LOFT - Office Design Survey Comments

10/2/08 – Page - 1

Responses to the question, “What is the single most important use of your office space?”
Confidential Meetings
Confidential space to meet with colleagues
Many -- can't choose just one. Privacy most likely
Meeting with individuals in confidential manner
Copier and printers
Use of printer and copier
Printer, copier, laminator
Contacting region secretary/copy or print shop
Printing/copying (after the flood)
Ethernet connection for printer use
Gather and organize materials (inc print and copy)
Access to laser printer
Printing and copying
Desktop workspace and/or a place to put stuff
Space for working w/ documents-physical & computer
Organize and plan professional development
Desk, phone
Content Materials
Desk space/computer
A place to file, store and/or organize materials
Handling confidential paperwork-files, compliance
Accessing files
Office files
Organizing my work
Having space/ access to our equip, forms, files et
Storage of items I use for my work
A centralized location to keep my supplies
Storing materials
Private workspace to organize materials
A central place to organize the materials I use
Storing materials
Access to materials
Materials storage
Storing supplies
Desk/storage space
Space to work/store multiple pieces FM equipment
Storage of files and materials and a work top space
Storage for materials
To organize my work
A place to organize myself so I can be more effect
Organizing materials
I don't have one, if I
Space to get organized, make copies, etc.
Storage and organization of professional materials
Storage, organization
Storage of material and equipment used for working
Store things and work space
Planning and organizing
Storage of information
Access to my files
Storage/paperwork completion
Miscellaneous comments
Agency communications work
A place to report so that mgmnt can supervisor me
NA - I did not have office space
I have never had office space at the agency
A place to go when school are closed
No single important use /I home office
Access to resources
Access to agency infrastructure
No office space
I have none at GWAEA.
I do not have a workspace at any GW building.
My workspace is provided by the school. See kids.
Did not use agency work space
My office is in one of my schools.
AV Support
All aspects of my job as I do not have this space
Off-Site classroom space for children with autism
I share the space with other people and rarely use
Multiple purposes listed
Store and organize my materials & equip/print/copy
Space for computer--internet/printing/reports
Computer, phone & files together
Place to hold private mtgs and store conf. Files
Meetings - phone calls
Used 8 hours a day 5 days a week.
Accomplish my job responsibilities
Store unused training binders. HR issues, meetings
Printing, reports, collegial contact
Using files and equipment shared by entire dept.
Central area, use of amenities, work space, privacy
Central area for paper/computer work and equipment
Storage of materials, periodic contacts with staff
Material preparation and team meetings
Access to printing, laminator, and colleagues
Too many to list
The majority of my work is done at my desk.
Processing, computer, typing = my whole job.
Paperwork, space for material creation/organization
Work space for phone calls, computer, paperwork
This is where I do ALL my work, every day.
Paperwork, printing, research
Storage space and teacher work center
Business: phone calls, working on reports, IFSP
Resource materials, collaboration
Computer access and file space
To do my work in.
To have easy access to resources I need
Work area, copying, laminating
Paperwork, work with equipment
Work responsibilities
Conferencing with others, phone calls, printing
Computer and Filing/Organization
Organization and planning, use of printers, storage
Access to photocopier, colleagues
Need access to copiers, resources & peers
Easy access to resources within the agency
Equipment checking, programming, accessing files,
Location to make phone calls and store materials
to make copies or get media resources
home base to keep material and phone
Having filing space.. cabnets, printing, materials
PC and/or telephone listed as primary use
Sitting at a desk using a computer for reports
Place for my computer & phone
Counter top for computer
Agency phone
Checking voice mail, e-mail between schools; mail
Consulting via phone or in person, prep to teach
Connectivity - computer, phone, etc.
Desk for PC
Computer work
Consulting with internet software clients by phone
Writing IEP's, intensive plans, graphing data
E-mails, timecards, leaveforms, etc.
Printing, phoning, emailing
Internet Access
Computer work: internet and printing
An ergonomic computer workstation
Working on my computer
QUIET desk space for coding computer programs
Computer, emails
Communication with parents/schools/staff
Writing report
Making and receiving phone calls.
plug in computer, print/make copies, email
Computer/internet access & paperwork, printing
Meetings and team meetings
Team-based decision-making
Collaboration with others on team
Collaborate with co-workers on common projects
Collaboration with like job personnel
Meeting with staff
Collaborating with other literacy team members
Place to connect face to face with team members
To meet with people; confidential conversations
Collaborating with others in Early Access
Ability to easily collaborate with colleagues
Opportunities to collaborate with colleagues
A place to meet with people.
