and have the greatest effect on personality.
·  The Learning Team explains how these changes relate to factual material reported in the text.
·  The Learning Team describes any noted differences between males and females.
·  The Learning Team identifies the issues the group agrees and disagrees on and why.
20 Percent / Points Available
1 / Points Earned
X/1 / Additional Comments:
·  The paper is 1,050 to 1,400 words in length.
·  The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
·  The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.
20 Percent / Points Available
1 / Points Earned
X/1 / Additional Comments:
·  The paper—including the title page, reference page, tables, and any appendixes—is consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
·  Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
Total Available / Total Earned