Motion 1: 2012 Show Budget
2012 Show Committee Chair, Carolyn Charville, has submitted the following budget for the 2012 National Show
Show Sec $350
Banquet $120
OSRBA Catalog Ad $75
Hospitality $50
Booth $172
Electric $75
Raffle $50
Awards $532.28
Live Auction $200
JudgesGifts $100
Motion passed unanimously (11 Members Voting, 1 Did Not Vote)
Voting Yes: Christine Hutchison (Sec), Dawn Guth (Tres), Cheryl Rafoth (VP),Theresa Mueller* (D-1), Joe Horacek (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Becky Armstrong (D-5), Brenda Foriska (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D-7), Carol Fry (D-9) Failed to vote: Deb Bergs (D-4) Abstained from vote: Carolyn Charville (D-8),
*Theresa Mueller votesno to Live auction
Motion 2: Nationals T Shirts
AsSubmitted by Christine Hutchison, Merchandise Chair
Jenna Buchenauer did the t-shirt design and the cost of the design will again be my donation to the club. The theme is Evolution. We wanted the t-shirt to be a progression from the previous t-shirt of the Lionhead in the torch. This current design signifies the evolution from flamed Lionheadto flameless lionhead and in my opinion also supports the evolution the breed makes through the presentation process and in turn continues to support both the breed and Theresa and Cheryl through the presentation process.
The price of the t-shirts have gone up by one dollar, so my committee and I feel it is fair to move that cost on to the price of the
t-shirts. Therefore SML XL would be $13, 2X $14 and 3X $15. We have come up with a light gold t-shirt with black print.
Motion passed unanimously (11 Members Voting, 1 Did Not Vote)Voting Yes: Dawn Guth (Tres), Cheryl
Rafoth (VP),Theresa Mueller (D-1), Joe Horacek (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Becky Armstrong (D-5), Brenda Foriska (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D7)Carolyn Charville (D-8), Carol Fry (D-9)Failed to vote: Deb Bergs (D-4),
Abstained from vote:Christine Hutchison (Sec),
Motion 3: Sweeps
As submitted by Cheryl Rafoth, Sweepstakes Chair
The Sweepstakes Committee is requesting $285 for 2011 end of year awards in both Open and Youth. This includes the awards for the top 10 in both Open and Youth,all certificates for all varieties and district awards and shipping costs.
Motion passed unanimously (11 Members Voting, 1 Did Not Vote)Voting Yes: Dawn Guth (Tres), Christine Hutchison (Sec),Theresa Mueller (D-1), Joe Horacek (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Becky Armstrong (D-5), Brenda Foriska (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D7)Carolyn Charville (D-8), Carol Fry (D-9)Failed to vote: Deb Bergs (D-4),
Abstained from vote:Cheryl Rafoth (VP)
RESULTS OF MOTIONS - March 20, 2012
Motion 1:
Vice President, Cheryl Rafoth, requests $85 towards the cost of a special mailing to advertise the quilt raffle for the 2012 Lionhead National show. The cost would cover the first class stamps for this mailing. There will be no expense for the printing and labels. This very special quilt has been a work of art for two years by member, Peg Smith, as a donation to the club.
Motion passed unanimously (11 Members Voting, 1 Did Not Vote)
Voting Yes: Christine Hutchison (Sec), Dawn Guth (Tres),
Theresa Mueller (D-1), Joe Horacek (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Deb Bergs
(D-4), Becky Armstrong (D-5), Brenda Foriska (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D-7), Carolyn Charville (D-8)Failed to vote: Carol Fry (D-9) Abstained from vote: Cheryl Rafoth (VP)
RESULTS OF MOTIONS -April 25, 2012
Motion 1: Sweepstakes Rules Change
Cheryl Rafoth, Sweepstakes Chair, has requested a change in Sweepstakes Rule 11 and Rule 12 for the Sweepstakes.
The committee feels it is time to move to accepting only copies of Exhibitor After-Show Reports, rather than the individual comment cards, that can be easily obtained and filled out falsely or incorrectly. The sweeps counter spends many hours each month trying to determine that the comment cards are legitimate, not sent twice,and contacting the exhibitor to get missing information and verifying shows. We feel it is not her job to find missing information or that she should have to work to verify the information. An Exhibitor After-Show Report would indicate that an animal was shown at a specific show and the placement it received. Show secretaries are required by ARBA to send out show reports within 30 days of the show. The NALRC allows 60 days for the report to reach the counter. We do know that in a fewinstances a show secretary may not send Lionhead breeders a show report. In these cases, the completely filled out comment cards would be accepted.
11 existing rule) It is the owner's responsibility to send a clear copy * of the Official ARBA Remark Card used by the show * or an Exhibitor Show comment card * or an Exhibitor-after-show report from the show's secretary for the show at which you want your points counted. Send to the Lionhead Sweepstakes Counter.
11 proposed change) It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to send a copy of the official Exhibitor After-Show Report for the show at which they want the points counted. Send to the Lionhead Sweepstakes Counter. In the instance where a show secretary does not send out exhibitor show reports, the NALRC sweepstakes counter will accept comment cards that are completely filled in.
