- Restroomsare to be used at recess. If a student uses the restroom during class time, that student will write their name on board and lose 5 minutes the next morning recess. They are to get drinks during recess, not class time. If the student is ill and needs to use the restroom because of illness, they will not have to owe their recess.
- Homework will be given out daily the first school day of the week. All homework is to be completed and turned in the next morning. Students will miss their morning recess if they do not turn in their homework. They will remain in the classroom and complete their homework.
- If a student needs help, they should ask the teacher for help during the morning recess, or after school. I am available to help students before school if I know ahead of time.
- The teacher has chapter books that she will loan to responsible students. They may use the book for no longer than 3 weeks. If the students damages or loses they book, they will have to pay for the book. These books belong to the teacher who purchased the book with her money, they are not school provided books.
- Respect everyone and their property.
- Listen carefully to the teacher.
- Do your best at all times.
- Follow all directions.
- Raise your hand to ask or answer a question.
- Stay in your seat.
- If a student breaks a classroom rule they are given a warning. The second time they choose incorrect behavior they will move their clothespin to “Think About It” and lose 5 minutes of recess. The second time they will move their clothespin to “Teacher’s Choice”, they will lose 10 minutes of recess. The next time, they will move their clothespin to “Parent Conference”, and the student will receive a phone call home from the teacher. These students will also write the Student Pledge. After they have paid back their minutes for recess they can move their clothespin back to “Ready to Learn.”
- Each table group can earn points during the week. At the end of the week, all the students at the table with the most points will get a prize on Friday. All of the students in the table groups can earn points for the whole table for being on task, doing their work, and following the rules. Students can also lose table points for their table if they disrupt the group and talk excessively.
- Grades will be based on completion of class projects and tests. There are no take-home projects unlessthe student is far behind and cannot get them completed in class.
- There will be no make-up tests given. All missed tests will be excused. This will neither help the student’s grade, nor will it hurt their grade.
- 90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
0-59% F
All students have an AR goal. First trimester is 18 points. Second trimester is 22 points (the points start over at 1). The third trimester is 26 points. This is a total of 66 points for the third grade school year. Parties and awards will be given for the students who reach the stated goals.
There are 3 scheduled field trips. The students will travel to Tulare Union High School in October to attend a concert by the Tulare County Symphony. Seating is limited and we are not allowed to have parents accompany us to the concert. They will visit the Tulare City Historical Museum (date to be determined). A maximum of two parents may accompany the class to the museum. In the spring, the students will visit the Planetarium and Historical Museum in Visalia.