Touching base with colleagues
Meeting with individuals or small groups
Connecting with others in person in my department
Collaborative planning and preparation for my work
Proximity to colleagues, including secretaries
Meeting space for groups
Collaboration and meeting space
To support my staff
Working with team members
Collaboration with co-workers
Coordinating with other AEA staff
Place to meet with colleagues
As a common base to work with other educators.
Place to do work, paperwork, etc.
Getting my work done
My desktop.
It houses my desk which is where I work from
Review IEPs and complete other paper work
Space to work on projects
Completing reports/paperwork
Space for planning and assembling PD materials
Quiet, solitary workspace.
Quiet space to do work
Having a designated space to do my work.
Planning and materials preparation for outreach pr
Designing materials for sessions
Place to do paper work, print, make copies
Work space
Organizing materials
Quiet space to work materials at hand
Daily work
IEP paperwork
Having a space to concentrate and accomplish tasks
Work space with information near by
A place to sit down and work when I am in the building
A place for quiet & privacy to concentrate, dictate
A place to sit and work.
To do my job.
Daily work
Preparing for staff development
A private work space with access to my materials
Paper work, phone calls
To prepare lessons and activities with materials
Getting paperwork ready for the week
Scheduling screening sites/paper work/filing
Get things done.
A quiet place to work on paperwork
Quiet place to do office work
Desk top area to work along w/ file drawers
Research and planning for service to teachers/administrators
Prepare assessment materials for benchmarking
Completing paperwork (copying, writing reports)
Paper work/typing/phone
Paper work/typing/phone
storage that was unavailable in schools, home
Storage of things
To research and prepare for work with teachers.
Making booklets, supplies for others
Amassing resources for teachers
Production of teacher materials.
varied - lessons, reports, calls, all!!!
Quiet work space
Question 8: If your workspace was relocated or changed due to the flood, how has this experience changed the way you work and how you use your office space?
I jettisoned a lot of paper files that I realized I really don't use. I also home office now and then. It's almost as convenient.
Have to go to 6th street to meet with printshop and secretary, Careece
My home office space is less efficient, not as well organized. Not able to access to all the resources that I had in the 6th St office
I keep as much in boxes as possible so it won't be time consuming to repack/unpack again.
I work more from home because it's always there. Much more convenient, however, the exchange with fellow team members suffers therefore customer service suffers.
I sometimes feel unorganized. I have no desktop space with which to place all of the papers and files I work with on a daily/weekly basis. I miss my printer being at my fingertips, although it's not inconvenient.
Getting by with less space, takes longer to find something.
I've had to become much more organized! I have very little space at home to office. I've found myself trying not to make too many extra trips to the agency to get things. I thought I'd have too much distraction at home, but that hasn’t turned out to be true.
My workspace hasn't changed, just the ability to find people and get things from the Business office/HR
Less space for files, inefficient us of time and other services, doesn't "feel" like my office
I do not have an office at home, so materials have taken over!
More productive, work a more flexible schedule (start before 8 and finish well after 5 pm). More work is completed thanks to fewer interruptions by staff who are bored or not wanting to work.
Learn to make the best of what you have.
I have become more virtual. I need less of a footprint at 6th Street.
Limited meeting space available; difficulty to access printers, copiers, teacher work center for laminating, etc.
Much harder to stay in touch with co-workers; know what problems have been reported.
Working long hours due to flood-related demands. Shut door often due to noise distractions. Take work & laptop home often to catch up. Basic activities can be difficult - finding the info, access to supplies, support staff not close.
I work for a while and then organize and leave piles for copying, mailing, etc. I am currently working in a 3-season porch and really don't know what I am going to do when it gets cold because I don't have decent office space inside my house.
Greater mobility doing my work. I find new places to work. I feel a little more freedom in my workspace.
It has made coordination of my work much more difficult
I am cramped and stumble over boxes and materials in my office. I am learning to look before I walk so I don't hurt myself.
Slowed turn around time. Need more space.
Realize the need for organized files - enough space for files
Trying to hold training sessions and coordination of things have been very difficult.
Takes more time to do things. Don't have access to all of my files. Didn't know we would be displaced this long.
