February 2016 /
Child Find and Transition Guiding Questions
To help make sense of your data, meet with stakeholders to discuss what the numbers might mean. Stakeholders include your program staff, representatives from other early childhood programs in your community, and families. Questions to guide your discussion:
- Do your child find data make sense given the early childhood programs and notification/referral sources in your community?
- Are there early childhood programs in your community that do not make any notifications to you?
- If yes, who is missing? How can you make a plan to develop a better communication protocol and disseminate information to that program or community resource?
- Have you informed the private child care programs in your community about how to contact you when they suspect that a child in their program may be at risk for having a delay?
- Does the percent of Pediatrician notification in your LEA make sense?
- Have you contacted the office managers of the major pediatricians in your community and shared the “Physician to Preschool Program Notification Process” information?
- If not, then how might you develop a better communication protocol with your local doctors?
- With whom have you established a formal communication protocol when they suspect that a child in their program may be at risk for having a delay? (NC Pre-K, Head Start, preK Title I, community child care, etc.)
- For parent referrals, do you have a process in place that promotes timely screening of children for whom parents have contacted your LEA to seek a screening?
- Do you regularly conduct screening clinics for families in your community?
- How do you advertise these events?
- When you compare the number of notifications you reported receiving over the past 3 years, does the number appear to increase, decrease, stay the same, or vary widely?
- When you compare your percent of timely services over the past year, did your data increase, decrease, or stay the same?
- When you look at the data on the allowable exceptions, do your data make sense?
- When you compare your data with the state data on the allowable exceptions around “parents did not provide consent for timely evaluations and services,” did the comparison show your data to be greater than the state, less than the state, or about the same as the state?
- Can you explain why the number of cases fell into the category of “parents did not provide consent for timely evaluations and services?”
NC Early Learning Network is a joint project of the NC Department Of Public Instruction, Office Of Early Learning
and UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute