Communications Work Group Meeting

July 19th, Madison, WI


In attendance: Holly Hayden (VT), Renee Railsback (CO), Aldo Villani (MA), Kathryn Donnelly, (MA) Brian Roberts (NACE), Courtney Dupre (LA), Terri Malek-Madani (NE), Keith Knapp (IA), Ashley Watson (IN), Pete Torola (MI), Susan Monahan (LTAP/TTAP Clearinghouse), Matheu Carter (DE), Carly Keane (MD), Scott Bershing (Eastern TTAP), Chris DelReal (Eastern TTAP), Kim Johnson (TX), Rebecca Mayher (AZ), Stephanie Cottrell (NH)

Topics discussed at Conference Meeting:

Website updating-Carly Keaneand ???offered to help input/add materials to CommWG webpage

Newsletter-Steph to assemble materials given by other WGs (1 per regional updates)-Bi monthly?

Updates: center sharing best practices

Pres. Message

Safety best practices

Partnership updates

Calendar events

(news Bulletin emails for other quick announcement updates)

What info will go on Newsletter, website, and email announcements? How many pages? Snail mail or email or both?

Need official graphic, font, color scheme access of NLTAPA for newsletter-whom to get this from?

Login issues-Rebecca will check with John Valet

Discussed getting web editing training via webinar from Chris Delreal. Additionally, open webinar training invitation to all WG chairs (or web managers). Chris Delreal to work with Rebecca Mayher to set up training.

Discussed having a Comm WG contact person to be assistant with web help-** create a “How to” document and create a link from Comm WG page.

Two points of contact?-what was decided? Who will be contacts?

Someone is needed to monitor and check content of all WGs. -Chris Delreal said a reminder to check/monitor can be set to time/usage criteria-is this something built into the web designer platform?

NLTAPA & LTAP.orgs discussions about not doubling efforts on calendar items; they are trying to link calendars to each other so when changes are made to one, both are populated. Susan Monahan, Scott Bershin and Chris Delreal are to talk to figure out the linking issue.

WG liaisons still being selected: Steph to follow up in August

Liaison should attend all Communications WG meetings

Joint Programs:

Professional Development WG: Amy Begnoche (NH)


Training Resources WG: Matt Carter (DE)

Exec. Committee: TBD

Conference Planning WG: TBD

Partnership WG: TBD

Action items that need to be assigned: Please select a task that you can help with (many hands make light work)

  • Creating a “How To” doc for web editing
  • Web help contact person
  • Getting NLTAPA font schemes/colors and logos for newsletter
  • Email announcement creator/deliverer?
  • Create or acquire distribution list for announcements
  • A person to monitor the NLTAPA website work group pages
  • Communications
  • EC
  • Conference Planning
  • Partnerships
  • Training Resources
  • Prof. Development
  • Safety

Adjourned 5:30pm