Sample Responsible Vendor Statement
Question:Describe the qualifications of your nonprofit agency to serve as a “responsible vendor” consistent with the provisions of the NYS Comptrollers Bulletin G-221, including that: your organization has the legal authority to do business in New York, has a satisfactory record of integrity, has appropriate financial, organizational and operational capacity and controls, and has acceptable performance on previous governmental contracts. Attach a completed copy of a Grantee Responsibility Questionnaire (see RFP) to this grant application. Instructions for submitting an attachment to your E-Grants application are available in the E-Grants User Manual located on the internet site at If for any reason you are not able to attach a copy of the Questionnaire to your application, you may submit it to the NYS OHS by facsimile. Please write on the report the Project Number assigned by the E-Grants system to your application before faxing it to NYS OHS at 518-452-9314 or 518-457-5657.
Instructions: Prepare the following statement and substitute the information pertinent to your organization as requested in the brackets. You can copy this and paste it into the E-Grant form in the “Question” tab. Remember: you must also complete the “DCJS Grantee Responsibility Questionnaire.”
- {Name of Corporation} was duly incorporated under the {choose one:Not-for-Profit Corporation Law or Religious Corporations Law} of New YorkState on {date of incorporation}.
- As a duly incorporated New York State corporation,{Name of Corporation} has the legal authority to do business in New YorkState.
- {Name of Corporation}certifies that it possesses legal authority to apply for the United States Department of Homeland Security Nonprofit Security Grant; that a resolution has been duly adopted as an official act of the {Name of Corporation’s} governing body, authorizing the filing of the grant application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein and in directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the {Name of Corporation} to act in connection with the application.
- {Name of Corporation} has complied with all required state, local and federal reports and filings and has a satisfactory record of integrity.
- {Name of Corporation}has in place the appropriate financial, organizational and operational capacity and controls which would be necessary to effectuate the implementation of the United States Department of Homeland Security Nonprofit Security Grant should one be awarded to {Name of Corporation}. We have an annual budget in excess of {amount of budget}. We have annual audited financial statements. (if applicable).
- {Name of Corporation}{has/has not}been the awardee of governmental contracts. For those organizations with past governmental contracts, add: In the recent past {Name of Corporation} has been an awardee of the following federal, state, city or county grants: {list the grants (including name, agency, amount and date) received by your agency} with acceptable performance.