Motion passed unanimously (12 Members Voting)Voting Yes: Christine Hutchison (Sec), Dawn Guth (Tres), Theresa Mueller (D-1), Joe Horacek (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Deb Bergs, (D-4), Becky Armstrong (D-5), Brenda Foriska (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D-7), Carolyn Charville (D-8), Carol Fry (D-9)
Abstained from vote: Cheryl Rafoth (VP),
12 Existing Rule) Remark card copies must be postmarked within 60 days of the date of the show. (Copies of your remark cards or after show completed reports must be received in the mail - we need a hard copy). The following information must be filled in:
12 proposed changed) Exhibitor After-Show Reports must be postmarked within 60 days of the date of the show. Copies of the completed show reports must be received in the mail so that a hard copy can be retained for one year.
Motion passed unanimously (12 Members Voting)Voting Yes: Christine Hutchison (Sec), Dawn Guth (Tres),
Theresa Mueller (D-1), Joe Horacek (D-2), Tammy Setzke (D-3), Deb Bergs
(D-4), Becky Armstrong (D-5), Brenda Foriska (D-6), Christina Hubbard (D-7), Carolyn Charville (D-8), Carol Fry (D-9)
Abstained from vote: Cheryl Rafoth (VP),
RESULTS of MOTIONS ~ May 25, 2012
Motion 1: Appointment of District 1 Director
I would like to recommend the appointment of Nita Shannon to the office of District 1 Director. Nita was the only District 1 member to file an intent for the upcoming term, so I recommend that she take office early to fill the vacant District 1 position.
Motion passed unanimously (12 members voting):
Voting Yes: Cheryl Rafoth (VP), Dawn Guth (Treas), Christine Hutchison (Sec), Joe Horacek (D2), Tammy Setzke (D3), Deb Bergs (D4), Becky Armstrong (D5), Brenda Foriska (D6), Christina Hubbard (D7), Carolyn Charville (D8), Carol Fry (D9)
RESULTS of MOTIONS for 5-30-12
Motion 1: Use of Club Logo
The NALRC has received a request from a newly formed, ARBA sanctioned Malaysian club asking to use the NALRC club logo on a banner that will be displayed at their upcoming show along with various other ARBA specialty club logos. Per discussion among the Board this week, I would like to call for a vote on whether to grant permission to use the club logo in this manner to the Malaysian Club.
Motion passed unanimously (12 members voting):
Voting Yes: Cheryl Rafoth (VP), Dawn Guth (Treas), Christine Hutchison (Sec), Nita Shannon (D1), Joe Horacek (D2), Tammy Setzke (D3), Deb Bergs (D4), Becky Armstrong (D5), Brenda Foriska (D6), Christina Hubbard (D7), Carolyn Charville (D8), Carol Fry (D9)
Motion 2: Formation of a Tax Committee
I request Board approval to form a new committee to look into various tax issues/implications for the club which were brought to our attention almost a year ago.
Motion passed unanimously (12 members voting):
Voting Yes: Cheryl Rafoth (VP), Dawn Guth (Treas), Christine Hutchison (Sec), Nita Shannon (D1), Joe Horacek (D2), Tammy Setzke (D3), Deb Bergs (D4), Becky Armstrong (D5), Brenda Foriska (D6), Christina Hubbard (D7), Carolyn Charville (D8), Carol Fry (D9)
Motion 3: Tax Committee Appointments
I would like to request Board approval on the following appointments to the Tax Committee, should it pass Board approval.
Chairperson: Eric Bengston
Member: Dawn Guth
Member: Christine Hutchison
Motion passed unanimously (12 members voting, 2 Abstaining from self-votes):
Voting Yes: Cheryl Rafoth (VP), Dawn Guth (Treas), Christine Hutchison (Sec), Nita Shannon (D1), Joe Horacek (D2), Tammy Setzke (D3), Deb Bergs (D4), Becky Armstrong (D5), Brenda Foriska (D6), Christina Hubbard (D7), Carolyn Charville (D8), Carol Fry (D9)
Dawn Guth Abstained from voting for herself, Christine Hutchison Abstained from voting for herself.
Motion 4: PotentialMoveof 2013 National Show Venue
A NALRC member has asked the Board to consider moving the venue for the 2013 National show to be held in conjunction with the 2013 West Coast Classic in Reno, Nevada. A bid for such a move was provided to the Board in a previous email. I ask for the Board's consideration on this move for 2013.
Motion failed unanimously (12 members voting):
Voting No: Cheryl Rafoth (VP), Dawn Guth (Treas), Christine Hutchison (Sec), Nita Shannon (D1), Joe Horacek (D2), Tammy Setzke (D3), Deb Bergs (D4), Becky Armstrong (D5), Brenda Foriska (D6), Christina Hubbard (D7), Carolyn Charville (D8), Carol Fry (D9)
RESULTS for Motion on 6-4-12
Motion 1: Opening a Bid Process for our National Show Locations
Currently the NALRC National Show is held annually the first weekend in May in conjunction with the Ohio State Convention show. Per the discussion among the Board this past week,there was support for the implementation of an open bid process for determining our National Show locations. Should we open this up and allow bidsfor our National Show to be held inother locations before we are a recognized breed?
Motion passed (12 members voting):
Voting Yes (10): Cheryl Rafoth (VP), Christine Hutchison (Sec), Nita Shannon (D1), Joe Horacek (D2), Tammy Setzke (D3), Deb Bergs (D4), Becky Armstrong (D5), Brenda Foriska (D6), Christina Hubbard (D7),
Carol Fry (D9)
Voting No (2):Dawn Guth (Treas), Carolyn Charville (D8)