I can design pd in my home office and access the Internet. Customers must e-mail or leave voice mail messages for me to call them back. I'm traveling to the 33rd office more frequently during the workday, because of print orders, secretary support, meetings, picking up print orders, picking up mail, etc. Many of the supports taken for granted are operating very differently. Not very efficient for me as a consultant and hard to plan ahead. Previously I knew when I was to be in the office, and could plan pick-ups accordingly.
Using less stuff....
Carrying more things back and forth between office and home. More time on phone, less face to face with staff
I miss the regular interfacing with colleagues. I have purchased a new printer to address needing to print more here at home. I have cleaned out a lot of materials that had not been used over the past 5 years.
Inefficient. Working out of boxes and trying to find files. Trying to go paperless when possible.
Work is the same, just more inconvenient to get things done, like having to drive to the agency to send and receive mail.
Must be extremely organized. Materials are condensed... Makes it difficult to find things. Must have open communication with co-workers via internet/phone etc.
I have closer access to the things I use in my work, b/c it is all at my home. I have to plan more specifically to schedule time to get to the 33rd or 6th St. Facilities, when it was often a natural part of my routine for meetings, etc. And I could get more supplies, etc. It is harder to do that now.
We have taken the closet out for more space.
No change
I use my office space to organize and plan professional development, to contact district administrators and teachers
Don't have room for all my resources, files, etc. In my home, so find myself digging through boxes in my garage; no longer have access to a copy machine or color printer
I've had to become more organized as I have very little room at my house.
Do a bunch of work on the computer at home and then print all at once at 33rd
I've learned how to be more efficient with meeting schedules, etc.
Made me appreciate and value having my own office even more.
Since I'm working at home, I do not have space designated as a workspace. My "desk" is a lap tray set on the floor.
I don't have all my things at my fingertips. A large portion of my things are in long-term storage. I am not as productive as I was.
I still haven't had time to sort through and reorganize an efficient space here at home.
I have had to bring more of my materials home, since I cannot access them at the office anymore.
Takes longer to find things but getting easier. Takes longer to turn mail around.
I home office and have five bookcases and three tables in my basement. Love it.
Less chance for collaboration with colleagues. Seem to have lost designated "office time".
Have to use cell phone much more often. Discourage clients from coming to agency to meet.
I work from home, which is convenient. It's difficult to separate work from home--I work later and longer most of the time! I don't have access to a lot of the resources (printing, media center, colleagues, team materials, etc). I am less likely to collaborate with my team because I'm not with them. I am more isolated. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in the work because I have to plan collaboration much more deliberately. I socialize less.
I changed assignments this summer to districts located closer to my home. It made sense to be able to home office since I live closer to the districts as compared to the CR office. I have space at all the districts to work so spend my days at the buildings. The most centrally located district provided a room for an office where I was able to put all my materials. I have easier access to these materials and can carry less around in the car.
Work way more hours, have to be neater, not quite all organized yet. Need more storage space/file space
Difficult to print, going through materials (printer cartridges, paper quickly), home printer quality is not good, miss access to a printer
I have to be more planful of what materials I need to transport in my vehicle. I don't dialogue with my colleagues as frequently. I realized that I don't need to access many resources that stored in my office space.
I use my office space in a similar fashion, but it is difficult to complete print orders, receive tech support, pick up projectors, etc. And carry heavy books, materials and paper from the lower level of my home to my car, etc. I have already had to make numerous trips back and forth to 33rd Ave. And 6th St. To access the above mentioned services for which I am not being paid mileage.
Flood has not affected me
I do not have the space I need at home so I need to do most of my work at the kitchen table picking everything up at the end of the day. I also have to make trips to the agency for many things that were at my fingertips before.
My materials are in crates in the garage, basement, & my trunk. I paid$80++ for a printer, etc. I work many more hours-nights sometimes until 10:30 and definitely every 1 day during the weekend.
I have to think ahead much more since I try to work from home and at the agency at various times. I also am trying to offer my space to others when I can so that they can have somewhere to work.
I rely more on email vs voice mail. I have to schedule time to visit 33rd for printing, copying, etc.
Since I live a long way from Cedar Rapids, I'm having trouble finding space to meet with people.
Using the computer more and using e-mail more
I mostly use it for storage only. Wi-Fi is erratic, lighting is poor, heating/cooling are issues I need to work on. For phone, I am using my cell phone more to the point that I will probably need to buy a plan with more minutes.
It is just difficult not having my coworkers to answer questions since I have only been at the agency a year.
I was not relocated. In fact, my first day of employment with GWAEA was post-flood, 8/11/08.